[Uraraka Ochako x Reader] Adore you

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Quirk : Earth Manipulation : Control earth and rock

You walk in the hall with Shoto and Midoriya on the way to towards the front gates where Uraraka, Iida and possibly Tsu were waiting for you three. But as you heard Midoriya faintly talking to Shoto your mind went straight to her. You had been planning a big training session with each other for a while now and today was the day that Aizawa actually let you have the gym to train and of course he said All Might could watch and so could Cementoss just in case things got out of hand.

As you walked out the front doors you found them waiting for you at the front. Her cute smile and personality always made you just want to kiss her. She was just adorable to you and you hoped she realized your feelings for her.

"You guys ready to get this show on the road then?" She asked with a smirk as she placed her hands on her hips. You smiled and nodded your head, cracking your knuckles to intimidate her. She only smiled softly at you as she stood their. Of course everyone else could tell from the tension you both were building up with each other that you were going to fight. But truly you just wanted to make her a little bit more ready to fight. You loved her competitiveness and that was how you were going to see it.

"I figured that me and Y/n could fight since we have element based powers and Iida and Midoriya could fight since they have powers related to speed. Uraraka you can fight Tsu and we will see who will fight who afterward." Shoto said as he crossed his arms loosely and stared at you. You looked over at him with a smile and nodded your head, catching Uraraka roll her eyes from the corner of your vision. She was jealous she didn't get to fight you first.

"Sounds like a plan then....let's get going then we only have around one in a half to two hours from what I remember Aizawa saying" You replied and made your way over to the training area. 


You fought Shoto first since you and him were the two strongest besides Midoriya in your group. You knew he had a better hold on his quirk and was better trained then you but you still had tricks up your sleeve that surprised him as you fought. It was really close when it came to who won but at the last second he got a hold of your foot and froze you to the ground and then added on to it. If you couldn't move or were pushed out of the line then you lost.

You made sure to keep moving and to counter his ice with your rock but you just made a small mistake that made you lose. But at least he wasn't like Bakugou and rubbed it in, he broke the ice around you and gave you a hand shake. Saying how good your tactics were when you fought and discussed things that you both should work on. Then Uraraka had her fight, she looked absolutely amazing when she fought against Tsu.

She had this grin on her face before she fought that made you fall even more for the girl. She immediately went for the first attack and you knew Tsu was more of a defense type of hero then a fighter. Tsu wrapped her tongue around her ankle and through her as far as she could but as soon as she was about to cross the line Uraraka grabbed her tongue and made her float and lose control of her quirk since she wasn't used to being in the air. Uraraka took her tongue and through her out of the line with ease. 

It seemed like as soon as you thought someone was going to win something else happened. When you thought Tsu was about to cross the line she took one last chance and grabbed Uraraka again and tightened her grip around her wrist. Switching her places and was going along with the gravity. She through her out with ease and Uraraka let go of her gravity making her fall. But it was to late and she was already out of the circle. 

Your eyes wondered around her, she seemed sad but glad that Tsu won instead of her. She walked over to you with a smile and sighed as she rested her head on your shoulder.

"We can be losers together" you couldn't help but say with a laugh as she punched you lightly in the arm.

"Shoto discussed doing the winners against each other so we are out officially until they are done" You said as you were balancing rock in your hands as she laid on you. Crossing her arms slightly as she sat.  You glanced over and smiled at her, forming a flower with your rock and gave it to her. It was made out of Amethyst, you could make any type of mineral with your hands and you figured you could put them to some use. She looked up and smiled at you softly as she stared at the glowing flower she had in her hands.

"Thanks y/n, that's so sweet of you" She commented as she looked it over more carefully. Her eyes widened in amazement.

"I can also make armor as I fight too so when fighting I kind of have a shield as well" You chuckled as you ran your hand through your hair. She looked at you with a amazement and held your arm. You blushed red at her contact with you,

"Show me please" Uraraka said with a glimmer in her eye, you only chuckled as you made a mineral shield on your other arm and showed her how it was connected to your arm. She held your arm in amazement and it only made you blush even more then you already were.

"Your quirk is so cool Y/n, you could do so many things it's amazing."

"Well I think your's is amazing too being able to control gravity with just a single touch, it's incredible" You replied, watching her cheeks turn red.

"That's not true"

"Yes it is Uraraka....god I adore you and your quirk....you're amazing in so many ways it's unreal" You said as you rubbed the back of your neck nervously. She just stared at you wide eyed, did you say something completely wrong? You looked away from her nervously with a sigh knowing you probably did. But surprisingly you felt her wrap her arms around your waist.

"Thank you Y/n....thanks for adoring me.....no one has really ever told me that before.....I adore you too" You life just lit up from there, your smile was so wide you couldn't even shut it really. You were just to happy to even speak. But you couldn't show her that or else she would think you are weird.

"Now let's bet on who is going to win....loser has to take the other out for dinner" She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"So where to then"

"Do you just expect me to lose purposely?"

"Yeah I kind of do"

"Well you are right....I don't know where ever you want to go" 

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