[Sero Hanta x Reader] Bandages

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Quirk : Heat Vision : Is able to release/generate immense amount of heat from their eyes, which can be used to burn, heat, melt, weld.

"Do we have a plan Sero because I'm pretty sure Mina is out in the hallway as a distraction right now" You asked as You glanced around the corner of the wall to find her looking at her nails thoroughly . Sero shrugged as he came up behind You and watched her movements. She was impatient You could tell with ease, almost like she already knew the out come of this. As You were in thought You could feel his body heat against Yours as You watched her closely together. You were being watched You couldn't let Your emotions go now.

"I could try trapping her with my tape and you could cause a distraction with your heat vision. Maybe scare her some. But since she has acid she will probably be able to melt the layers so we have to make a break for it as soon as it happens." Sero said with a smirk as he crossed his arms. The plan was surprisingly good for him to think of it and he did have a point. Her acid could melt basically anything it touches.  

You  smiled widely and nodded Your head. But if this went through then You would have to deal with Tokoyami and Dark shadow quickly so that way he doesn't have any back up to save him in case You have him cornered. That's what worried You most, his Quirk had great power which showed in the games since he won third and well You came in at a close sixth.

 You winked at him before walking around the corner to make a distraction. Catching her attention almost immediately as You took a few steps out. She smirked as she got her acid ready in the palms of her hands, smiling at You slyly which You could see from a mile away. You blinked and activated Your Quirk, lasers came out of Your eyes quickly blocking the acid from hitting Your front. You could easily turn Your Quirk on by Your quick reaction time, not to mention it made You have great agility when it came to moving fast. 

You jumped over her and lazered her side. She threw acid at Your arm and hit your weak spot as it hit your suit. Burning through the cloth and finally burned Your skin. You screamed in pain and looked over towards Sero. He ran out and taped around Mina as best he could with several layers so it would keep her there longer. She struggled and wiggled but couldn't get out as best she tried. You had limited time to run before she got out like You had said before.

As You were in thought of what to exactly do,  Sero quickly grabbed Your hand and You ran away and down the hall way. He glanced around quickly and found the stair way leading to the fifth floor which was the final floor You needed to be on. You ran up the stairs and paused in the stair way to catch your breath enough so You could fight and have all of your stamina back. You started to laugh as You slowly sat down on to the stair step. Running Your hand through Your hair as You stared off in to space. You weren't good with situations like this, You tended to freak out if to under pressure. But when you think about it Your arm was in a serious amount of pain but Your sure her side is hurting as well from the shot You made on her. Your adrenaline is probably covering up the full amount of pain as well.

Sero sighed as he leaned over and held Your hand. He looked at Your forearm and Your flesh burning to the point you could probably see bones or maybe You were just overreacting a small bit. He released some tape from his elbow and wrapped Your arm slowly. Glancing up at You a few times to make sure he wasn't hurting You. 

You watched him work, he looked like he was in thought mostly as he wrapped Your arm with his tape. His brow was knitted together like he was confused, he always seemed to do that when he was either in deep thought or confused which to You it seemed kind of cute to be honest. You heard him sigh as he was almost done, You could tell he didn't like that You got hurt. It probably worried him. You only blushed as You wiped Your brow, watching his expressions change through out the time.

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