[Katsuki Bakugou x Reader] Ignore

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You walked in to class like usual, pulling your hair behind your ear as you walked in so it would get out of your eyes. Everything was basically the same, Bakugou yelling over at Deku with Kirishima trying to calm him down. Denki and Sero talking about the most random shit with Mina. Momo and Jirou in the back of the room right next to Tokoyami and Shoji. You smiled as you took your seat right next to the blonde haired hot head like usual and brought out your ear phones to try and listen to a video Hagakure had tried to send you around an hour before class started.

As you listened you seen a hand on your desk, you decided to ignore it for a while but soon after someone grabbed you chin and faced you towards them. There Bakugou stood with a pissed off look on his face as he held your jaw. Forcefully taking out your head phone so you could hear him.

"I said you're fucking coming with us this afternoon over to the store dumbass. Maybe you should listen instead of listen to what ever shitty thing on your phone" he yelled at you and rolled his eyes as he watched you frown. You turned your head and laid it against the palm of your hand. You bit your lip in anger, wanting to say something back to him in the same tone of voice but you didn't want to start today. You could be quite the hot head yourself.

Every single time he would look over at you during class you would ignore him completely and look away from him. You knew it would piss him off some since he was running his eraser against the table forcefully. Maybe it was also getting worse since Kirishima's attention was on Denki sitting beside him.

You honestly probably weren't even going to be going over town in the afternoon just because of the way he spoke to you. You hated when he acted like this, just because he could be so mean towards you it just tore you apart to hear him yell. Like you had just gotten to be good friends with him and he had to ruin it with his anger. You knew he could tell when you were sad as well and that's probably why he hasn't tried to do anything to you yet like pass you a note or shove your desk.

Class went by at an average speed and in no time it was already time for lunch for every one. You were one of the first that actually left the place. Wanting to get as far away from Katsuki as possible at the moment. Occasionally you did eat by yourself at lunch time just to get some extra studying time in or to relax after a rough day. As you stuck your ear phones back in your ears you brought out a new small sketch pad since your dad through out the old one from what he found in there. You didn't even bother getting lunch either, not seeing a point at all. As you sat there minding your own business you seen feet coming out of the corner of your eye. You chose to ignore it, even though from what you could see they wouldn't leave. They removed your ear phone again and you still chose to ignore.

"You need to eat you know dumbass" you could hear him say as you drew out your outline of him actually. You loved to draw him and all of your class. He sighed and took a spot next to you. Crossing his arms as he watched you draw silently.

"Giving me the silent treatment huh" he said in to your ear which sent shivers down your spine. You couldn't hold back your smile as he sat so close to you. The nosey ass that he is was sitting behind you always made you smile. You continued to stay silent but you couldn't bare any second of him right beside you basically breathing down your neck as you worked. You wanted to keep it up but you couldn't it was to much and he knew that.

"Katsuki move over some will ya, I'm not mad anymore about you snapping at me this morning okay. Just kind of made me made ya know....it hurts getting yelled at" You replied, hearing him sigh and shuffle over a tiny bit so you could have your breathing room. But he came back and with some food in his hand. He broke off a piece of granola bar and turned your chin to face him. Basically feeding you himself since he knew you were stubborn and weren't going to eat at all, it was just a thing you did sometimes during the week. That or you would forget. Your face went beat red as you stared at him in complete shock. Swallowing the piece in your mouth as you watched him bring out his phone. He glanced back at you and handed you another piece of his granola bar.

"You have to eat Y/n, either you take it or I'm forcing it down your damn throat either way" He said with a stern look, making your take the rest of the bar so you wouldn't be hungry. You smiled at him as he stuck an earbud in to his ear to listen to some video Kirishima had sent him. You took your chance and laid your head on his shoulder softly. Feeling him tense up but soon relax to your touch and continued to watch the video, wrapping his arm slightly around your waist as you continued to draw. You knew he loved you, not to mention he was quite a good guy. He just wanted to cover it up to be the best of the best but when he was around you all he would do was take care of you. Even though right now was some what in public he still cared for you and you loved him dearly for that. You wouldn't ask for a better guy like him....maybe a little less anger issues but still you loved him for him and nothing would change that for you.

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