[Denki & Sero x Pro Hero Reader] Memory

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Quirk : Air and wind manipulation : Ability to control, generate, or absorb air or wind

You sat in the infirmary, groaning as you opened your eyes slightly. Adjusting to the bright light of god knows where. You had no clue what had happened to you, where you were....what was your name even?


"Y/n we need you over here immediately there are to many of them fighting us"  Sero yelled in his mic as he fought off one of the bad guys he was talking about. Wrapping him up in tape so he couldn't move. You sighed as you sent a tornado towards the bad guys coming near you. Sending them away quickly and a lot of force in to the side of the building in the ally way you were currently in. 

You ran as fast as you could down the ally way back to where your group had split up. You worked along side Sero and Denki in your Pro Hero life. Of course you weren't as popular as Deku or Bakugou but you three were in the top ten hero's of the world....well you were at least from the last time you checked.

Your breath ran out fast but you finally made it back to their area. Watching as Sero fired as much tape as possible to protect him and what seemed like ignorant Denki. After UA he seemed to control his quirk some when it came to how much he could use before his brain deflated on him. He must have gone past his new limit then, so that was why Sero had called you. 

He looked over at smiled as you slammed a few of them in to the wall to get out of your way. You picked up Denki with your wind and fired around gust towards the ones on Sero's side. It seemed like they just couldn't give up could they. Every time you turned around they would get up again and again. Every time your stamina went down little by little. You needed Denki back with you both and quick.

"Sero I know this is stupid but.....take Denki and get out of here or at least to the top of the building okay"

"No Y/n I can't do that......With Denki I can take him up there so he won't get harmed but I'm not leaving you...we are a team remember" Sero replied as he taped another guy to the wall in front of him and taped another guys legs together to slow him down some. But before he could say anything You lifted both of them up with your power and launched them both up on to the roof. Sero yelled your name and you could Hear Denki's noise as they landed but all you could do was smile. Launching the people in front of you against the wall as hard as you could. Getting in to hand to hand combat with one of the guys behind you.

You knocked the guy to the ground and glanced over to see Sero already making his way down to you. But before you knew it your body was slammed against the wall as hard as possible to where you thought you broke a rib or two. After the impact you felt your vision get hazy and soon turn to black.

End of Flashback

You tried to stand up from your bed or what you thought was your bed. Soon realizing your head was wrapped and so was your ribs. You groaned as you stood up from the bed and felt the cold floor hit your feet. Your legs started to shake as you walked, how long has it been since you have walked. 

As you tried to make your way to the window you heard the door open behind your to your room. Two male voices interrupted the silence you once enjoyed. You had turned around to find one with blonde hair and a black zig zag across his left side of his hair. Another much taller one stood next to him with dark hair and a slim body. Just before you knew it they ran towards you and engulfed you in to a big hug. The one with dark hair even lifted you up even though you were in pain you felt joy and comfortable around them....who are they?

"Oh thank god you're awake the doctor said the coma wouldn't last this long you had us worried" The blonde said as they both let go of you, They frowned upon seeing your expression on your face.

"What's wrong Y/n?" That name sounded familiar to you for some reason.

"Who....are you two may I ask?" You asked as you glanced around the room and looked back out the window quickly before returning your gaze to the both of them. The blonde seemed to be filled with sadness and the Taller one seemed to be filled with confusion.

"What do you mean Y/n...it's us Sero and Denki? Your partners in crime....you're a pro hero and we work together...we're best friends?" what seemed to be Sero replied you tilted your head and tried to remember what exactly happened to you. Taking a seat back down on to your bed and rested your hands against your cheeks. They sat down on either side of you, on rested his head against your shoulder and the other wrapped his arm around your waist...bring his phone out and placed it in front of you. You grabbed it slowly and swiped your finger on the device. Finding pictures of you three and many other people in what seemed like a school in some of them. Some showed you over town some in what looked to be a bedroom others in your hero costume. You chuckled as you seen one of Denki accidentally falling off of the bed in the middle of a picture 

You started to tear up at all of these, all of these moments with them and these other people...you missed UA...wait did you just remember....come on think.....this one shows you and......Sho-Shoto and um.....I-Iida yes yes YES you remember fully. As you went through the pictures you remembered each one and what happened during that time. As you handed the phone back to Denki he looked at you with a hopeful grin. Your frown formed in to a smile as you hugged him tight and returned to Sero's side as well.

"I remember you dick heads now" You chuckled as you heard them both sigh in relief after hearing you say that.

"What happened anyway?" You asked with curiosity, hearing Denki sigh beside you.

"It's a very long story that we are going to have to tell"

"Well I have all the time in the world if I'm not aloud out of here for a while"

"Then we will get started....but it's good to have you back Y/n it really is"

"It's good to be back guys, it's good to be back" 

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