[Sero Hanta x Reader] Prank Wars

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You walked out of your room early in the morning finally after a long time of basically breaking your alarm clock. Rubbing your eye slightly and fixed your night shirt so that it covered your stomach fully since it was slightly messed up from all of the movement over the night. When you were finally starting to get aware of your surroundings you heard giggling come from your left in the hallway.

As you glanced over in the hallway the first thing you saw was Denki taped to the wall, still half asleep with your boyfriend taping his legs next so that he couldn't escape even more. He held his laughter in well as he finished taping him and noticed you were there staring at this whole charade . He quickly made his way over to you and started to laugh as he wrapped his arms around you. He couldn't even control his laughter after that, letting it all go as he hug you which made you smile since he basically couldn't even stop to say anything.

"Oh my god Y/n this is the best, this prank war is getting bad so bad now" Sero chuckled as he pecked your forehead softly, trying to control hs laughter some so he wouldn't risk waking up the others in the hallway. You couldn't help but chuckle softly as you watched Denki slowly lift his head up from his sleeping position. Glaring at Sero as he struggled in his spot and tried to move from underneath the compacted tape that held him down firmly.

"Come on man I thought we said no night time pranks....this is fucking uncomfortable as hell" Denki said with an annoyed tone to his voice as he spoke, groaning as he gave up half way from getting out and just hung there in discomfort. Sero started laughing again and brought his phone out, taking a few pictures with him before slowly starting to remove the tape off of his limbs. Chuckling every single step of the way as he removed each piece from the wall that was attached to him.

"You guys are sooo mean to each other....this is why I stay out of these things" You said as you backed up and made your way down the stairs to do what you originally wanted to do. Get breakfast. 

As soon as you got your bowl filled with cereal you felt a small tape on your shoulder as you stood by the counter. You jumped and turned around to find Denki with a annoyed look on his face as he stood there with marks of the tape visible on his skin. He smirked slightly as he looked at you, something must have clicked in his head.

"Would you mind being in my next prank Y/n, i'll pay you just please hear me out on this" Denki pleaded as he held his hands together, shutting up immediately as he watched Sero walk out the front door of the dorms with Kirishima and Bakugou. He let go of the breath his was holding in and went back to what he was about ready to say. He leaned in to your ear and started to whisper the plan, you smiled slyly even though you felt wrong actually going through with the plan.

"And you said you would pay me 6000 yen if I go through with this?" You asked with a smirk as he ran his hand through his hair nervously. He bit his lip and nodded slightly, not wanting to give you the money at all but he needed to get Sero back with this prank he just had to.

"Come on then....they will be getting back soon, we have around an hour or two to make this work, let's get Mina to do your make up and set everything up." you knew you would feel bad after doing this but you kind of wanted to tag along in this game they were playing for once.


You laid down against your bed, the play knife was next to you covered in fake blood. Mina had done your make up early and it actually looked convincing to be honest. Your skin was pale and you had strangle marks across your neck. Your eye was covered in a black and blue mark and you had blood going down your chin and a slash across you arm. Denki finished up with everything and smiled as he high fived you quickly before glancing out the window. Freaking out since he seen them running inside since Kirishima made Bakugou mad. 

"Good luck, if it gets to be to much then just wake up....but be dead okay don't make the slightest movement" Denki said as he left the room quickly and made his way to his right down the hallway. You glanced over at the fake blood smeared league of villains spelled on the ground. You were so going to regret every second of this, and you worried about your relationship too.

"Babe? *knocks* I'm coming in" you heard him say, you slowed down your breath as much as possible. This was the moment of truth and you absolutely dreaded it ever second.

"Babe?! Y/n oh god Y/n no no" You could hear the sadness in his voice. he ran over towards you body after taking in the scene with his own eyes, knowing who "did" this to you from the fake blood on the ground. He fell on to his knees and shook your body as much as possible, watching as you fell further down from where you were sitting. He cupped your face and kissed your cheek, then your forehead. Running his hand down to your neck and then your wrist since he couldn't get a clear reading of your pulse.

You could feel his tears on your clothes as he buried his head on your chest. He sobbed your name quietly and hit the floor with his fist. Cupping your face again and opened your eye,

"Come on please baby please wake up don't leave me....baby I love you don't do this to me no no no" He muttered and sobbed, clutching your shirt tightly in his grasp like someone was taking you away from him. He couldn't stop crying, you felt so bad just hearing him sob in pure pain. You wanted to open your eyes and tell him it was okay but you weren't sure entirely if you should since this is Denki's prank on him. You wanted your money but this was to extreme for him. As you were about ready to tell him it was all a prank your bedroom door opened to reveal Denki with a smirk on his face. Sero lifted his head up from you and Denki noticed how heart broken he looked. You knew he felt so bad about what he had done, you could read it easily on his face.

"Sero man...it's all a prank dude listen to me"

"No it's not s-she's d-dead man"

"No she isn't Sero, I paid her to do this for me to get back at you....look it's fake blood she's fine" Sero looked at you as you stared at him with guilt. Tears starting to form in your eyes out of guilt when he wiped some away from your mouth. But he didn't seem mad no, he quickly engulfed you in to a big hug and pecked your cheek over and over again.

"Oh thank god...I didn't know what I would do if I lost you.....Denki you fucking idiot. I almost had a damn heart attack there you asshole" Sero said as he wiped the tears streaming down your cheeks. 

"Baby I'm so sorry, I thought it would have been funny to see your reaction"

"Never do that again okay, New rule no using relationships against each other" Sero said as he picked you up from the ground. letting you wrap your legs around his waist. Denki chuckled and nodded his head, sighing since he noticed how bad you two were crying.

"I'll clean up your room Y/n, in the mean time you two go get freshened up, you both look like a mess" Denki said with an apologetic look as he pointed towards the door with his thumb. With no hesitation Sero left the room and carried you down the hallway to his.

"I love you so much Y/n....please don't scare me like that again okay"

"I won't my love, I hated seeing you so heart broken....from now on I'll assist you against Denki" He smirked as he kissed the spot on your neck where no fake blood laid.

"That would be fantastic baby"  

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