∞ sweet tea

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cross your heart, won't tell no other

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cross your heart, won't tell no other.

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"no, i promise you the booing was hilarious!" fernando laughed, gazing at serena on facetime.

"i dunno how hilarious it's gonna be with all the drunk crazies at dodger stadium." she smiled.

"i can take it. manny can take it so i can take it."

"keep feeling confident, tati."

"are you doubting my ability to ignore my haters?"



"what was the final score today?"

"14-3. i got 5 AB's and got walked in 2 of them, hit in 1. i hit the home run in my first. and then i got intentionally walked."

"sooo, basically only one real at bat?" serena laughed

"unfortunately, yeah. how'd it go down there?"

"pretty awful. we were supposed to start at 1:10, and then the game got pushed back to 6:40 which shot any plans we had for after the game. oh, and then we lost 7-2," she explained sarcastically.

"oh man, what happened?"

"blake had 4 long innings. threw about 25 pitches in each, but gave up no runs. bullpen blew it. everyone's tired from the WBC."

"it's okay, they'll get it done tomorrow."

"i hope."

"have a little faith, s. how'd our two runs get in?"

"the x-man."


"yep, homered in his first AB and then batted trent in an inning later. he's pretty cool."

"he is," fernando agreed. it made him a little sad knowing xander was playing his former position awfully well. but fernando knew how good of an outfielder he was becoming, so it made him happy to know he left shortstop in good hands.

"sorry, i didn't mean to revisit the shortstop stuff."

"it's okay," he assured, "besides, x and i talked last week. he wanted to clear the air and make sure there were no hard feelings. he felt pretty bad, but i understand my move to the outfield ultimately came down to the management. besides, i'm thriving!"

"that's what i like to hear!" serena grinned. it made her feel good to know xan actually talked to fernando like she suggested, "i wish you could've been here to see the way the dugout and surrounding crowd erupted when you hit that home run. juan got two pitch clock violations because he needed to inform the entire field of players you hit it." the girl laughed.

"oh, really?" fernando said through an unhideable smile.

"yes! everyone was so happy! they all miss you very much."

fernando sat back in his chair, cheery to hear about the support he had from everyone.

"do you miss me?" he smirked.

"what type of question is that?"

"hey, i'm just trying to make sure our airport scene meant something."

serena chuckled awkwardly, looking down before her gorgeous blue eyes found the screen again.

"of course i miss you."

the pair sat in silent for a moment.

everything felt so perfect lately, especially for fernando.

"i should probably go. i have a zoom meeting with some important mlb people that i'm filling in for aj for in like 10 minutes," serena spoke.

"okay. talk tomorrow?"


"oh, and s?"


"wil myers says hello."

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