[Dabi x Villain Reader] Not Funny

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You opened the door to the base and made sure no one saw where you went. You had just gotten away from a fight with two new villains that roamed your part of the streets. Of course you had to open your big mouth when you seen them mess up on a few attacks when they were trying to attack some hero's. You showed them who's boss but they did mess your arm up pretty bad. Not to mention your nose was bleeding and so was a spot above your eye brow. But what surprised you the most was the fact the hero's didn't know where any of you went, not that they knew you were there. The villains just went after you as soon as they heard your comments and laughter from up on the roof top.

As you stepped in side the warehouse you walked past the front and went to your room to try and grab some bandages in order to wrap your arm. But sadly  you had ran out of your secret supply in your room. You hated when people seen you hurt and vulnerable and this was that time. Help was not the answer in your mind, you needed to do this yourself with no help and since you don't have anymore bandages in your room your were going to have to look for some.

Your footsteps were heard with ease as you made your way back in to the front area. Seeing that they have returned in to their usual spots and where they would plan their missions. Of course when you tried to sneak by them all eyes went on you, some were more concerned then others which you didn't care for all that much. 

"Miss Y/n what ever happened to you?" You heard Kurogiri say from behind the counter. Stopping his conversation with Dabi from what you could see. You groaned in annoyance as you walked by him behind the counter and grabbed the medkit by the loaded pistol he kept there for safe keeping.

"You going to answer him or what?" Dabi asked as he took a drink from his glass. You only chuckled and rolled your eyes as you hoped over the counter and took a seat away from him.

"I got attack by the most vicious dog in the world out there, foaming out the teeth and everything" You laughed as you grabbed the bandages and a needle in thread from the box to sew your wounds so it wouldn't get infected. Usually Dabi would laugh at your jokes but it seemed like he was more concerned and pissed more then anything. And not answering was not helping the fact. You glanced over at him to find him watching you sew your arm, he seemed really concerned for you.

"Tell us the truth" Dabi demanded as he shot a glare at you, only making you laugh even more as you sewn your skin together and wrapped your arm up tight to it would stop the bleeding for good and your shirt wouldn't be even more ruined then it was. Now you had to sew that up as well.

"Fell off a building?" he glared at you again.

"Accidentally fell off of a construction sight?"

"Y/n I mean it, you can't hide the fact that you are hurting right now and are probably embarrassed by the fact you messed up for once in your life because all you had to do tonight was to go and grab some rope from the hardware store and you come back looking like total shit." He hit it home right there by what he said. You were embarrassed to be fair but he was wrong about the hurting part. You were fine and he shouldn't worry about you. It confused you greatly how he could be so mean yet so caring at times.

"hmmm can't think of any other situation.....well ran in to some fresh villains down the street and me with my loud mouth started to laugh because they had no clue what they were doing so I fought them and um let's just say the hero's probably found them beaten and ripped to shreds....and I got away. There happy now you fucking ass" You replied as you tied the not in your thread on your shirt and cut it with your teeth. He only let out a sigh as he watched Twice go in to the other room.

"You aren't saying anything? I fucked up okay, hope your happy. fuck me" You said roughly as you sat up from your seat. Feeling tears forming in your eyes from embarrassment, you hated admitting you messed up or you were wrong and you were caught in the moment. As you started to walk back to the hallway you felt Dabi stop you from behind. Holding your shoulders with his hands, You wiped your eye before turning around to look at him. He looked guilty for some odd reason, why would he be guilty for pointing out what he was right.

"What going to rub it in some?" You asked with a stern tone only earning a small sigh from him in return.

"No.....I just don't like seeing you hurt is all and I know that messing up isn't everyone's favorite thing especially yours...Just know every one makes mistakes....and that you should keep your trap shut other wise people will beat your ass because of your smart ass attitude you have going on." He smiled at you softly, making you laugh at the last part he said. You smiled widely at him and ran your hand through your tangled hair,

"Yeah.....Maybe I did deserve it for laughing...But you should have seen them, they didn't even know how to throw a punch correctly Dabi it was amazing" You replied with excitement, your eyes lighting up as you looked at him.

"I'm sure you can tell me all about it tomorrow....it's going on 2 in the morning now and I have to go on a hunt tomorrow" Dabi said with a small stretch. Placing his arm loosely around your shoulders as you walked through the hallway to your rooms.

"I'll tell you all about how I beat them with such skill....you'll be proud" You said with a goofy grin making him roll his eyes slightly. He leaned down and pecked your forehead before heading off down the hallway.

"I always am proud of you"

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