[Eijiro Kirishima x Reader] Tattoos

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"Shitty hair have you ever noticed the tattoos your girlfriend has over there?" Bakugou pointed over at you as you trained. Kicking his foot off of the ledge he was sitting on top of. He watched as you smashed the cement columns that Cementoss created for you so you could train more efficiently. Kirishima glanced over at you with confusion and seen the glowing ink across your skin and underneath your green tank top. His cheeks heated up as he watched you, you looked stunning to him with the designs across your skin. It made him smile brightly to see you in action.

"No Bakubro we have only been dating for around two going on three months now and even then she never wears any tank tops around me....only my clothes and her hoodies actually....but mostly my stuff because she hates doing the laundry" Kirishima replied with an image of you in his mind with his clothes, making him smile widely and he chuckled a small bit. He knew you so well already and it's only been three months. Causing Bakugou to groan in annoyance as he looked at the red head, seeing how love sick he was. But Kirishima's eyes studied you intently, watching your body move and smash the cement with ease cause of your super strength. His eyes darted everyone and he eventually had to be hit by Bakugou to grab his attention.

"Go ask her where she got them from since she's taking a break so I can have my turn with block face over there. I would kill to get on of my own." Bakugou said, kind of complimenting you in a weird way. Kirishima nodded as he skipped over towards you with a huge grin on his face. Watching you set you jacket to the side so you could grab your water bottle sitting against the wall. Sneaking up and grabbed your waist, hugging you tightly. You laughed as you set your water down and excepted his hug in front of you.

"What are you doing silly I just got done and I'm very sweaty from working"

"Well I wanted to give you a hug....quick question how come you have never shown me your manly tattoos you got there...they look so cool especially on you" Kirishima said as he held your arm out and studied the now normal ink that wasn't glowing. Your cheeks went red as he looked over your shoulders and back. You didn't realize they could see them, all of your T shirts were in the wash back at the dorms and you couldn't train with a long sleeve on. Why did he have to notice them,

"Well um I got one done on my shoulder around 15 since my dad has the same ones.....I have the same quirk as him except mine radiates a different color. His radiates orange and mine is a well green from what you have seen. After my dad left for the US around 4 years ago for hero work I kept adding on to it. Because it reminded me of him since he well left and I lived alone for a while. Plus it helped hide the scars left from my Aunt" I continued to say, watching his face change completely from a smile to a quick frown as he looked you in your eyes.

"Y/n I'm so sorry about that" Kirishima said as he looked even more sad.

"As you know my mom died when I was around 10 going on 11, My Aunt came and moved in around when I was 12 because my dad couldn't take care of the house and me at the same time as his work even though he tried his hardest to and with my help....I told him I would be fine but he insisted on bring in my Aunt from my mothers side and well.....it's been hell ever since....I miss him though....very much....but any how I haven't actually added to it recently" You smiled, feeling Kirishima cup your cheek softly.

"Are you alright babe, you never told me about your Aunt when you were younger" He asked with a concerned look on his face. Staring in to your E/c orbs.

"Yeah I'm just fine babe, but I would like to continue on with it maybe further down my arm....would you want to get one with me?" You asked with excitement, he smiled widely as he kissed your lips.

"That would be awesome....wish mine could glow like yours. Your so manly and hot" He said with a toothy grin. You powered up your Quirk and he watched with more amazement as your tattoos started to glow bright green. All the symbols and tribal up your shoulders glowed through your shirt. You punched the air and watched as both of your hair moved by the movement. He giggled as he picked you up off your feet and swung you around with all of his strength.

"How did I get stuck with such a cool girl friend like you?" He asked with a huge grin, letting you wrap your legs around his waist.

"I don't know...but answer me this. How did I get such a handsome boyfriend" You replied as you pecked his lips, He giggled softly as he spun around and held you. Giggling like a child as you let go of your arms on him and let him swing you around. Soon holding him again in to a tight embrace.

"I love you so much"

"I love you too"

"Hey ass holes over there let's fucking get going and grab some damn dinner already.....I'm fucking starving over here and so is tape dispenser and dunce face" You turned and seen  Bakugou clutching his fists, sweat dripping off of his forehead. You chuckled as you gave him one last peck before he sat you down on the floor again. Clutching your hand in his grasp as he intertwined your fingers.

"We could never answer how we got stuck with each other but all we can do is appreciate what we have now." You muttered in to his ear and watched him nod in agreement.

"Come on then....we better get going or he is going to beat Kaminari to a pulp if he doesn't get his food" Kiri said with a chuckle. Laying his arm around your shoulders loosely with a grin. You couldn't ask for anyone better then him as long as you lived. Nothing could express how thankful you are of him in every way. You were just glad he excepted your choice of Tattoos it made you really glad that he understood. Why were you worried, you knew he would look at them in a "manly" way as he likes to say it. 

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