[Katsuki Bakugou x Reader] Tough Luck

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The group had decided to go to the beach for a day in the hot summer. It was perfect to be honest, just hanging out with everyone and not having any school work to actually do. Doing what ever you please since people were out doing different things. Playing in the water, getting ice cream, walking the beach, playing volleyball. You were laying on a towel a few feet away from where everyone's stuff laid on the blanket they had set down. Your phone was over there as well so you could take a small break from being on it the way there. You just wanted to relax and sleep since you haven't had much in a long time. Plus just laying in the sun was a little bit to comfortable.

You could hear everyone's laughter as you sat on your lawn chair. It was just an all around nice day to be honest. You could just not worry about anything here. It was like a winder land to be honest. But what really made you happy was everyone getting along. Even Bakugou was getting along with everyone and that was very strange, maybe Kirishima really changed him. From what Sero had told me he has any way. As you blanked out from staring off in to space you heard someone coming close to you.

"Hey" you heard an unfamiliar voice say next to you while you laid there. You opened your eye slightly and sat up. You have never seen him before, what did he want exactly with you? Directions maybe, or was he just another Mineta?

"Do I know you?"

"No but once I seen you my eyes wouldn't wonder off of you. You're beautiful" you rolled your eyes as he said those words, yep it was another Mineta. You looked around at everyone, they didn't see you at all in your situation you were having. But the blonde with anger issues glanced at you quickly as he was over with Kirishima and Kaminari by the water. As you stared at them you felt him turn your head with his hand. You were now feeling really uncomfortable with his presences completely and wanted to leave as soon as possible but you couldn't think of where to go to be honest.

"What do you say about getting a drink with me right now huh hot stuff, and I don't know go back to my place later" he asked as he licked his lips, staring at yours with a seductive grin. As you were about ready to answer him with a kick in the nuts and several minutes of yelling you were to late because someone else already did already for you.

"HEY FUCK HEAD LEAVE HER ALONE WILL YA" Bakugou yelled as he stomped over to him with a glare in his eye. You could hear the sizzling and popping of small explosions coming from his hands as he came closer. He was getting overly pissed off at this guy since the only time you hear those sounds are towards Midoriya.

"And why should I leave a single lady like her alone. This is a shot I would like to take you know, you can't turn it down" you bit your lip he had him there, he technially was just making me uncomfortable and wasn't trying to make any advances...yet.

"Because I'm her boyfriend dick weed" his teeth were clenched together as his fists clenched. The guy laughed nervously and backed away some from you.

"But are you sure? Shouldn't a boyfriend be hanging out with his girlfriend out on a day like this" he asked with a confused look. Starting to step back next to you. Bakugou's eyes widened as he realized he was going back to you. He quickly wrapped his arm around your waist and leaned in, kissing your lips lightly. You were so surprised but melted in to his rough kiss, to cover up that fact it was fake and to actually experience what it would be like to have your crush kiss you. It was amazing.

As soon as the kiss ended Bakugou brought you in to a side hug. You watched as the guy turned in to a stuttering mess as he apologized non stop for his mistake. He wished you a good relationship and then went his own way. You let out a sigh as you watched him walk off but Bakugou's grip wouldn't go away.

"Hey blasty, he is gone you know?"


"And you still have your arm around me"

"Well maybe I would like to keep it there"  your face went red like a tomato as you watched him smirk slyly at you. You chuckled slightly and rolled your eyes,


"Nothing, you could have told me you wanted to do this you know" you did admit that he had his own way of showing affection so you couldn't tell. Usually when you'll hang out he would rest his head on your lap or your shoulder to show he wants some attention. But it never resulted in a kiss like just now. You couldn't get your mind off of it, off of him for that matter. The way he was looking at you right now just made your great skip a beat as you looked in to his ruby red eyes with happiness.

"What if I want more....and all the time?"

"What exactly are you saying blasty?" You asked as you watched his cheeks heat up slightly as he glanced away at you for a second.

"I'm saying that I would really like to by closer to you dumbass"

"You want to date me Bakugou?"

"Yes dumbass, I would like to start dating you. I always have wanted to and it has taken several days of Shitty hair trying to convince me to so yeah I would like to go out with you" His face was honestly about the color of Kiri's hair right now anyway. You giggled slightly and caught his attention. You cupped his cheek and kissed his soft lips lightly.

"I would love to some time Blasty" You said with a confident smile as you hugged him tighter then before.

"One of the many reasons why I love you dumbass....now let's go and play with Shitty hair and off brand pikachu. Don't want you getting sunburnt so fast might as well being getting burnt having some fun"

"You amaze me sometimes with your kindness Bakugou"

"Shut up"

"Fine but your still a softy in my book"

"What ever Y/n....your a cute girl in mine" And that comment shut you up really quick.

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