[Shoto Todoroki x Reader] Playground

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Quirk : Telekinesis : to move and manipulate things with your mind

Age 4 :

You clutched your newly scratched arm in pain as you stood there by the swings. Your mother was always this hard on you, always wanting you to be like the guy Endeavor  and his son which you had no clue who they were for that matter. You were just a mistake of a child, a one night stand like your mother always says. Your father had the power of mind reading, and you had the next big thing. You have always wanted to meet your father but sadly you never would with how protective your mother is over you.

Ever since she has treated you with pain, wanting you to be top hero when you grow up, and if you disobey she ends up hitting you. Many forms of abuse at your 4 years of life already. The only time she didn't have a watchful eye on you was when she went to go and work for around two hours, leaving you at the park across the street. You weren't aloud to tell anyone about the bruises, cuts or burns. It was an accident you would always say just so you wouldn't get hurt worse. 

You made your way over to the slide, finding a boy with a mix of white and red hair sitting there in the rocks. He had a sad look on his face as he sat there, constantly glancing over at this scary guy talking to a lady. He looked over at you and smiled as he stood up and walked over, holding out his hand with a small smile.

"Hello there" He said with a less cheerful sound to his voice then most children you heard.

"h-hi...um I'm sorry If I bothered you...I-I'll leave"

"w-wait you weren't bothering me at all, I'm actually pretty bored sitting here by myself...would you want to go to the swings with me?" He held his hand out for you to grab, you felt a real smile form on your face as you took his hand and let him lead you over. You laughed as he pushed you as much as he could. You were having fun for the first time ever, that is until you heard the familiar sound of the shop door across the street. You quickly got off and looked over.

"Hey why'd you get off?"

"I uh have t-to go"

"why we were just having fun"

"My mom is a dangerous lady, if she knows I'm playing with you she'll hurt me" Just as you were about to run off and he grabbed your hand.

"Will I see you again?"

"Yes...call me Y/n"


Age 6 :

"Shoto look at this" You exclaimed as you launched a rock in to the air with your power. Purple mist erupted from your hand from your Quirk. He smiled and made small icicles with his hands, not using his fire side though which surprised you some. You two had just started getting the hang of your Quirks together. Practicing near the edge of the play ground near the woods. You sighed and sat at the roots of a tree having him sit next to you in the shade of the hot summer day.

"Why does your mom leave these marks on you?" He asked with a concerned look as he stared up at the clouds. He told you his dad does the same thing to him. Pushing him to his hardest point since he wanted him to grow up number one and show his old man he can take that spot. You shrugged slightly as you moved a stick sitting next to you both. You flicked your finger and sent it flying across the yard.

"I wish she would stop but I can't just run away you know....I have no where to go"

"Your dad left right? Maybe you could find him"

"I don't know Shoto.... I can with stand what she is doing for now that is all I know....we just need to stay strong okay" You said with a determined grin. He smiled un-surly at you in return with a sigh. Knowing the pain wouldn't stop for you both, and that you were going through it worse then he was.

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