[Eijiro Kirishima x Reader] I'm here

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You sighed as you ran a hand through your tangled hair. Today was the day you came back from a wild trip with your successor and you were absolutely exhausted, beaten up and just done with fighting for a while. You had been gone about a week and ever since then it has been total hell for you. You constantly fought by your successor's side and did what he had asked, fighting villains almost every day of the week with barely a break in between. The most sleep you have gotten was around four hours maybe everyday which isn't normal for you.

You dragged your feet against the side walk, glancing up at the dorm house with a soft smile as you fought the urge to scratch at the band-aid that lay across your cheek. A sigh escaped your lips, you didn't know you would have missed this place as much as you do. You entered your home as you liked to call it and made your way up the stairs to the second floor where your bedroom was, plus it was where your favorite person had his room as well. You stood there  in front of his door, debating on if you should knock on his door. It was really earlier in the morning but you knew he sometimes liked to have a morning workout during the week well 5 out of 7 days of the week. You missed him basically the most since you have been gone, plus not being able to use your phone sucked since you couldn't keep contact with him.

You bit your already cut lip and knocked softly on his door. Since you couldn't hear any footsteps you figured he had already gone to bed but as soon as you were going to step away from the door it creaked open. Kirishima stood there rubbed his eye slightly with a yawn. His shirt was slightly messed up and showed half of his hip, his red hair tied back. You blushed as you stared at him...this looked hot to you. What were you thinking, you have seen the guy many times with out his shirt. This was hot to you, maybe not seeing him made you realize something. AS you stared he seemed to finally adjust to being awake since he brought his arm down. His eyes shot open as he looked you up and down.

"Y-Y/n what happened to you...oh my god you look like hell..what happened? Are you okay?" He asked as he leaned forward and cupped your hurt cheek, you tried to think of something to tell him but no words came out of your mouth as he stared at you. His caring tone to his voice melted your insides as you stared in to his ruby eyes. You felt tears start to form as you tried to think of an explanation but you couldn't think straight.

"hey hey, don't cry now. Was it the mission with your successor?" He asked as he pulled you in to a hug. Realizing that your forearm was wrapped in bandages. 

"Come inside now....you must be exhausted from your trip" He said as he helped you in to his room. He shut the door behind him with his foot and step you down on his bed. Going through his cabinet which in return found some clothes for you to sleep in. He smiled and turned around as you got dressed in his clothes since yours kind of needed washed.

"Kiri you really didn't have to do this" You said quietly as you rubbed your eyes, hearing him go through his cabinet again. The side next to you on the bed sunk down from his weight. You glanced over to him and realized his had some bandages in he hands and was unrolling the ones on your arm and stomach.

"I can tell you had a really rough time over there, gosh these wounds look terrible" He said as he took a look at the long gash going down your fore arm. Wrapping the bandages round and round. He was always just so caring towards you. Why did you even come here in the first place? He finished up your arm and cupped your cheek. Removing the bandage from your cheek as softly as he could so he wouldn't hurt you. There revealed a deep cut along your cheek along with some bruising.

"What did you guys even do over there?"

"Long story Kiri...I'm sorry to be such a bother. I just wanted to let you know I was safe and that I was back. I have with stood my stay. I'll let you get back to bed." You said as you stood up from his bed and wiped your eyes since more tears started to form. You felt like a bother to him since it was so early but as you were making it to the door he grabbed your wrist. You winced in pain and glanced back at him.

"Hey you aren't bothering me at all, you could probably use the company anyway. I had to get up for my work out but I can take the day off. Go a head and use my bed for the morning" Kirishima said as he led you to the bad just to make sure that you wouldn't leave like you had intended on doing in the first place. You sighed and sat there, running a hand through your hair nervously as you felt the other side of the bed cave in from his weight. There was a small tap on your shoulder which brought your attention back from staring off in to space. He smiled as you and held your hand. Bringing you down next to him on the bed.

"You going to tell me about your trip later?" He asked as he shifted the blanket so that it would cover you. He was just always so caring, you haven't do this or had a sleep over in months. Just a few weeks ago people finally stopped assuming you guys were dating but you kind of wished what they had said was true.

"y-yeah....I'll tell you one thing though, my body is killing me" You replied with a small yawn as you snuggled up in to his side for comfort. Hearing his heart beat which calmed you in an instant of hearing it, Like a lullaby almost to you.

"Would you like when we wake up if I give you a massage while you tell me your story, class doesn't start til later then usual today anyway"

"Why exactly, what have I missed"

"Just a meeting, you haven't missed anything trust me but I did miss you, class just wasn't the same with out you there" You blushed as he ended his sentence, he felt that way about you? Your face started to heat up and he took notice of this since he shifted some but all you could hear was a small chuckle.

"Let's get some rest alright, you're exhausted from just coming back I can tell, we don't want you getting tired and falling asleep in class tomorrow do we?" Kirishima asked as he weighted shifted, his arm was now wrapped around your waist as he spooned you from behind. This can't be what best friends do right? There has to be something more to this there just has to be.

"good night Kiri, missed you"

"Good night to you too Y/n, we'll talk in the morning" yeah about the tragic adventure you had just went on. You would rather talk about what had just happened. But that will have to wait for another time, you knew he wouldn't stop asking you about your trip if you avoided his questions. Later you would ask though, you just had to know the right time for it.

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