IS IT OVER NOW? (Blake's Version)

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oh lord i think about jumping


blake wasn't a cryer or complainer. he was outspoken at times, but never loud or blatant. he went along to get along, usually minded his own business when it came to business, and laughed when it was time to cry. that was all he could do, live the dream. live his own dream.

this season was his dream. he was the projected cy young, and had plenty of good starts. his dominance was that of the best. he was the best. he knew he could be the best. this was what he worked for. this is what everyone here in san diego helped him work for. he wanted his dominance to be here. he wanted his dominance to stay here, in san diego.

the trade rumors started a while back, but as the deadline loomed further in they got more prominent. it was a blessing and curse to be having the best year of your life just before entering free agency.

this wasn't the first time this year that he was overtaken with trade rumors. blake even faced them at the beginning of the season, and almost got shipped off to the angels.

but now, the entire mlb wanted him. the entire mlb wanted him and his team was struggling like it was 2021 again. the playoffs were almost out of question, and to the front office it just didn't make sense for him to stay.

for once, blake wasn't on the chopping block. he was on the trade market. every pitch could be his last for this city, every start could be the last for this team. the deadline was five days away. it was almost over, and there was no way for him to change any minds or convince otherwise. if they wanted him gone, it was out of his hands.

joe would insist he needed a miracle right now, and haeley joked he needed a spa day, but truthfully all blake needed right now was a serena.

he needed someone like her that knew what she was doing. blake needed someone like serena that could pull some strings, or at least offer some insight. no one else's opinions have mattered around here since serena left, not even bob melvin's.

even if serena were to tell him what he didn't want to hear, he'd still listen. he'd still believe her. he'd still do whatever she told him, even if it meant leaving san diego.

if serena said so, it was set.

but, there was no serena to say so.

the young pitcher didn't usually leave downtown or cross the bridge. growing up in seattle, he always preferred the city. he wasn't a big beach person, or coastal town lover for that matter... but the sand could provide some sweet relief today.

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