[Mirio Togata x Pro Hero Reader] Were Gone

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Quirk : Resurrection : The ability to come back from the dead at any time, can also travel around and fight in ghost form. There is a time limit when it comes to ghost form which is around 5 minutes then the soul immediately goes back to your body if you chose for it to. but after those 5 minutes are up your soul is lost if you don't go back.

"Togata this is going to be your partner for the mission so far since Tamaki is out with Fatgum once more even though you requested him first. I have to leave now but I'm sure you both will get along nicely" Togata's boss said as he walked down the stairs quickly and hoped in to the taxi with his agent inside. Togata smiled over at you and held his hand out which you gladly took with a wide grin.

"Name's Y/ T/n and I'm sure you are Mirio Togata I've been hearing about, pleasure to finally meet you" You said as you retracted your hand from his and fixed your weapons laid on your back within their straps. Your two neon swords that you could hold even in your ghost form since they were modified for you. As you walked around the building with him you could tell he was staring at you a few times as you walked. You didn't let him notice you but sadly you looked over at him as well as you walked with curiosity.

"So from what they have filled me in they expect us to go in to the building while they are making the deal. Capture the villains and stop the deal from happening. But when we make it in to the building make a distraction for them....so I'm thinking you go through the wall in the back so they won't notice you and I'll be the distraction while you make your way back there. it would be our only shot but I am very hopeful of it working out for us" You said as you cupped your cheek, muttering as you spoke about the details which he soon chuckled at you. He ruffled up your hair slightly and stared n to your E/c eyes with amazement.

"That sounds like a wonderful plan to me...let's get ready then miss T/n because their going to do the deal in around an hour or so...so we need to stop it as soon as possible"


You sighed as you watched him go towards the back, you forgot to tell him your quirk which was a big mistake on your part. Your plan as a distraction was to walk in purposely cause a fight which would soon lead to your death which would let you have your ghost form to fight them and have him as back up from behind. But since you were getting to know him for the time being it was hard to actually tell him you were distracted on his cuteness. You had a lot of interest in him and he had some in you too, you could tell from his eyes. Maybe you could even go for a drink after the mission was done

A smile occurred on to your face as you busted open the doors and startled them immediately. They looked towards you with their guns and you seen Togata walk in from the back with ease and watched you as well. Yous smiled as you brought out your pistol and fired at one of them only getting a bullet to the head in return.

"Y/N!!" Togata yelled which was what you would have expected from him, but you didn't expect the sadness and tears falling from his eyes as he raced over and killed the person who killed you from earlier. Your soul rose from your body and you grabbed your sword from your back. Slicing a few of them in half as you ran across the room. Nothing hitting you since you were transparent, yet every time you looked back Togata was holding your body, no bullets went through him either. You felt extremely bad now as you watched him but you had to complete the mission before you came back.

Every body fell to the floor along with their empty bullet casings that surrounded them and their groups. A sigh escaped your lips as you looked around, dropping your sword so you weren't holding it up. No one was alive and if they were they were on the floor bleeding out hopefully which was what you wanted originally. Your footsteps echoed through out the ghost world as your sword dropped behind your friend. Your soul went back in to your body from the time limit finally.

You gasped for air and you watched the bullet come out of your head from your body being brought back to life. Togata gasped as he watched you sit up from his lap and cough in to your arm, blood came on to your hand but that was normal for you, what wasn't was some one caring so much for you when little people actually did.

"My god I thought you were dead, don't scare me like that ever again you hear me....oh my gosh that just gave me a heart attack just then" He said as he pulled you in to a hug and held you close. You listened to his racing heartbeat as you laid your head up against his.

"So that was your quirk then because I'm sure from a bullet wound to the head you would have been dead"

"I'm so sorry for not telling you, I j-just forgot an um"

" You don't have to apologize to me....it was a nice distraction though I will give you that" He let out a chuckle as he wiped his tears falling down his face as he held you. You only giggled softly as you cupped his cheek and wiped the rest with your sleeve of your suit you were wearing. You stared in to his eyes and sighed as you leaned your head against his neck.

"What's it like being dead Y/n?"

"well where I go it's cold but not dark yet.....I have a time limit on how long I get to actually stay dead so I don't know what being fully dead feels like" You sighed as you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as he listened. You shook your head and smiled at him though as he stood up and brought you up with him. Glancing around the room at the work you did and realized what you meant about a time limit.

"How about I tell you more about my quirk over dinner huh....my treat for not telling you" You asked as you raised your eyebrow. Watching as he got excited at the idea right next to you since a wide grin appeared on to his face.

"No a lady should never pay....Allow me to pay since I will be working with you more often I hope....to being new teammates" He replied acting like a true gentleman which you absolutely loved hearing. You nodded your head in agreement and watched as he leaned down towards you to steal a kiss. You stopped him and grabbed his chin, watching his brow knit together in confusion.

"But gentleman don't kiss on the first date Togata" You replied with a laugh as you watched him pout and look away from you as he crossed his arms. You smiled softly as you set his chin down and pecked his cheek softly. Watching his cheeks become covered with red from his reaction to your kiss.

"Maybe I'll let this date slide some then"

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