[Sero Hanta x Reader] Wings

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Quirk : Dragon : Can fly through the air and use powerful force with your wings

"Y/n when will you show us your full power, I mean as amazing as you are now you must be ten times more powerful" Kaminari asked as he took a sip from Sero's drink, handing it back to him soon after.

"I would love to see you in your full form, you would look so beautiful" Mina chimed in with an excited look on her face as she gripped the table. Your cheeks were beat red, you never wanted to show anyone your wings or your full form. You felt as if you would scare them all away from you. That you would be hated for the way you look.

"I think you would look outstanding, plus it would fit your costume" Sero commented, running a hand through his hair nervously. You covered your face with your hands and heard them laugh.

"Awe you made her blush Sero" Kirishima said as he patted your shoulder.

"I so ship you two" Mina squeals as Kaminari laughed slightly. As you were having a moment with the gang you heard something from the outside. Your eyes flickered in to slits as you glanced around, senses heightened was one of the positives of your quirk.

"Hey what's wrong?" Sero asked as he placed his hand on top of yours. That's when you heard the window crash open. Guns blazing inside from a set of twins. That was their quirks, good thing it was only you four in the lunchroom. You felt yourself turn half way. Your wings spread out to cover all of them. The bullets only dented them and never went through. Horns formed on your fore head and your teeth sharpened.

"Stay behind me" You growled as you watched the set of twins fall from their advantage of height. Then came another, they must be just a small gang of villains but that doesn't explain how they got in in the first place. Could one of them possibly have a portal quirk? The other guy held his arms out, smoke came from him, possibly to cover where they were or to use as protection.

"We need to find away to alert someone" Kaminari starts to panic behind you. You felt a familiar pair of hands touch your wings softly. He ran his hands over the scars that stretched over them.

"They are beautiful" he muttered underneath his breath.

"Mina go and find a teacher, you can have some speed since you can slide on your acid" I yelled feeling a bullet finally go through my skin where I was most weak. Then one through my arm, damage to them not the area. This is your home and they broke in. Protect your friends from them at all costs and with as little damage as you can deal

"Sero tape at smoke guy now" you yelled as you watched his type hit his legs. He couldn't move, then more covered his body. You glanced over towards the twins watching them cover each others backs. You blew fire towards them and took them off guard for a second.

"Kaminari fire 1,000 bolts, if they can handle 2,000 but don't over do yourself bud. Don't want you going stupid on us now, we will have Jirou make fun of you later." You chuckled as you heard him groan in annoyance. You covered Sero quickly up in your wing as you watched the electricity get fired across the room where the plate he had shot landed. You blew your breath at them again and cornered them. But as you let your guard down another shot was fired. You covered Kaminari quickly but your wings weren't fully covered or formed like before. The bullet went straight through.

"Y/n!" They both yelled as you yelled out in pain. You through Kaminari and Sero towards the door with all your power. Hearing them yell your name. You flew swiftly towards them, maneuvering every object in the room. You picked them up and through them against the ground with hard force. As their bodies hit the ground you started to feel dizzy. A side effect from to much use without using your quirk fully. Your body started to shape in to it's normal form from your energy draining. Just as the guy lifted his arm up to shoot tape hit his arm and brought it to the ground.

Your wings started to fade and it left you with a ripped shirt and two wounds in your arm. As you started to feel light headed you felt a strong pair of arms hold you. A jacket was placed and zipped up around you to keep you covered. Your eyes were barely opened but you could see him tape them down like the other guy across the room.

"Hey hey keep your eyes open (nickname), come on stay awake" Sero said as he cupped your cheek. You smiled slightly and yawned as you looked up at him.

"You saved our lives Y/n, I owe you my life right now.....why did you want to keep your full quirk a secret? Your wings...t-they are so beautiful and you god you looked amazing I-" Your eyes turned and your wing was formed again and fully stretched out, covering him as one of the guys tried to fire once more. Your wing was strong enough but you couldn't hold it for long.

"I brought Aizawa and Present Mic....oh you guys handled it" Mina yelled as Kaminari started to stand up from the ground. Your wing disbanded and was back to normal.

" I thought you guys would think I'm scary and that they look ugly so I kept it to my self" you said as you clutched his arm and stood up from the ground. Your energy was slowly regaining but your arm still hurt like hell. Sero glanced over and started to wrap your arm where with bullets went through.

"What happened here?" Aizawa asked as he crossed his arms.

"Villains broke in through the window while we were hanging out. Y/n saved us all with her quick reaction time. This is all her doing" Sero said as he wrapped his arm around you to keep your balance. Aizawa glanced at us both noticing that his jacket was over you. He only sighed and glanced over at Present Mic gathering up the villains.

"You finally used your quirk at full power huh. It took a reaction time in order to fully show your power. I'm proud of you all for doing this on your own, now let's take care of your wounds and tell the principal about this" Aizawa said as he motioned for you two to go along with Kaminari to the infirmary. Your knees felt wobbly as you started to walk, you felt your legs get picked up from underneath you.

"I'm sorry for flinging you and Kami across the room, it was to save you two"

"Like I said don't mention it, you saved my life twice"

"You saved mine too"

"I said twice so....now I owe you one okay....how about dinner or some coffee?"

"You want a date huh?"

"Yeah why not, been wanting to for a while now actually" you blushed slightly and covered your face with your hand. No wonder he was always so nice to you, what a guy.

"Hey remove your hand, I think it's cute when you get really flustered" you wanted to hide yourself more but he only smiled and made your self feel safe.

"About what you said earlier, I would have never thought you were scary. You are truly awesome okay. The others wouldn't either...I don't want you to feel that way okay, just promise me you wont hide your quirk any more" you smiled as you looked and seen that the infirmary was right there.

"I wont hide it any longer okay, promise"

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