[Denki Kaminari x Reader] Player 2

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3rd person

"Dude play Y/n then, I can't fucking beat you any time I try I swear. She's not doing anything but on her phone at the moment. Opportunity right in front of your face, you even said you wanted to play with her a few days ago " Sero shouted as he threw his control down on the couch and crossed his arms as Fatality flashed across the screen from Denki winning against him for the sixth time tonight. 

Denki glanced over and smiled as he watched Y/n sitting over at the counter with her legs up on the chair next to her. Her head phones in as she looked at her phone with a curious look. She tapped her foot to whatever beat she was listening to with a smile, playing with the ear piercing she had in pure boredom. Denki's cheeks started to heat up as he watched her sit, she was absolutely beautiful to him.

Bakugou rolled his eyes as he watched Denki basically drool over the couch at the sight of you. He couldn't understand why he couldn't ask you himself but he decided to just help him out some. Yes he wasn't as good of friends with Pikachu but he couldn't help but feel bad for him not making a move after all this time.

Katsuki threw his card down on to the kitchen table that he was playing with against Eijiro and stomped over to you since Sero wouldn't play any more against him. He took your head phone and lifted it up as far as it could go from her ear and let go. You whimpered and looked up at him with a frown.

Back to first person

"Oi what the hell you bastard!" you yelled as you removed your head phones from your ears Jirou had lent you. Staring at him with pure hatred for doing that, your ears were sensitive and he just had to hit them with the head phones.

"Pikachu over there wants to play with you since tape face raged quit on him after getting his ass kicked. Go over there for him shit head" Bakugou yelled as he clenched his fists in anger after being cussed at by a girl. you blushed and glanced over to find him staring at you with hopeful and curious eyes. you sighed and turned your phone off as you got down from your two chairs you was using. Glancing back at Katsuki with a smile as you walked over to him. Denki smiled widely as you came over and sat down closely next to him since Sero never got up from his seat on the other side of the couch. you grabbed his controller from the couch and pressed new player.

"Hopefully you can win Y/n because I can't get that bastard even if I try" Sero said as he leaned back and set his feet on to the coffee table in front. you smirked and chose Scorpion straight off the bat since he was the one you could control and memorize the moves out of most of them. you smiled and looked over at Denki concentrating on what he should be. you glanced over at Sero and smiled widely at him as Denki pressed proceed.

"Time to get your ass beat too"

"You wish, that is your outcome not mine" you replied as you got the first hit in on him which surprised him greatly. But to a default he had been playing more then you so he probably knew more attacks and combo's. you quickly fired his grapple and pulled his character close to yours. Hitting him with an uppercut then followed by a kick. Is he going easy on you or is that just how bad he is? 

But as you was in thought he took the time and hit your character three times followed by round house kicking him across the map. your brow knitted together as you set his legs on fire twice and punched him twice. His health was down below 50 and mine was above 75. you smirked as his grip on his controller tightened. you took your daggers and stabbed him in the back and through him on to the ground. He was getting mad at  you and you loved it. 

This continued on and you ended up winning the whole round all together. Sero hugged you tight and congratulated you on the win. Even Kirishima and Bakugou came over to watch us play. As soon the round ended Denki wanted to have another one as a rematch, like he couldn't believe with his own eyes that you actually beat him...let's just say he still couldn't believe it when you beat him again and again.

you glanced over to see him pouting slightly as he looked at the screen. The light perfectly on his face since the lights were off in the living room. Almost everyone had went to bed already except for us. you giggled as he set his controller down on the table and rested his head in his hands. Letting out a disappointing sigh, you smiled and hugged him from the side. Rubbing his back lightly as he sat there in silence.

"You're still good at these games Denki don't get me wrong, but I have had some practice too you know. Living with brothers isn't always easy and I learned some valuable stuff from them" you said as you laid your head on his back and rocked him back and forth. The couch creaked as we swayed, he intertwined our fingers as we sat.

"I never would have thought that you would beat me off all people. I don't know if I should respect you or beg you to teach me your ways?" He asked as he held his arms out, soon to rest his head against them in thought. you shut your eyes and listened to the bugs out side,

"You know with the two of us we can beat everyone's asses here right?" you muttered with a small yawn since it was getting really late in to the night on a school night. His back straightened from what you had said. He turned around with a huge grin and took your hands in his.

"That was an awesome Idea Y/n you are a genius I swear" Denki said as he lifted you up from the couch we were both sitting at. Twirling you like we were dancing at a club or something.

"Y/n would you be my player 2 and help me kick everyone's assess with video games from now on. I would absolutely enjoy spending this time with you" Denki offered to you as he held you in his arms. All you could do was laugh at him, he was just being so cute. you nodded your head  and let him hug you once more. you rested your head on his chest and just wanted to go to bed which you think he noticed.

"Come on then, you're getting tired and we don't want Mr. Aizawa to yell at you form sleeping in class...again" Denki said as he cupped your cheek and held your hand. It honestly is right, when you're tired or in an extreme situation your true feelings show. He has never acted this was towards you. It was always like a fun friendship with no thought of a real relationship. Now that is all you am thinking about with him as you look at him. Like butterflies in your stomach when you see your crush honestly. you whined and rested your head against his chest. Not budging from your spot since you was to tired to basically move. He chuckled slightly as he picked you up from the ground and carried you bridal style.

"We really need to start going to bed earlier" Denki muttered as you rested your eyes. Hearing his soft footsteps travel through out the house up to your room on the second floor. you tapped his shoulder as you reached your door, he let you down slowly so he wouldn't hurt you afterward. you rubbed your eye lazily and smiled at him as you leaned against your door way.

"Looking forward to being a team with you Denki...see you tomorrow at breakfast" you said quietly as you opened your door slowly and traveled in to your dark abyss of a room. He muttered good night as you shut the door, He stood there for a while since you couldn't hear his footsteps walking away. you sighed and covered your face with your hands and chuckled softly. you were falling for him weren't you?

After a while laying in your bed you finally heard his footsteps walk away from my door. Why did it have to be this way my charger. These feelings have never happened before ever....it's nothing right? Maybe you're just tired...yeah just tired. Just keep telling yourself that is all you thought until sleep finally hit you. But at the same time you hope it's not because you're  tired...it's just a small voice in the back of your head saying all these nice things about him...just deal with it tomorrow okay...tomorrow. 

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