⌖ running through rose thorns

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they whisper in the hallway she's a bad bad girl.

"serena! are you ready?" fernando yelled from downstairs. he practically lived at serena's townhouse now.

"yeah! coming!" she loudly returned, abruptly rushing around the room to finish getting ready. she quickly sprayed some perfume on her wrists and neck, slipped her shoes on, then pulled her clutch bag out from under a mountain of alternate dress options.

she was exhausted from getting ready, due to the fact that yainee and kacie insisted on helping her pick an outfit. the two women went through her entire closet through facetime and it was such a mess now.

fernando watched serena nearly fall down the staircase as she appeared in his sight. she looked gorgeous, but a little disheveled.

"you look beautiful!" he complimented, taking her hand and guiding her down the last couple of steps as she came close enough.

"thank you," she grinned, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"they're gonna love you so much," fernando assured with a tiny smile.

"they're gonna love you so much," fernando assured with a tiny smile

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the walk there was somewhat normal. fernando always felt like he could unapologetically be himself around serena. the feeling was mutual for her too.

however, fernando couldn't help but sense the intimidation in her words. he felt blameworthy for it. everything was happening so soon, but with their relationship moving this fast it needed to be done at one point.

he found it interesting that serena still hadn't mentioned her parents or family. from what he's heard about them they're also a little kookie though. fernando would've thought she'd at least talk about them a little bit though. he talked about his parents and how to disentangle their problems all the time.

fernando held the door open for serena as they entered the resturant. he could already see his parents seated at a table in the far back.

the pair politely greeted the hostess then walked to fernando's parents. they'd noticed them as soon as they saw serena walk in. his mother had seen her on instagram multiple times.

"hey guys!" fernando addressed, serena straightening herself up as he caught their attention. his mother immediately stood up and pulled fernando into a hug.

his father carefully got up and said hello to serena first. his smile had the same warmness as fernando's. the resemblance was immaculate.

"it's nice to meet you," he stated, unhesitatingly wrapping the girl in to a huge. an unhideable grin etched her face as he did.

instantly after, fernando's mom engulfed serena in a hug as well.

"you are gorgeous!" she exclaimed, resting her hands on serena's shoulders as she pulled away.

the girl responded with a small giggle, as mrs. tatís turned to fernando and expressed, "ella es hermosa!"

fernando grinned at her with a familiar shimmer in his eyes.

"my name is maria," she introduced, gesturing for serena to sit down in her chair.

both fernando and serena took a seat across from the tatís parents. serena was starting to feel less nervous after such a warm welcome.

the small talk went great. fernando could see that serena's amiable demeanor had charmed them with ease. as soon as he started to feel propitious about this dinner, his heart dropped at a single question.

"how did you two meet?" his father asked purely.

time stopped for fernando as he looked at serena worriedly. he'd explained to his parents that he was seeing someone... but he left out the fact of who she was. fernando never mentioned she was his psychologist. and they met because he was fucking crazy.

"i work for the organization, actually," serena explained, angelically taking a sip of her water.

"oh, really?" maria asked, interestingly.

"yeah," fernando added with a nod. he was anxiously searching for a way to change to subject.

"what do you do?" she continued. fernando held back from widening his eyes although he already knew serena wasn't going to lie to them. she didn't know.

"i'm actually the psychologist, i specialized in sport's psychology and it brought me to san diego!" serena expressed.

"oh," maria tatís slowly nodded her head. she slowly looked over at her husband, whose face was identically muddled.

serena froze as she caught their repulsed faces. she picked up on these ques rather easily... because she saw them all the time.

the girls eyes traveled to her boyfriend's beside her, who was staring intensely at his parents. a feeling creeped up on her. it was screaming that they were not aware of this.

the table went dead silent. fernando was still having a stare down with his parents, and serena was just sitting in the middle of it.

"i'm so sorry guys, mr. seidler is calling me. may i be excused?" she lied, slowly getting up from the table as tatís sr. smiled up at her.

the girl walked outside with her cellphone in her hand, finding a spot in the front of the building to throw her back against so she could look at the sky and ponder her life decisions.

meanwhile, back in the resturant a heated argument was starting.

"fernando! ella es fabulosa! pero... ella es su psicólogo?!" mrs. tatís grimaced. serena seemed like an extremely intelligent and humble person. but she was also the same person she absolutely despised her son going to when this therapy thing started.
(she's fabulous! but... she's your psychologist?!)

"tranquilo, por favor," fernando's dad ordered peacefully.
(calm down please)

"yo estoy tan feliz con ella," fernando pleaded.
(i am very happy with her)

"hijo," he sighed, "like your mom said, she seems great. we don't dislike her. i personally think she's perfect for you, but do you think this is going to look good for you? fernando tatis jr and his sports psychologist?" his father winced.

maria nodded in agreement with her husband.

"what if we keep it a secret?" fernando articulated.

"you have already posted all over instagram about your relationship. how are you ever going to manage that?" his mother frowned.

"no one knows who she is. she doesn't broadcast to everyone she works for the padres. she could be anyone for all everyone knows."

fernando watched as his parent's eyes flickered up to something behind him. they then looked back at him. serena must have came back inside.

"i'm so sorry," she apologized, sitting back down with her pageant smile still brightening her face.

"don't worry about it sweetheart," fernando's mother grinned.

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I didn't want to do this trust

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