[Dabi x Villain Reader] Drinking

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You smiled slightly as you leaned your head on to the palm of your hand. Watching the beer you had swirl in your glass. You were having a rough time dealing with every thing at the moment. All the news reports, all the drama and the fighting. You knew this would be apart of the job when Tomura offered if to you. You just didn't know how to handle it when the time actually came. You finished your drink and sat the glass back on the table. Watching Kurogiri use a rag to clean the others. He lifted his head up to look at you,

"Another one please Kurogiri....I'm feeling a little feisty tonight" You chuckled as he sat the clean glass down and took yours to refill it with your drink you have been having for basically the whole night. This is around...maybe three, you could hardly remember. All you could think about was what the next step was going to be. What was going to happen in the future, worrying about capture and jail time. As you were in thought the glass was pushed back in front of you with little force. You picked it up some what quickly and downed half of it in one go.

"Are you sure you should be drink miss Y/n....I have never seen you act like this before...what is the matter young one?" Kurogiri asked as he continued cleaning cups with his rag. You shrugged and stared at your drink, sitting up straight in your chair.

"There is something wrong or else you wouldn't be drinking so much tonight, I would see this more with Tomura or even Dabi then you" Kurogiri explained as he set a cup down and picked up another one.

"I-I don't know Kurogiri....I just have these bad feelings a thoughts you know...t-that won't g-go away no matter *hic* how much I try to not think about them" As you said those words you didn't even know Dabi came home and was in the hallway listening in on what you were saying. You sighed as you drank the rest of your drink and chuckled slightly, confusing Kurogiri completely.

"now I'm getting all sappy and emotional on you now...jeez I should be strong and not have emotions like these. Not cry to your partner in crime over stupid useless thoughts...fuck me...maybe it's the beer talking....I fucking hate it....but I think I'll have another" You paused with your words, a stupid smile spread across your lips as you pushed your glass, laying your chest on the table as you looked up at him.

"You know you don't have to be strong all the time miss Y/n, you can have a break every once in a while if you are putting on a front"

"I'm like one of the strongest, I have the least emotion in the group and now I'm spilling. Maybe it is a f-front, you never know do you" You chuckled as he handed you another glass but only half the way full. You felt a tear slip down your cheek, but you quickly wiped it away so no one would see you breaking down...you just wanted to cry, you were just so scared about everything in the future that would come....you had no clue what was going to happen or when you were going to jail. 

These thoughts honestly made you want to quit being in the league of villains, your costume covered up basically any detail about your body so you would be able to live a normal life on the streets. Maybe you could have a chance at a normal life,

"Could you please tell me in more detail about your thoughts miss Y/n, maybe I could help you out, if you tell someone about your thoughts it relieves stress"

"nah....I'm going to probably head to bed Kurogiri....maybe some other time" You replied as you tried to stand up from your chair, failing since you tripped over your own feet and almost fell. But someone actually caught you from falling and lifted you in to their arms. The familiar smell of smoke and vanilla, Dabi. Your face went beat red as you realized who's arms you were in, what was he doing back so early. You had to play it off, you let out a laugh and stood up straight from him. But his grip on you wouldn't subside, you looked up in to his aqua blue pupils and swallowed all the spit you had in your mouth. Did he over hear you, was he here the whole time

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