[Hitoshi Shinso x Reader] Comfort

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They were fighting again, you hated when the people of your class fought. One it was just wrong to fight with the people you work with and two it brought back bad memories of your past that you would rather not remember about. Yet they always had to do this often enough to make the memories come back in to your mind.

"Shitty hair shut the fuck up I'm going to beat off brand pikschu's ass right now for fucking saying that!" The hot headed blonde yelled as his best friend Kiri held him back from Denki. He was basically foaming out the mouth as we spoke and Kaminari was terrified to the bone and so were you. You covered your ears as you looked at the ground, feeling your breath become heavy as you stood against the wall. The memories were coming back and fast,

"Y/n get your ass in here now!" your dad yelled from the other room as you hid in your bedroom. Your knees shook as you walked out, holding your broken arm in pain. His eyes met yours and your mother looked away sobbing slightly as she held her cheek, he had already got to her. 

"What the fuck is this you little slut?" He asked as he held out a paper that showed your grade in order of your classes you had during the day....there was one 89 on the paper and it was close to a 90 percent. You just took a test and it dropped your grade by a small bit since it wasn't a perfect hundred.

"we-we just had a t-test and u-um"

"That's not good enough young lady, you know what this fucking means!" He shouted, your mom ran over in front of you and covered you with her arms as he removed his belt from his pants.

"Leave her alone you fucking bastard!" She shouted only to get hit by the back of his hand. He towered over you with a smirk and held the belt out.

"Maybe you should have thought through failing a test then"

"Y/n! Y/n are you okay is there something wrong?" Mina asked, you wiped your tears that were streaming down your face. Biting your bottom lip hard, you ran out the classroom doors since you all were just waiting on the bell to dismiss you home. No body went after you as you ran down the hallway, tears pouring out of your eyes as you ran. Your eyes were blurry as you ran and you accidentally ran in to someone. All you could make out was purple hair, you stood up from the ground and continued to run down the hallway. 

It was probably Shinso which was an even better reason to make a run for it, you didn't want him to see you like this. It was completely embarrassing and he has never seen you cry before hand. 

 you neared the janitor's closet and as soon as your hand was on the knob someone placed their hand on your shoulder. You screamed and shoved yourself back, holding your arms up like they were going to hurt you.

"p-please don't h-hurt me" you muttered, but their hands held yours for a quick second and pulled you up to your feet.

"And why would I do that to you.....why are you crying?" He asked, You opened your eyes to find the guy you ran in to earlier or more like one of the few people that actually kind of understood you some. Of course you were right when you said it was him. You broke down again and almost fell to the floor but he caught you and wrapped his arms around you. Frightening you a bit since you weren't used to this kind of thing.

"now why are you crying?"

"i-i'm sorry I shouldn't have r-ran in to you....it's just some fighting was going on in my c-class and....and um....just a bunch of stuff happened when I was little and I-I don-"

"Hey it's okay it's okay Y/n just calm down...breath...breath you're having a panic attack" He said as he held you even more tight, letting you sob in to his chest as you tried to breath normally. 

"Please breath with me...in and out....in and out" He instructed you as he cupped your cheeks, you couldn't stop crying but soon your breath started to become even. You rested your head on his shoulder and just let your tears flow.

"What happened in your past....do you have PTSD?" He asked looking in to your eyes. You wanted to start crying again to be honest. You glanced to the side and felt tears start to form in your eyes.

"Hey hey hey no don't cry again Y/n....I just want to know why that cause you such pain when from what I have heard Bakugou yells at everyone."


"What? what do you mean?"

"I g-get flashbacks from the past....when m-my dad b-beat-"

"Shh it's okay it's okay don't think about that now, it's all in the past okay...look at me you are okay now I am here, I'm right here" He said with a soft smile as he comforted you as best he could, you truly felt safe in his arms. Like all the bad nightmares went away, you felt like falling asleep in his arms. He truly was here for you and you could never thank him enough for it. He pecked your forehead and rocked your body back and forth to sooth you down some more since you were still sniffing like crazy. You blushed from him showing affection, this wasn't like him at all.

"You feeling better?"

"Sleepy actually but yeah much"

"That's good....come on then, let's get out of here.....you can come to my house" Shinso said and picked you up bridal style. Your face was beat red,

"Are you not feeling good? You look like you're running a fever?"

"I-I'm fine....just take me home please" You begged as you laid your head on his chest. His cheeks started to turn red as well from your action. You sighed as you shut your eyes and let him carry you down the hallway. He muttered some words underneath his breath as he walked and sadly you couldn't hear any of it. Hopefully he wouldn't ask you any further about your past, you were doing so good at hiding everything but sadly your act broke. You just hoped he wouldn't ask, you didn't want him to worry let alone getting your secret out.

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