[Mina Ashido x Reader] Ice Cream

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"Kaminari no please I-I'm not good at talking with people you know that. Especially her" you whined and clenched your fists as you watched him laugh.

"Y/n you need to ask her I mean come on. Any body likes a sweet shy guy like you. If you ask me Mineta sort of ruined his chance with the ladies...how about I ask her for you and tell her it was your idea huh" Kaminari suggested with a grin as he crossed his arms. Kirishima smiled brightly at you as well as he nodded his head. You sighed as you glanced behind yourself at her. She noticed and smiled widely towards you. You panicked and waved back towards her before looking back at the guys.

"Yeah...I'm going over. This is for your sake only" Kaminari said with a shrug as he started to walk over. You covered your mouth in shock and anxiety as you watched him talk to her. Kirishima held your shoulder and smiled as comfort but for all you knew he could being telling her something stupid and ruin the whole chance for you. What would he be saying to make her smile like that? Your heart skipped a beat as you watched her brushed her hair away from her eyes and smile over at you as Kaminari pointed over. You ran your hand through your (H/c) hair and sighed...maybe she actually wants to go out.

As you came out of thought, you almost shrieked as you found her walking over with Kaminari. He smiled and gave you thumbs up as she skipped over like an excited child. What exactly did he tell her was all was all you could think. She seemed so happy as she skipped over, did she really want to go out with you? The shy kid in her class...you?

"Well then, Kaminari says you want to go out me to go get some ice cream. Of course i'll go with you, this sounds really fun" Mina said with a grin as she held her hands tightly. Kaminari nodded his head with a huge grin. You couldn't believe this was actually happening to you, it was just a big dream that you couldn't make come true. But now it is right here in front of you.

"Would you like to go in a few minutes since class ends soon?" She asked, bringing you out of your thoughts. You nodded your head slightly and earned a small giggle out of her. Why did she have to be so cute. As you looked at her the bell rang loudly in our ears. Meaning we could leave and do whatever we please since it was the end of teaching. She smiled and grabbed your hand, holding it in her soft ones. She waved at everyone and took off with you. Right before you seen Kaminari making a phone with his hands, signaling for you to text him.

She was just so excited to go out with you, your anxiety was starting to show since you didn't know exactly what to do. They didn't prepare you for anything, you thought she would want to go some other time but evidently Denki said something else. She slowed the pace some and you started to walk slowly down the street together, hand in hand like a true date. She started to talk about her struggles in class and all the guys that used to go after her. There was a bunch of stories from her, she even told you she used to go to school with Kirishima which kind of surprised you to be honest. You occasionally added on to her story and told some of yours as well. She seemed intrigued by every word you said. 

They say time flies when you have fun and that defiantly happened because it just seemed like we left the school and we were already at the small ice cream shop. You smiled at her and opened the shop door. She thanked you and walked inside, grabbing a hold of your hand as you waited in the line.

"What would you like, I'm paying"

"You sure, I have money"

"No I insist, trust me on this one. A guy should treat a girl right during dates" Mina blushed as she looked back at the menu and smiled slightly. She whispered what she wanted in your ear so she wouldn't interrupt the people in front of you. Soon it was your turn afterward.

"Hi how can I help you two?" The cashier asked as you walked up.

"Um She will have a strawberry ice cream and I'll have a chocolate" you answered and smiled as you handed her some of my money. She happily made your ice creams for you in a few seconds. You waited in the line while Mina went and got us some seats by the window. You smiled and walked over, handing her her ice cream before you sat down next to her.

"This is so nice, thank you for taking me out today Y/n" Mina thanked you as she licked the side of her cone so it wouldn't drip on her hand. You nodded your head and continued to do the same.

" I kind of wished I could have been the one to ask you though, I was just to nervous and couldn't get the confidence to actually ask" you sighed as you ran a hand through your hair. Mina laughed which got your attention but she soon cupped your cheek.

"That's what i really like about you, you're cute when you are flustered. When Kaminari came over I thought he was trying to ask me out and to bug me like he does every one mostly but when he mentioned your name. I couldn't help but smile and agree...truth is Y/n I really like you. I have always had my eye on you since day one really when we did our first training match. You always seemed like the strong but very smart type and I was right." Mina replied, her cheeks turning deep red as she ate the rest of her cone. Your cheeks heated up as you looked in to her pretty eyes. You leaned over and wiped some ice cream that was on her cheek and chuckled.

"You caught my eye as well, you were so out going and just wanted to meet everyone and for everyone to be your friend. You even over time made Katsuki hate you a little less. I have admired you for that and wanted to be more like  you to be honest. So I finally sort of gathered the courage and sort of asked you out in a way. It sure paid off" you chuckled as you wiped your hands with the napkins you just so happened to bring over. She nodded her head with a huge grin and laid her head against your shoulder as we watched people walk by outside.

"Would you want to go out again some time Mina, I really enjoyed my time with you today"

"Of course Y/n I would love to, this is actually the first time a date has gone this well for me in a long time. So thank you, to be honest with you I would go on a date with you any time"

"Thank you Mina"

"It's no problem Y/n really. So how about next week huh...I'm free Wednesday?"

"Sounds good Mina" you said as you glanced down at your phone to find texts from Kaminari asking you how it is going. Along with instructions if you got nervous. You rolled your eyes and sent a thumbs up with a smiley emoticon. Things were going really well with her and you had full confidence in you both dating. Now you just had to deal with the questions later once you got back. But you will enjoy all the time you have with her first before you worry any more about them. She truly makes you happy and you felt nothing could stop that for the both of you.    

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