[Jirou Kyouka x Reader] Hostage

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"Get on the fucking ground you dogs or every one is going to get killed here do you understand. Had over the fucking money or else!" One of the bad guys screamed at us as we were on the ground getting our wrists tied behind our backs. you were just sitting here trying to get a few bucks out of the bank and then this happens to me. Fantastic am I right? 

you rolled your eyes as you were shoved to the ground forcefully for evidently not cooperating enough for them. They even pulled a knife to your neck at one point in time. you sighed as you glanced down towards the ground, hearing the person next to you hyperventilate in anxiety. Who would save us, did they even know we were in trouble. How is this going to end? Thoughts were flooding your mind as you sat and waited for our demise. you could over hear them talking to each other quietly while the others continued to tie people down.

"Please she needs a doctor, she's having a panic attack right now" A woman in her early twenties maybe even 18 years old pleaded as she held her friends back and tried to help her breath more evenly. One of the guys walked over and grabbed her by her collar and shouted at her after ward. Leaving the poor girl on the ground. you shuffled over and we telling the girl step by step how to regain her breath. Slowly watching her breath normally over time. The girl smiled at you as the guy let go of her. She had purple short hair and a band T-shirt on along with a leather jacket and a choker. She seemed pretty cool from what you could see but you had to focus on the girl having an anxiety attack right now.

"Your going to be okay alright...trust me" you said as your hands had a small bit of light around them. you kept your Quirk a secret from them so you wasn't a big threat but your sure they weren't looking over at you.

"What is your name" The girl with the choker asked as she held her friends hands and lifted her up from your lap and on to her's.

"Y/n and you are?"


"Well nice to meet you...even though I would have liked to meet in a different place and situation then this...I'm pretty sure I seen someone bring out their phone a few seconds ago I think they called the police."

"That's good...I'm in U.A and since I don't have my license yet I can't fight any one at all for the time being. Sorry"

"No it's fine, you wouldn't want to get in trouble any way" you smiled at her and fixed your pant pocket slightly.

"HEY NO TALKING TO EACH OTHER YOU HEAR ME" another guy screamed as he fired towards the ceiling. Scaring both of us instantly. you shut your mouth as glanced around the room to find something to help us in the situation. There had to be something right? 

"We need to find a way out of here and quick" Jirou said as she set her friend against the wall.

"I SAID NO TALKING" The guy shouted again, you quickly jumped in front of her, realizing what was going to happen as the guy brought his gun out and faced it towards her. The gun fired and you felt pain in your shoulder. you bit your lip to hold back the scream as pain shot through your body. The guy rolled his eyes as the bullet casing fell out of his gun. muttering cuss words underneath his breath as he walked off. Jirou quickly crouched in front of you and touched your shoulder where the bullet went. you let out a groan and pain washed through you. 

"T-The bullet didn't go all the way through...we need to get you to the hospital now!" Jirou said as she rolled up your sleeve and watched the blood roll down your arm in multiple spots. She cupped your cheek with her hand, a reassuring smile on her face. you grabbed a hold of her wrist and shut your eyes.

"Don't worry about me Jirou...I'll be fine" you replied with a sigh as you started to stand up as best as you could, supporting yourself against the wall.

"Are you sure?" She asked as a concerned look. you nodded your head with little movement as you started to walk away from the wall. The bad guys moved over to the safe room and the other guy keeping watch was already occupied with the police outside surrounding the are so far. you glanced back to find Jirou looking over at him. you smiled slightly as you crept up behind him and wrapped your arm around his neck, your hand covering his mouth for him not to alert the others. As time passed he finally shut his eyes and weakly fell to the floor. you grabbed her hand and opened the doors to the bank. Running outside and towards the police with the best of my ability.

"We need an ambulance quickly, he's been shot" Jirou said as she held your hand tightly. you just met her today and you already have these feelings like butterflies are in your stomach. As The cop started to escort us to the car we heard more gun shots go off in and near the entrance of the building. One of the guys stood in to front with his gun facing towards us. you were moving to protect her once more but as you moved you seen what looked to be extension cords coming from her ear lobs. They shot out and pulled his legs out from under neath him, causing him to fall and crack his head on the stairs. So that's what her quirk was then. She started to walk with you again to the car after ward like nothing even happened. But you guess that was her owing you back since you saved her.

"Ambulance right?" The police officer said as he started the car. Jirou nodded her head as she examined your wound once more before fastening her seat belt.

"T-Thanks for the save back there" 

"it's no problem Y/n, you saved me back there as well. It's the least I could do"

"But really thanks...You're going to become a great hero one day I just know it" you replied and smiled widely at her as her cheeks heated up from your compliment. you sighed as you faced your attention towards the window and watched the town go by.

"Let's just hope no one got hurt other then me though" you muttered and the negative thought entered your mind as you were thinking about your wound. you looked over at her for a quick second and noticed the features on her face more clearly. Her freckles on her nose and cheeks or her smudged mascara from rubbing her eyes. She just seemed so cool and sweet. you smiled to yourself as you rode in basically silence to the hospital. Wanting to know more about the girl who saved your life each and every mile the we drove.

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