[Iida Tenya x Reader] Fast

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Quirk : Weapon Mimicry : Can form any type of weapon with your hands 

You decided to go for a small jog around the area an hour or so before school starts for you. You wanted to start training yourself even more so you could endure the speed since your quirk isn't really used for close combat. So after the sports festival you decided to change for the better.

Sweat ran down your brow as you ran down the sidewalk, taking a small break to catch your breath some since you ran up the hill slightly. As your breath slowly came back you heard some yelling coming from down the street. Your gaze soon traveled over to a villain holding on to a woman and her child. Your eyes went wide as you seen him wrap them in his hair which turned in to ropes. Your hand trailed down to your pocket as you ran over and behind a building for cover. The contacts on your phone were brought up and you soon scrolled down to his number since you knew he was free during the morning.

"Iida hey it's Y/n um.....there is a villain down 25th street and had two hostages....call me back if you can and please hurry to the seen....not sure if I can take him on my own right now, no pro hero's are here at the scene." You set your phone back in to your pocket and took a deep breath, trying to think of a quick plan since he didn't answer back. You let your breath go and formed a machine gun where your forearm used to be. Running out in to the street and pushed past civilians running by and away so they would get harmed.

"Hey ass face! Let them go!" You yelled grabbing his attention, he looked down at you with a smile and launched his hair at you. Your other arm formed quickly in to a sword and cut the strand off with ease, surprising him completely with your reaction time. You smirked and shot your bullets at him, making sure you aimed completely at him and turned the bullets that shot at the hostages in to nothing so they wouldn't get hurt.

"What do you want with them, they haven't hurt anyone here?" You asked to get more information.

"They did! They hurt ME!" He shouted grabbing your ankle and pulled your feet out from underneath you. You banged your head on the ground but cut the hair so he couldn't pull you towards him any more. Your rubbed the back of your head, as you looked up you found Iida smiling at you with his hand out towards you. Your arm formed in to a shield quickly as you took his hand, making sure the shield would protect you both.

"Sorry I couldn't answer the phone, helping Midoriya out with training earlier...are you alright  seen you hit your head" Iida said as he checked the back of your head quickly, noticing it was bleeding a small bit.

"I'm fine....we need to get close enough to free the hostages though....I'll create a distraction and I bet you could run up and go grab them quickly"

"But what if he get's you, I should create the dis-"

"I've got this okay, don't worry about me to much....on three okay" You said as you cupped his cheek, watching his cheeks turn red by your contact. He nodded his head slowly and watched as you walked away from him, breaking in to a run without even counting to three. Just in case he tried to run before you. You fired your gun arm at him again, watching as he slowly followed you with the hostages behind his back as you ran. You ran up the street some and dodged all of hit attacks he attempted on you as you ran away from him. Not even realizing what your initial plan was against him with Iida.

Hopefully he didn't worry all that mush about you, you knew he could mess up his head and not think of the plan straight forward. You hated to admit it but you couldn't stop worrying about him as well, how was he going to get the hostages safe, was the villain going to notice him straight away if he does. All these intrusive thoughts entered your mind as you ran, finally coming up with something that could distract him and keep him in one place.

You jumped up the side of the building and fired back at him, turning your other arm in to a grappling hook so you could climb further up and have an advantage point. But as you climbed your boot was grabbed by the rope hair coming from your enemy. You heard his laughter as you struggled with your grip, counting on the grapple to hold you steady. You tried to kick it away but it's grip was to tight around you. The grappling hook slipped from the ledge it was on as he pulled you away from the building, another wrapped around your wrist. You struggled to fight back but cut the one off with a saw blade that you formed quickly. You were now in full panic mode, hopefully Iida could settle with his side of the plan because technically it was a distraction you were pulling.

"They are safe Y/n get out of there now!" You heard Iida shout from the side, but sadly you couldn't break free. He must have thought this was your plan and sadly it wasn't. Your arms felt like they were going to explode from how they hurt so much, you weren't used to changing this much in one setting.

 The villain grabbed a hold of your other leg as you tried to break free and slammed your body against the pavement, knocking the wind out of you completely. He laughed coldly as you hung there in the air for a second. Your eyes burned with tears and your chest felt as if someone hit your with a semi. You closed your eyes in pain and was bracing yourself for another hit that you thought would come since you felt the weight shift in his grip. But you felt a warm embrace after some yelling and screaming.

Your eyes were met with the blues ones of your fast friend. Feeling the wind hit your cheeks from how fast he ran away from the knock out villain on the ground clutching his arm as he groaned in pain.

"You're safe now I promise Y/n" He said as he stopped and looked back at the pro hero's now taking care of the scene since you both technically can't fight since you don't have a license yet.  Glancing down at you quickly, his lips rising in to a smile as he pulled you closer towards him so you wouldn't fall. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck and shifted your position. You felt him start running again but at a normal pace, probably towards home or some where to rest, either way would be great with you at the moment to be completely honest.

"Thank you Iida....if it wasn't for your speed I probably would have been a goner back there" 

"It's no problem (Nickname), you were my main priority anyway....had to make sure you were safe....now...how do we explain this to Aizawa back at the dorms?" He asked in an anxious tone,

"Tell him we reacted at just the right time.....that we have the true hearts of a hero"

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