[Shoto Todoroki x Reader] Always & Forever

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You have always had your one friend in your land of horror, he was just always there for you when you moved from place to place. You were used to the move, the many different schools, the new guarding area's around the house. Your parents were villains on the run, you were ashamed yes, of everything and anything in your life. You have always told yourself you were going to become a hero, someone who only villain's fear when they hear your name.

And that friend was the only person that believed in you no matter what...even when he found out about your hell of a life he didn't turn you away like you thought he would. When you tell him and run away out of fear of losing the only person that keeps you sane enough to function. No, he stood by your side when ever you needed him he would be right there waiting. That's why you loved him dearly, he was your real family in your life.

On the day of your parents finding out about how much you cared for him they immediately started packing again. But not for another town no, to the US. Far away from him is what they said so you wouldn't become contaminated with good. You were only in elementary, you didn't understand why or how they could do that to you. You felt the only way to get away was to run, you didn't want to leave the place, you wanted to stay, maybe even go to UA when you were older. Yet as you were planning everything out your parents were one step ahead of you every time you tried. 

The day of leaving was the worst, you were on the bus with him. Usual seats right next to each other. You apologized to him with a soft grin, trying not to cry but really all you wanted to do was sob in to his chest. He looked at you confused, the boy with multi colored eyes asked what for non stop as you chuckled. But you wouldn't answer, all you felt was a stabbing pain in your heart as you looked at him. You sighed and let a tear roll down your cheek, catching his attention as you looked away from him. Then he realized as he seen your house, your parents holding rope behind their backs and the moving truck was right in the driveway.

"No no no Y/n you can't leave, what are they going to do to you. No you can't" you remembered his words clear as day, how he held your held tight as the bus came closer. You muttered you tried to escape several times to him yet it's like he couldn't listen to a word you were saying.

"I'm sorry Shoto....maybe we can see each other again....on the same side of the fight....good bye my friend" You cried as you pulled away from his hand, ignoring him screaming your name as you walked off the bus. You felt your hands be tied behind your back as he pounded on the window. Crying as he watched your body be flung in to the car with extreme force. And from that second you knew you had to escape no matter how long it took you would see him again.


You ran with your bag in your hand, the fresh air of the city made you smile, you were finally home. After 7 years of being stuck in the US, you were finally home at the age of 19 going on 20. You had turned your life around, running away only three years in over there you managed to work for pro hero's and turned yourself from the villain life to a hero one like you had wanted. 

As you grabbed your bag from your feet you had realized one thing that you needed to see. Him, your mind has never left him since that day. Ever day you always thought of him, he was the reason why you kept going all of these years specifically. You smiled and ran down the street, trying to remember your way around every where. But you had realized half the way through that you didn't know where he would be. He would stick out yes because of his hair and scar but you had no clue where to search to begin with. 

It took hours of looking down streets and ally ways, it was already close to dinner time and you realized you had no place to really stay at. You felt tears start to form in your eyes as you took a seat in the park and rested your head on your hands.

"Would he even know who I am for goodness sake, maybe he forgot already" You told yourself not wishing for it to be true. As you sat with tears running down your cheeks you felt someone tap your shoulder with a cold finger. You jumped at the sudden touch and activated your quirk, making smoke around you. You didn't even know who it was you were just scared. As you opened your eyes you seen a stranger looking at you with a hood on over their eyes and head. You backed up and started to apologize quickly, but as you took a step to walk off you felt him grab at your wrist.

"Let go" You said but he would listen to you, you quickly grabbed at his arm and flipped him on to the ground. He groaned in discomfort and grabbed your ankle, freezing it in his grasp. It looked so familiar the quirk. You turned in to smoke and removed yourself from the ice and returned to the front of his head.

"Fuck off mystery guy, just got back from US so don't ruin my night" You said with a stern voice, finally walking off in the cold air. You couldn't stand how cold it got there, you could see your breath basically in the night air.

"Just need to get a room at a motel and I'll look in the morning no big deal right?" you talked to yourself as you walked, hearing footsteps follow you from behind. Who even was this guy, he seemed to be concerned when I was crying but why didn't he say something. As you were in thought you tripped on the sidewalk and fell on the concrete. Scraping your knees pretty badly, the blood made you sick since that's all you saw all the time. You couldn't let that bother you now though, it's in the past. You limped off towards the exit and made sure your knee was okay before you left. Taking a seat on another bench to take another look.

"look dude, I'm done with the games. I know your still there, god it's obvious for me not the normal person"

"And why is that?"

"Why should I tell you huh, you have no business to know about my life" you felt tears start to form in your eyes as you thought over everything. Then the figure sat down next to you, he was tall and slim. His voice was nice so that was a plus too. As you looked at your scraped hand, you heard him sigh. The scratch was close to the scar you got before US, from your dad.


"Great another possible villain knows me.....god I should have never came here. My life is well around ruined....maybe I should just fucking end it all you know mystery man. Got a switch blade in my bag if you would do me the honors"

"What no why would I do that to you, why would you think that"

"I got nothing, just ran away from a horrible life after all this time, have no where to go and all the villains know me because of my parents. I'm a pro hero and that just looks bad....god why am I even talking to you....I need to leave, I'm hungry and tired anyway" You stood up from your seat only to be grabbed again. He reached up and brought his hood down, revealing his split colored hair and scar. You felt tears starting to form in your eyes as you stared at him, he looked so grown up from the last time you saw him.


"I've been waiting for so long to see you again, I thought you would never come back home" he engulfed you in to a hug, letting you sob in to his back quietly.

"So you were right huh" He asked as he pulled back and cupped your cheek.


"When you came back we would be on the same side of things" He replied and kissed your lips, full of passion and love. You kissed back and wrapped your legs around his waist. Letting him hold you up some with his strong arms.

"Let me take you home now, I'll make some dinner for us" he suggested as he started to walk off.

"Yeah....together....like always and forever"

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