[Ojiro Mashirao x Reader] Save

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You stood in front of them....the bullies of class 1B. You made it to 1A surprisingly since you weren't the most confident and strong willed. You were more of a side lines fighter, one that stayed back and was support. Since you were the quiet kid in your class when you got the letter informing you of where you would be placed everyone just seemed to hate you even more then they already did. You hadn't do anything to anyone, some would say you wouldn't even hurt a fly when it came to good people. They just always had it out for you and sadly came to the school as well when you thought you would have a new life.

Laughter erupted from one of them as they swung their leg around and tripped you as you tried to walk away from them. That's when your breathing started to get heavy, of course a panic attack was starting. The worst time possible.

"What you going to cry big baby....god you don't deserve to be in 1A....how are you going to fucking save people if you break down crying as long as someone glares at you?" One asked as he picked you up by your collar and smirked at you. Your knees trembled as he held you there, you felt small and like prey to viscous animals. All you wanted to do was cry in front of them, they made you feel weak...like you couldn't do anything. They didn't even know how good of a job you do in 1A, you were in top 12 during the sports festival and above all of them.

He through you to the ground with ease, one even took it as far as to start to cover you in vines since he could control earth and stone. But to your surprise you felt yourself get lifted up, not by arms but by a tail. You were set upon your best friend's shoulders, he was tense and you could tell he was filled with anger.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" He asked, his voice stern and cold as he stared at them with no emotion. Just that scared a few of them but they didn't move from their spots in the hallway.

"What do you think you are doing buddy? We haven't even finished with her yet, do you think you can just take her away from us?" The main bully asked only to get his face met with Ojiro's tail. He was pushed back some, holding his cheek to cover up the red mark. His friends giggled but as soon as he glared back at them the laughter was over with. 

"You shouldn't be treating a fun and innocent girl like this, guaranty she could beat all of you in a few minutes if you weren't so mean and pushed her down from getting up and facing her full potential. You are so close to me coming over there and knocking some sense in to you.....you're all lucky because 1A can beat all of your asses with ease don't forget that assholes" Ojiro said as he picked you up again with his tail and set you in his arms. You wrapped your arms loosely around his neck as he carried you off. Only to watch your bullies run away in pure fear.

"Are you okay there Y/n" Ojiro asked, breaking the silence that lasted only a few minutes. You bit your bottom lip, not sure what to say to him. You were fine now since he saved you but you weren't fine mentally because of them. You still felt tears in your eyes as he walked off and down the hall with you. It was the end of the day so he should be taking you outside from what you could recall. 

"y-yeah Ojiro I'm fine..."

"No your not I can tell from your voice Y/n" He said with a sigh. stopping by the doors leading outside. He bent down and cupped your cheek, wiping away a tear that went down your cheek.

"I just w-want them to stop Ojiro......this has happened for a long time and I want it to end" You cried, jumping in to his arms. He wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you up, letting you wrap your legs around his waist. 

"I won't let them mess with you again okay Y/n....I promise you that" Ojiro said with a soft voice as he pecked your forehead softly. You felt absolutely safe in his arms. Like he could protect you for ever as long as you were with him. But you were still on edge for the whole thing, you didn't really want the help, you wanted to protect yourself for once. But you did appreciate the help he gave you.

"Why have they been doing this to you anyway....you are like the sweetest girl I know in this school. I could never see you bullying them?" Ojiro asked as he looked you in your E/c orbs. You sighed and glanced away from him.

"I have just always been an easy target....being quiet and self conscious doesn't get you anywhere you know and well.....they have just always seen me as nothing but prey after since middle school. Now since I'm technically better then them they find more reason to bully me even more I guess" You frowned upon the thought. You have never really had a good personality when it came to it. It was always negative or quiet never joyous and outgoing. People just seen you as something to throw underneath the bus, like a punching bag almost.

"God why would they do this to you......it's horrible...I promise when ever I see them next I'll make sure to give them a warning if they touch you again....okay...Promise me you will tell me if they do that to you ever again." Ojiro said with a concerned sound to his voice you nodded your head slowly and hugged him again yet tighter then before.

"I promise you if they do it again I'll tell you"

"I'll protect you always"

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