[Fumikage Tokoyami x Reader] Jealousy

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Quirk : Force Field Projection : To create a force field around you or anything you chose, can also shoot your shields as well like bullets

After the sports festival it seemed like either class 1A got more attention or more hate from the classes below you. At this case it was love that you saw and you absolutely hated it because it was with your crush. Every day at lunch you would see the same girl from 1B sitting over with him or trying to get his attention. You knew Tokoyami better then that and knew he didn't like what she was doing to him. One day you just couldn't take any more of it. You walked over and smiled at him and at the girl only to get a glare from her in return.

"Tokoyami would you like to accompany me outside for lunch today, it is really beautiful out and I figured you could let me copy those notes I missed in class the other day" You said as you gave him a little nudge, letting him know what you were trying to do. He smiled softly at you and nodded his head slightly.

"Yes that would be a good time to copy them...let's get going then...you wouldn't mind if I ate some of your lunch?"

"Not at all I packed a little extra since I'm not going straight home after school" You replied as you let him take your hand. Walking out of the lunch room together and glanced behind to watch her look in jealousy.

"Thanks for the save....I'm not used to nor do I like this attention on me"

"It's no problem trust me, don't thank me" and with that you tried to save him as much as possible from that point forward and he saved you a few times from some guys as well. It was like a trust pact or something you made with each other. You even held hands just to get anyone to back off....which started to rumor of you guys dating short afterward and it was only a week until almost everyone heard. Especially  your classmates which you soon explained to them it wasn't true when you wanted it to be greatly. But you knew he had your back and you had his and you hoped it would stay that way.


It's been around two weeks since you started protecting each other in and out of school. You thought they would finally just screw off after a while but no one seemed to budge and they just seemed to hate you even more as the days went by. You walked out of the school building and outside towards the Training building. On your way their you noticed the first girl you protected Tokoyami from. She stood against the doors of the gym, preventing you from entering within.

"Could you move perhaps? I need to get by so I can start my extra training session"

"Fuck like any extra training session could improve your worthless quirk" She spat at you with a sly smirk, confusing you greatly.

"I'm just trying to get by, no need to be rude or anything" You replied, your brow knitted together in confusion. She only smiled, lifting her hand up and lifted some metal from out of the building. Lunging at you with full speed. You brought a force field up for your front but not your back. Feeling the metal beam stab your shoulder sharply. You screamed out in pain as you shut the force field around your whole body, cutting off the metal bit from the rest and pulled the rest out of your arm.

She laughed as you took down your shield and shot some at her in a smaller size to act like bullets. She dodged out of the way with ease and threw more metal towards you which you blocked. You looked up at the camera on the side of the building and mouthed help a few times before moving out of the way fully and shot more fore fields at her.

"Why couldn't you just stay out of the way of me and Toko~kun everything would have been just fine if you would've. He loves me not you" She shouted as she shot more metal towards you from behind. You couldn't put a force field fast enough and felt it shoot through your leg and out through the same side like thread. Another scream of agony came out of you and you bent down and held your leg in pain. Putting your force field around you so you could figure out some way to help your leg. She banged on the material and rammed her metal on either side of the force field. You knew you couldn't keep it up for long and it was starting to crack from lack of stamina.

"Y/n!" You heard a few shouts coming from the side. Tokoyami stood with Midoriya, Shoto, Tsu and Kirishima. You cried out in pain, realizing your force field with fully gone and metal went through you once more. Tears went down your cheeks as you stared down in panic, looking at the metal through your stomach. Blood started to drip from your lips as you tried to breath, feeling arms wrap around you and pick you up.

"Y/n Y/n stay with us....stay with me come on come on don't shut your eyes" You could hear Tokoyami say, the girl that attacked you was now froze and carried by Tsu's tongue. More tears flew down your cheeks as Tokoyami ran as fast as he could back in to the school. Dark Shadow came out and started to whimper at your condition, you only smiled as petted the top of his head while Tokoyami ran with your friends following close behind.

"You are going to be okay i promise, you are going to be okay" He said as he busted in to the nurse's office and sat you down on a bed, You watched with your vision barely there, seeing her come close. it was getting hard to breath and you could hear a faint heart beat on the monitor that was hooked up to you.

"t-toko....come h-here"

"Yes what is it Y/n, what ever it is I'll get it for you"

"I-I love....y-you..." You muttered, trying to breath but sadly you couldn't feel any air enter your wind pipe any more. It was all blood, that's when the machine had a long beep and you started at the ceiling, blood running down your chin and on to the sheets of the bed. Everything was black.


Tokoyami sobbed as he held your hand, still warm even though your body was now in cardiac arrest from the shock of everything. The Nurse only held his shoulder and was saying she could get some one to resurrect her from the grave if she didn't make it through this. Tokoyami agreed to the idea but never let go of your hand in his sobbing mess. he heard the voice of the girl that did this to you behind him.

He glared behind him and sent Dark Shadow towards her, strangling her as best he could even though he was pulled back by Midoriya and Shoto so he wouldn't kill her.

"She killed her, she killed her god damn it....it's all my fault....this is all my fault" Was all Tookoyami thought as he stared down at your possibly dead body. breaking down even more in to a sob. He just wanted you by his side right now....he wanted you alive, right beside him and with the name girlfriend....but sadly that would probably never happen and it was all the 1B student's fault.

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