snow on the beach

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time cant stop me quite like you did

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time cant stop me quite like you did

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"wow, way to let everyone know you'll never be in love with me," fernando sarcastically snickered from the driver's seat.

"heat of the moment," serena mumbled.

"it's alright, s," fernando affirmed, "i'm just a little tiny bit hurt. but, you know what?"


"i'm still going to take you on the best date you've ever been on," he assured, "and after it, you're going to be absolutely head over heels for ballplayers again!"

serena giggled as fernando's car stopped at her townhouse.

"i'm looking forward to it," she guaranteed, "thanks for the ride... and i enjoyed your rendition of blink-182's music."

the girl got out of the car, carefully closing the door. fernando watched as she pulled her keys out of her pocket rather sluggishly.

even while exhausted and worn out fernando still enjoyed her presence endlessly. even after her weary comment about their relationship earlier or her little joke of making him sing blink-182 in front of an entire ball club, he still felt something with serena that he'd never felt with anyone else.

it wasn't butterflies or an adrenaline rush when he heard her name.

as fernando began to drive, he didn't know how to describe the vivid feeling.

it felt like love.

maybe it was love.

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serena lense 👊🏽🩷

6 o'clock coronado in front of the del

is this for the date?

meet me there tomorrow night
before i gotta fly to AZ

okay okay
i will be there 🫡

if y'all got any ideas on how fernando fcks this relationship up do DM me! <3 ;)))

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