[Tsuyu Asui x Reader] Drown

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Quirk : Echolocation: to determine location of objects in the environment by use of reflected sound waves, whether generated by the character or ambient sound.

you sighed as you kicked some dirt on the path in the park. Being a hero kind of had it's perks but being on the go non stop was it's default. It seemed like every time you actually had a break someone just had to show up and ruin your free time. 

Right now you decided to head to the park for some fresh air after training at U.A all day. It was peaceful and relaxing to hear the birds and the leaves. The small lake the had was pretty cool as well with the small frogs on the side lines. A great places for skipping stones as well to pass some time. you gradually walked down the bank and picked up a small rock on the side. Crouching down you threw the rock in to the water and watched it skip around three times. 

But as you stood up from the ground you heard some thing in the water. Like a splashing sound to be honest. you glanced behind you and found a guy made out of water walking out and taking form in to a not that bad looking guy. you rolled your eyes and ran a hand through your hair as you watched him. The guy started to form some type of water weapon in his hands. Great, do you see what you mean. you clenched your fists and stared towards him. How are you supposed to fight a guy like this. you don't have any power that can weaken him, not to mention he can turn himself in to water. 

you dodged out of the way of his first attack, he seemed surprised with you but that probably meant he was going to try even harder to stop you.  Every time you through rocks towards him he always turned to water before they hit. you jumped back away and had him follow you, maybe you could weaken him if he backs away from the water. That seems like his strength at the moment. But as you turned to run you felt like you were drowning. But you weren't any where near the water though which confused you greatly. you felt your legs get dragged away, your lungs were stinging and burning as you held and scratched at your neck. Was this how you were going to die? This is your fate, you can't do anything against him what's so ever.

As you felt your eyes get heavy it was like a wave of strength hit you and the water disappeared from your face. Revealing yourself waist deep in the pond. you looked over your shoulder and found Tsuyu protecting you as best as she could. She dived in to the water for what seemed like minutes and so did the bad guy right after her. you screamed and dived in to the water after her, scared of what he would do to her. you used your Quirk and found them towards the bottom of the lake. She had a metal disk in her hand and was swimming up as best as she could. you could see arms dragging her down to the bottom as she swam. you swam down as fast as you possibly could and kicked the hands off of her pushing her up with you following right behind her. you felt the hands try to drag you down too put you pushed them off as best you could. The surface was right there you could see the light just before you.

Your bodies were up above the water in no time at all. you quickly swam up to shore and helped her along the way. you cupped her cheek and looked in to her eyes, hugging her tightly as you possibly could at the moment.

"Are you okay Tsu, did he hurt you?" you asked, your chest still heavy from not being able to breath in fully. She nodded her head no and buried her head in to your chest. you smiled and watched the lake, your eyes went big as you seen the guy walking out. you turned her around and protected her as best as you could.

"What's the disk for?" you asked quickly as you watched him come closer and closer to you. Just before you knew it you heard a smashing sound behind you. The disk was broken in to bits and the guy before us screamed out in pain. Like he couldn't breath out in the open, he was suffocating. you had no idea what to do if he was back in the water he would get away but if we left him here he would soon suffocate from the loose of water. As you held Tsu in your arms, hearing sirens coming from down the street. There came M.T Lady and Kamui Woods. Along with ALL Might and Mr. Aizawa. M.T Lady took the villain and stuck his head only in the water to make sure he was still alive and ready for questioning.

"Are you two alright, what happened here"

"I came here after school to just hang out in the park and this guy started attacking me. I almost died and just before I knew it she saved me. We went to the bottom of the lake and she found that dish that seemed to make the villain stronger. As we tried to swim up the guy was trying to drown her as well by keeping her at the bottom of the lake. I saved her life and we swam up to the surface and she smashed this thing. That's about it." you explained as she held your side since you were shivering. All Might laughed and gave us a thumbs up as he stood there, awaiting on what was going to happen to the villain.

"You two did well, saving each other's lives with out question in a good quality in a hero. This villain had a weak point and it was the metal canister you smashed. He will be taken away now for questioning" All Might said as the police officer handed us some blankets. For the first time you actually seen a small smile on Mr. Aizawa's face. He nodded his head and walked over to the police leaving All Might with us. He leaned in to us and whispered so no one would hear.

"I will give you even more credit, that villain is someone they have been searching for for months. He is strong and you two took care of it with ease. Sometimes a hero needs help in a time of action and you two were there for each other in the end. I am very proud of you young Y/n and young Tsuyu" All Might said with a wink as he jogged over to Mr. Aizawa as he talked to the police. you smiled and glanced down at Tsu, wrapping your arm around her to keep her extra warm out here in the cold. We needed new clothes and fast.

"Thank you for saving me back there Tsu, hell I almost died if it wasn't for you" you laughed slightly as you held her and started to walk off towards the police cars.

"You saved me too *ribbit*, we are even now" Tsu said with a smile as the Police officer opened the car door for you. Offering to take you back to the school, which you so happily agreed to. you glanced over towards her and watched as she looked out the window in deep thought. A blush spreading across her cheeks from something. All you could do was smile and remove your wet hair away from your eyes. She was cute when she was flustered you will give her that. you looked out the window to and leaned your hand over, touching her cold fingers. She jumped but soon relaxed again knowing it was just you.

"So tell me about what happened then" The police officer asked as he drove down the street. you chuckled slightly as you looked over towards Tsu. you knew you were going to hear those exact words once you both make it back to the school from everyone. She started to explain as best she could from her part she played as you just stared out the window. This would go viral what we did for each other. you knew you would also remember this for a long time ahead and would probably do it again if you had the chance to save her.

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