[Shoto Todoroki x Reader] Not You

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You watched as Shoto got hit with one of the girls quirks from the other school you were training against. He looked over at you and you watched his expression change. His jaw was wide open as he watched you in awe, you could almost see hearts in his eyes as he stared at you.

"Shoto move!" You shouted as you pushed him out of the way. Holding out your arm which deflected off of your rock shield you held up with your quirk. You trapped them in rock and shook him slightly trying to make him snap out of it.

"Shoto come on man snap out of it now, we have to finish the test" you said as you shook him even more. He just stared at you and smiled brightly.

"But why love?" He asked as he tried to wrap his arms around you. You pushed him off and stared in horror at what he had just said. He has never called you that let alone have feelings for you probably. It had to be her quirk that was it. Some type of love quirk or something.

"You aren't thinking straight Shoto come on and help me" you said not even realizing that a spear was thrown at you and pierced your arm. You yelled out in pain and as you turned to fight back he was there in front of you, freezing them both in place to where they couldn't even move their bodies. The intercom went off saying who officially won the match, but before you went off the platform you walked over to them with a glare.

"How long?"

"How long what?"

"How long until the quirk wears off"

"Mmmm......around a week giver take but you have to realize my quirk doesn't work without some love in the person's body or at least interest." You rolled you eyes and broke the ice surrounding them both. Taking your leave since other people had to fight after you.

As you walked out of the training room you noticed Shoto waiting there for you. He smiled as he watched you walk out but soon frowned as he grabbed your hand and looked at the wound on your forearm. You winced in pain and tried to pull back your arm but he wouldn't let go of you no, he picked you up bridal style and started to carry you off to the nurse. You couldn't say anything to stop him he would just keep carrying you no matter what you said. You even looked over at Iida and Midoriya for help but they didn't understand why Shoto was acting like that either. You gave up on tying to get away and just let him take you, you knew this was going to be the start of something that wouldn't end.
A few days have past since Shoto had gotten hit with that quirk that made him fall in love with you. He tried several times to try and kiss you when he was around you. Hugging you from behind and offered to take you out. He even looked to be jealous why you were hanging around Kirishima and Bakugou one day. At the moment you held your face in your hands as you felt Uraraka and Momo rub your back reassuringly.

"Don't get me wrong Guys you know I have had a crush on him for a while now.....this just isn't right. We can't date....it's like if I took advantage of him if he was drunk....he doesn't know what he is doing right now okay. I've tried so hard to just keep my distance from him, only today left. As soon as midnight hits he will be back to normal" you said with a sigh as you felt a tear roll down your cheek.

"But this is what you wanted wasn't it.....maybe he wants it too. Didn't you say that the quirk works more if he has interest"

"I don't believe what they said" you replied stubbornly, you stood up from the bed and wiped your eyes from the tears running down your cheeks. You sighed and smiled, looking at their worried faces just made you want to cry even more.

"I need some air.....I'll see you guys down stairs okay" You said as you walked out of Uraraka's room and went down stairs and outside. You checked the time on your phone, not wanting the time with Shoto to end but at the same time you want the charade to just be over with. For him to just go back to being regular old Shoto that didn't want a relationship with you. You never wanted him to go back but you knew it was wrong. You didn't want it to be fake, you wanted the feelings to be real with him and for him to return them.

As you sat outside in the cold you heard the back door open behind you. A warm coat was placed on your shoulders along with a warm hand across you cheek.

"What are you doing out here you are going to catch a cold" Shoto said with concern as he pulled you in to a hug. You sighed and felt more tears fall as he held you. He soon found out that his shirt was getting wet and was confused.

"Why are you crying? Did I do something?"

"No I-it's not you.....this just isn't real Shoto" you said looking over at your phone again to see that it was only a few minutes away. Then you would be free of the curse and back to your some what normal life.

"What do you mean it isn't real? I'm alive and right here next to you?"

"These aren't your true feelings and I know it, you wouldn't fall in love with someone like me....in a few minutes you'll understand Shoto"

"Why wouldn't I love you, you're amazingly smart and beautiful and-"

"Because it's a quirk that's making you think these things.....Shoto believe me I love you, I have for a long time and just kept my mouth shut. I don't want to use you in a time like this, you aren't you Todoroki" you said not even realizing the time went over midnight and he was now himself once more. Staring at you with a small confused look. You gasped and held your hand over your mouth. He must have not remembered what had happened to him. You started to cry not even realizing until you felt his cold hand touch your cheek and wipe them away.

"I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that to you....I'll be going now" You said as you started to go back towards the house. But as you were so close to the door he grabbed your wrist and pulled you in to his chest. You stared at his two different colored eyes in amazement as he held you.

"You know my feelings for you are true right?" He asked with small emotion to his voice. You bit your bottom lip and nodded your head no. He chuckled softly as he lifted your chin up with his finger. You felt more tears fall as you looked him in the eye.

"I have liked you for a while too Y/n.....I'm not really good with the whole feelings thing so I figured I would just stay quiet about it and well those girls used it against me....I'm glad you didn't use that time against me though because I would much rather feel it one hundred percent me instead of being under some quirk" he said as he leaned in and kissed your lips softly. Your cheeks heated up quickly as you melted in to his kiss. Pulling back for air you smiled and started to laugh. He raised his eyebrow in confusion but you couldn't help but chuckle as you rested your head against his chest.

"That quirk did what it was supposed to after all then....it made us fall in love even though it was after the quirk when we realized it" Shoto smiled as he pecked your forehead.

"That quirk helped us out after all didn't it"

"Yes it did....and owe them a lot for it"

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