[Shoto Todoroki x Reader] Warmth

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"Why did only some of us have to train out in the cold Mr. Aizawa?" you asked as you hugged your arms to your chest as you walked in the snow. Hearing Kaminari's teeth chattering as he walked close next to you to try and get some warmth. you were even half tempted to shove him over in the snow but you understood why he was trying to get close. Plus he was the less pervy one out of the Pervy duo any way so it was sort of fine you guess. We haven't even had a snow ball fight ever since we got here and with your personalities all together we would probably goof off some.

"Because Y/n some of you should have some extra training. During the tests you did fall behind some and others failed so that is why I took all of you out here in order to experience a different environment the the normal woods or city we usually train in. It helps your body get used to other environments that you will probably rescue people in once you become a pro hero" Mr. Aizawa said not even affected by the cold from what you could see. Not even a shiver just the foggy breath. The bad part was you didn't have a Quirk to warm you up, you could control objects with your mind. That doesn't help you at all.

Training went on for around an hour or two, Mr. Aizawa said he went easy on us since he figured your toes would be frozen off by now from the weather. you swore you couldn't feel any part of your body any more after what you have just went through. Mina even had to use some of her acid on her skin in order to get some ice off. you just wanted some Hot chocolate and a fire place, maybe a warm bath if no one is in there already. But with your luck someone is probably already taking a bath. Usually all of the bathrooms are taken when you need to go, it was just a curse you had you guess.

"I am very proud of you all with standing the cold tonight, it shows strength from with in and the determination to survive out in the cold. As I said in homeroom today you have tomorrow off so that should be enough time to get the ice off. Good night students" Mr. Aizawa said as he went his separate way to his room as you piled inside. Everyone stared at you in shock at how much you were shivering.

"I h-hate the c-cold" Sero said as he held himself tight. Walking over to the small heater we had and just sat in front of it. Mina and Denki took off upstairs for the bathroom probably and you just stood there with Kirishima in shock. Bakugou came over and rolled his eyes as he threw his blanket at Kirishima and went back to the couch. He glanced over at you with a smile to show that his friendship was actually growing with him which surprised you greatly. you sighed, everyone was getting warm except for you...might as well go up to your room and try and warm up in your bed.

you made it up to your floor and over in the girl's hallway. you opened your door but heard someone else's open from the boy's hallway. There stood Todoroki messing with his hair, that was right he wasn't down stairs when you came in. you smiled softly at him and walked in to your room. your lips were probably blue at this point to be honest. As soon as you walked in you fell face forward on to your bed, letting out a groan as you laid there. But as soon as you let the groan out someone knocked on your door.

"Come in" you groaned not even lifting your head up from your blanket. The door opened from what you could hear and then closed.

"How was training" Todoroki asked as he sat down on your bed. you sighed as you rolled over and looked in to his two different color eyes. He smiled softly at you, you rolled your eyes and curled up in a ball away from him. Still shaking from the cold which you're sure he noticed.

"I'm guessing it was bad then" He said with a small giggle as you whined. Suddenly you felt the bed dip in behind you. Arms wrapped around your waist from behind and you could feel pure heat radiating from him. you honestly forgot that he had fire as half of his Quirk. your face went red as he held you, he has never done this before to you. Was it just to warm you up and that was it. He rested his head against the back of your neck, you could feel his warm breath against you.

"You feel any warmer? You did feel cold. I'm surprised that Mr. Aizawa made you guys do that"

"Y-Yeah...he said it was to help us g-get used to the elements when trying to save civilians"

"You sure you're warm, you still sound like your teeth are chattering" you blushed deep red, it was because of him. you sighed as you rolled over and laid your head against his chest. Closing your eyes so that way you could fully enjoy him while you have him here. He rested his head on top of yours.

"Stay with me Todoroki...I'm tired and you are my new heating pad" you said as you snuggled up closer to him. your face was beat red and you didn't want him to notice. you heard him sigh and he shifted to get more comfortable. He moved you up to the pillows and moved them so he could lay his head on top of them.

"You are so cute when you're flustered" He muttered as he shut his eyes. you gasped as you heard his comment. He did he have to be so nice.

"Shut up Todoroki" as soon as you said that his cold hand went on to your arm. you squealed at the sudden touch and went back in to his arms.

"It's true though so believe me on that"

"Sure Shoto, sure" you said as you hung your arms over his upper stomach and shut your eyes. It was so peaceful in his arms and warm you could fall asleep with ease. Just him wanting to lay with you makes you happy on top of being warm again. Mr. Aizawa bring you outside for training all you want because you have a secret weapon to warm you up when you are done.

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