[Twice x Villain Reader] Mask

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You sighed as you walked in to the front room, a long day of work finally over because of Tomura getting frustrated  over Hero Killer Stain and his followers. It made him so pissed off Kurogiri had to contain him with his quirk until he calmed down. It didn't help that you were a laughing mess and made it ten times worse then when it was. That was when you were sent home because you couldn't stop, Kurogiri felt like it was for the best anyway since Tomura would most likely kill you. 

Your feet carried you through the room, grabbing a quick drink from the fridge before sitting down on the couch with a sigh. It was so good to just sit and relax instead of going out and fighting all day. But you knew sadly Tomura would most likely have a talk with you and would try to hurt you like he normally did. Good thing you were one of the best when it came to close combat skills other wise you would have been dead where you stood with him from how much you lose it.

As you sat and shut your eyes to try and enjoy some of the silence that was very rare for your group. You heard the front door open up from it's several locks keeping it shut from the people outside. You heard some one groan out of irritation and some footsteps coming toward you. They weren't heavy so they weren't Dabi's and they weren't quick so they weren't Toga's. As you thought of who it might be you felt the couch dip beside you, some one rested their head on your lap as you sat there and turned the TV screen on to a random movie.

Your eyes opened to reveal your blonde haired friend other wise known as Twice laying his head on your lap. You smiled and rolled your eyes slightly as you watched him shift slightly in to a more comfortable spot. You let out a sigh and caught his attention since he thought you were asleep oh the couch. It frightened him to say the least yet he only smirked at you softly.

"Thought you were asleep Love" Twice said with a smirk, clearing his voice as he stared up in to your eyes. You ran your hand though his hair softly and watched as he closed his eyes.

"No....just got back from a mission with Tomura"

"Where is handy any way"

"No they still haven't left, they told me to go home because I wouldn't stop laughing at Tomura getting pissed" You replied with a chuckle, getting hit lightly in the arm by him. But soon after he started to laugh just as much as you. 

"You're going to get your ass beat babe" Twice said with a wide grin as you couldn't stop laughing. Nodding your head with a giggle since you agreed with him. As you started to quiet down to watch the movie you felt him move up closer to you. You initially thought that he would move his body up to yours and wrap his arm around your shoulders but he only moved his body and rested his head even further in to your lap. Humming slightly as he smiled up at you, you knew he loved when you played with his hair.

But as you both were enjoying the silence and the movie that he put on he started to groan in pain, clutching either side of his head with his hands as tight as he could. You knew what was happening since you have had to help him out before. As much as you both liked it when his mask was off his split personalities would get the better of him in the end. Trying to take over his mind which he certainly did not want to happen. He was afraid of you getting hurt and prevented it as much as possible or as much as he could take.

You jumped off of the couch quickly and ran towards his bed room. Not even worrying about falling since you had socks on and no traction to help you run. Busting in to his room you found his mask laying there on his table beside his spare bed. As you grabbed it you heard him call your name out in pain. You hated seeing him in this amount of pain you wished you could take everything away and put it all on you so he wouldn't have to deal with it any more.

As you ran back in to the front room  you found him curled up in to a ball shaking frantically. You ran to him and slipped the mask over his face. As you regain your breath you watched as his shaking came to a stop and he sat still.

You took your spot back next to him and sat him up right, letting him wrap his arms around you tightly out of fear.

"Y/n I'm so sorry I did that to you I thought I could go with out my ask for a longer amount of time"

"Hey hey it's okay as long as your safe it's okay, I'm glad you tried to be with out the mask for a longer period of time we just need to keep this close by just in case"

"I know I know I just worry that they will hurt you like they d-did to me"

"They won't hurt me I promise Twice I promise you they won't. I won't let them take you over I promise" You said as you lifted up the bottom end of his mask. Making sure he was okay, you lifted it up just enough and pecked his lips softly. You watched him smile, feeling him cup your cheek and connect his lips with yours.

"we will just not use the mask when we do things like this okay......we can practice on your time as well....I just want you to be okay alright, I can't lose you to them." You said with a small smile.

"i'll try my hardest to not let my self go, I love you"

"I love you too" just as you were about ready to kiss him again you heard footsteps coming in from the back door. There stood Tomura with Kurogiri by his side. You quickly gave Twice a peck before you booked it and made sure Tomura wouldn't catch up with you. You figured it was fair that he interrupted your moment with Twice since you did make fun of him. But you still just wanted to be by his side and to help him through what ever type of hell was going through his head. You would be there for him no matter what and that was a promise you would never break as long as you lived.

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