[Eijiro Kirishima x Reader] About Time

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Quirk : Mass manipulation : to increase or decrease the size of an object using your hands

"Are you alright with this Y/n...I'm not going to make you do something you don't want to do and you know that" Fatgum said as he stood back from the map he had laid out. There were these villains that sell people on the black market that you were hunting down. Most of the hostages were women so Fatgum had said that you should go in like you're a new product and scope out the place for a few days. You didn't really know if you wanted to answer just yet. You could risk a lot going and taking cover there. What if they know who you are and decide to take you hostage.But before you could say anything you were interpreted by Kirishima.

"Do you realize what you are sending her in to, those people torture and starve their victims. I don't want her to go" said your over protective boy friend. But you wanted to be strong and that meant for you to do this for your team. Fatgum said a four day period which wouldn't be to bad right?

"I'm in"


"Kiri this is our only chance of getting some intell on the situation, There will be no other chance because this is their one opening we know about...I can carry a tracking device so that way they don't notice it and tell you where I'm at okay." He gave you a are you kidding me look and sighed as he wrapped his arm around you.

"You better be careful okay....I wouldn't live with myself if you were dead because of them" Kirishima said as he pecked your forehead. Fatgum smile widely at you two and gave you a thumbs up.  

"We give you to them in two days, we will get you ready. and Y/n you are pretty brave for this mission and I love that" Fatgum said with a cheeky grin as he looked down at the map. All you know was this was going to be rough.


Fatgum held you in his skinnier form in order to look like another person, Kiri stood right beside him with a wig on. Good thing Momo was good with this kind of stuff because you would believe that you and them looked completely different.

"Did you bring the girl?" One asked, a female to be exact. She came out of the shadows with a crow mask on. Her hands held tightly together in a firm stance. 

"Yes we did bring her....now where is our cut" Fatgum replied, changing his voice a small bit so he didn't sound the same as on T.V. She threw a duffel bag over filled with cash and held her hand out to you. You could feel Kiri's tight gripped on you, he really didn't want to let you go but he had to play this cool. Fatgum whispered in his ear and then walked you over to her. She cupped your face and stared at your facial features. You could see her evil grin underneath her mask.

"Pleasure doing business with you boys" She turned and walked off with me, leaving your team with their jaws open. She through you in to a car soon afterward in the back seat. Luckily you had a tracking device buried in to your skin so they knew where you were going. Now just play the weeping game.

"w-where are you taking me" You started to fake cry as you sat back there. Only to have a rag that smelled of chloroform cover your mouth. Good thing you had a tracking device.


You woke up and tried to move your hands from the bed you were laying on, gloves covered your hands which meant they figured out your power when you were out of it. What else did they find out about you then. You felt tears weld up in your eyes as you tried to struggle and move in the position you were in but the restraints were to tight.

"Well well, looks like I have a quirk holder on my hands. That's extra good for the business now at days..tell me girl what were you doing before your capture" You bit your bottom  lip as you felt a sharp blade slice your skin on your upper arm.

"I w-was on a date with my boyfriend and um....well we got separated because he heard something c-coming from an ally way and then I w-was captured because it was a decoy" You stuttered as you watched blood run down your arm. She seemed amused by your story since she just stared at her knife for a bit.

"A stupid girl aren't you....you don't realize what's out here in the world, what people do for a living that don't have quirks. I have made my living as you can see. You just need to open your eyes up a bot more." She said as she sliced you cheek open with a laugh since it was right underneath your eye. You screamed out in pain as you felt blood go down your cheek. This was only day one of this torture. You tried taking the glove off of your hand but it was grabbed by the lady firmly.

"No my dear, you do that and we will have some serious problems and we don't want that do we?" She exclaimed as she took the blade and cut down my arm again. You choked back on your sobs so it wouldn't make you look weak but the pain was unbearable. She held a flash light over your eyes and blinded you to see your eye color. muttering to herself as she wrote it down on a piece of paper beside her. As you dozed off you could hear her call for her henchman which walked in to the room. He squeezed your legs in a lusty way as he held them down for her to study of your body to fill out the paper even more. The bad thing was you were basically naked since she had to see almost everything you had.

"Don't worry love he won't do anything unless I say he can" She winked as I felt him rested his weight around my hips and lick my stomach. More tears fell from your eyes as you felt them around your whole body. You were so uncomfortable at that moment all you wanted was Kiri.


A few days past, the same things happened to you day in til day out until you passed out. You were covered in bruises, gashes and hickeys from her henchman. You were surprised when he didn't rape you but you could tell if she wasn't there that he would take that chance to. But as you counted you knew today was the day they would come and save you. They would send Tamaki in since they haven't seen him yet and make him buy you back. Or if that doesn't work they would rush in by force.

You moved your hurt arm and tried to get the glove off once more as you heard a small crash coming from down the hallway. The glove was almost off you could taste freedom, but it was soon ruined by her running in, grabbing your throat harshly.

"Why are their people here WHY!" You asked as she shoved your head back on to the table. You could feel blood coming from the back. She slammed your head back down on to the table firmly, you felt as if this was your time you were going to die. You couldn't do anything at all to save yourself. Your lungs were starting to hurt from lack of breath. You gazed in to her eyes and started to see black dots. Just before you thought it was over her body was flung against the wall by a octopus arm. You knew they were there just by that but since you couldn't move your head you couldn't tell who.

"Baby oh my god what did they do to you....oh baby I'm so sorry, you should have never went here." You felt the straps holding you down release and the gloves were pulled off of your fingers. You were sobbing as you felt your boyfriends strong pair of arms hold you tight. You were so weak from barely eating and the wounds that he had to hold you up. Your team studied over your body, over everything that they have done to you. You could see them all glare and just like that Fat Gum and Sun eater ran back out to go and finish off the rest.

"k-kiri" you voice was hoarse as you spoke his name. His grip tighten around you once he saw the hickeys. But more importantly all the damage and bloody bandages that were around your limbs. He kissed your dry lips and cupped your cheek.

"we are getting you out of here now and straight to the hospital....you shouldn't have gone here, god why did I let you. You must have emotional scaring. after all this and it's my fault" That he was right about, you weren't used to this kind of physical touch. He pecked your forehead one last time before heading out the door you never thought you would go out of and out of the abandoned factory. 

"i-it's not your fault kiri" you whispered  as he brought you over towards the car that brought them there. He laid you in the back seat with him and grabbed the medical kit already to change your bandages and  add many more to your collection you had going on. You felt your eyes drift away and your eye lids close. Finally able to actually relax after being out of that building but more importantly with your family and your boyfriend once more.

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