[Uraraka Ochako x Reader] Recovery

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You opened Your eyes to a white ceiling, bright lights filled the room as You laid there with no memory of how You got there in the first place. As You tried to sit up, pain shot through Your whole body. IV's were connected to Your forearm and You was in a hospital gown from what You could see underneath the bed covers. What had happened to You to end up like this...You remember protecting 13 from villains in the disaster zones.

 Aizawa was getting his head smashed in to the cement and the guys were trying to distract the one with the hand over his face. You ran over and after that You can't remember anything really. Did You save him, did he end up passing away...something happened to You and You had no clue how it happened.

You slowly started to sit Yourself up in the bed, biting Your bottom lip so no yells of pain escape Your mouth. As You sat up fully You let out a small chuckle as You ran my hand through Your hair. Looking at the large bandage across Your stomach. There was bandages around Your right forearm and Your other arm hung in a sling. You must have gotten messed up fighting against that guy then. But You can't fully celebrate if You don't know if the beast is dead. As You rested Your head down in the palm of Your hand You heard the door open to the side of You. A small gasp followed along with footsteps leading to Your bed.

"Thank goodness you're awake, I thought you would never wake up from what happened babe" There stood Uraraka in her normal clothes, a bag hung over her shoulder that she quickly threw against the chair pulled up beside Your bed. She jumped to the side and cupped Your cheek, rubbing it softly. You missed her touch so much, it has felt like it has been forever.

"W-what happened Uraraka?" You asked confused as You watched the expression on her face change to concern. She let out a sigh and set on the edge of the bed next to You.

"After you left me and Froppy with 13 you ran over to help Mr. Aizawa. You got the creature off of him and raced him over to us as best as you could. But that thing grabbed a hold of you and started to beat on you instead. You tried your best to beat him with your Quirk but he was just to strong for you. Eventually All Might came and saved all of us from them, they call themselves the League of Villains" Uraraka replied with a frown. You started to think over what she had said and sighed. It was stupid of You to think You could save a pro hero when You're not that skilled.

"Is everyone okay!" You asked in sudden realization. She smiled and nodded her head.

"Deku still healing and Mr. Aizawa has both of his arms in slings and a bandage wrapped around his face but he is still teaching. Other than that everyone just had minor bruising and cuts" She placed her hand on mine with a soft smile.

"Mr. Aizawa told me to thank you if you were awake yet. He said it was very brave of you to jump in the way like that. But not to do it again, you can't be risking your life for someone else when you haven't even experienced anything yet...I'm just glad you are okay" Uraraka said, her cheeks were red as she smiled sweetly at You.

"I just felt like I needed to help him you know. My body moved on it's own like Deku always says...am I aloud to come out of the hospital, or do you know?" You asked as You moved over and let her lay on Your hospital bed with You.

"Not today no, the doctors told me in maybe 2 or 3 days. You will have enough time to recover before the Sports Festival though which is good...I want you to come back to U.A I miss you and worry every day during school about you." She intertwined your hands together and laid her head on top of Your chest slowly so she wouldn't hurt You.

"You know...I've came here every day after school to see you...I needed to make sure you were okay. The doctors actually thought you would be in your coma longer"

"How long have I been out babe"

"Going on 5 in a half 6 days almost. Everyone has came in to see both you and Deku after school but I stayed with you mostly. Iida even offered to take me home since it was getting really late and I turned his offer down"

" I wish I wouldn't have worried you like this, you know my healing rate is above normal Uraraka...but I'm glad you care" As You said that she started to tear up, You quickly cupped her cheek and wiped her tears away. Asking repeatedly what was wrong.

"I just t-thought I was going to lose you Y/n...you scared the crap out of me back there...I'm sorry I worried so much, I just kept thinking badly about all of this" You hugged her as tight as You possibly could. Her sobs came to a stop as she buried her head in Your chest.

"I'm going to stay here tonight with you okay..I'll let the others know soon"  She muttered as she shut her eyes. You rubbed her back slightly to calm her down some more, pecking her forehead.

"I'd like you to stay too...I've missed you so much...I'll call them personally and let them know later okay. I'm sure they would want to hear from me...but right now you look tired. Why don't you get some rest for the time being okay"

"okay...I love you Y/n" She muttered as she snuggled up more in to Your chest. You whispered it back in her ear and watched her drift in to a deep sleep. All You could do was smile, Your cheeks were hot as You looked down at her laying on You. She was really that worried about You wasn't she, I'm sorry for worrying you my love.

You shouldn't have risked Your life to save another. But at the same time You felt as If You did the right thing. And am proud of Your decision to save Mr. Aizawa from the foul beast. At that moment You felt like You could do anything, You truly think that You could go through with this. Actually have a pro hero job and fight along side Your friends against the League of Villains. You just need to get out of this bed first, but then once You're better You'll train extra hard. In order to save another in need. To make sure Uraraka is alright in the future and that You can protect her...this is Your wake up call.

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