[Shoto Todoroki x Reader] Confide

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"You can do this Y/n, you have had this guy on your mind for a long time. Shoto even said you could do this and you trust him with everything. So go over there and confess, tell him you think he is cute and that you would like his number. How hard can it be?" You told yourself as you glanced around the corner at the guy from class 1B. You smiled warmly and thought of what you were going to say. You took a deep breath and turned around the corner as you watched his friends go by.

"Hey (Random Guy Name)I wanted to tell you something real quick" you caught him rolling his eyes slightly as he stopped in his tracks.

"What is it?" He asked sternly which confused you from what you had seen they way he acts towards his friends.

"W-well I thought you were kind of cute and wanted your numbe-"

"Hold it there, you 1A class people make me sick. You just standing here with your dumbass look just makes me want to vomit. Look at you, you're desperate. Probably scared that no one will love you and you went so low as to ask me for my number and a date probably. Not interested sweet heart" you felt tears start to form in your eyes. You were only trying to be nice. He leaned down to your height and grabbed your face with a strong grip.

"Plus you aren't and will never be my type. I'm not into desperate people and that's probably why you don't have anyone to love you."

"BACK AWAY FROM HER!" you heard a loud voice from down the hall. He dropped his grip and looked over your shoulder. Pushing you down to the ground with one swift movement. Tears fell consistently from your eyes, you turned your gaze to find your bestfriend with a glare on his face. His fire side engulfed in flames from his anger. But he knew that if he used his quirk indoors he would get in huge trouble.

"Oh so she does have someone who cares for her. That is a very big surprise. Well evidently you feel sorry for her then if you are friends with her"

"No I'm friends with her because she is a good person damn it. You are a huge problem and I don't like they way you are treating her. She was just trying to be nice to you ass hole. She is the most sweetest person that I know and you would never deserve someone like her."

"Nice? Nice is asking for my phone number to try and get in to my pants?"

" I have known this girl for a long time and I know she would never do that. Do you realize how hard it is to see such a close friend to you cry. She never shows feelings like that because she is strong unlike you"

"Hell no because I don't care"

"Be lonely then, stop messing with her and leave us alone before I send you to the nurses office" The guy let out a strong laugh as he walked away from you both. Leaving you there is tears as you watched him walk away. Were you reallly that desperate? Is that why Shoto is your best friend? Your thoughts started to take over your mind. You slowly started to stand up and rest your weight against the wall.

"Are you okay" you felt a cold hand touch your shoulder. You nodded your head slightly with a sigh and moved away.

"Y-yeah I just need to be alone right now" you said as you started to walk off. Hugging your body as you felt more tears fall. But as you walked you felt your feet freeze to the floor. You let out a small chuckle knowing he wasn't going to let you go.

"Shoto.....let me go"

"You're not alright. I can tell with ease Is it what he had said to you"

"Shoto...please....I don't want you to see me like this" You heard his footsteps walk closer to you. You wiped your tears as much as you could. You hated when people saw you cry, you were known for your bubbliness and your happiness. You wanted to keep that up and not let any body look down on you. You turned your head as he walked in front of you. Closing your eyes to stop the tears from showing. You felt his hand carefully touch your cheek and down to your chin. He moved your head towards him, cupping your cheek with his other hand.

"Open your eyes please and look at me" He said as he wiped away some tears going down your cheek. You opened your eyes, a small smirk was on his face as he saw your E/c orbs again.

"What he said was not true, I heard everything because I was coming up here to ask you if you wanted to go get something to eat with Midoriya and the others. I care about you okay and what he said about you wasn't and will never be true" you felt more tears flow down your cheeks.

"Hey hey hey don't cry now, listen to me. You are the strongest person I know and I admire you so so much. You aren't desperate your heart is just pure and you wanted to be nice. Some people just don't deserve someone like you by their side. I love you for you and that's the truth. I hate seeing you upset like this over an asshole." You smiled after hearing those words. He was right, you shouldn't be listening to some douche bag. But the words I love you for you hit hard, did he really like you that way. You started to chuckle as he wiped more tears that fell.

"What's this laughing all of a sudden, you were just crying a second ago" he asked with a confused expression. You sighed and hugged him tight.

"I can't feel my legs Shoto" You giggled slightly, his face was red as he unfroze your legs and let you lean on him for support.

"Didn't know you felt that way Shoto" You muttered in to his ear with a small smirk.

"Always have....can't have a douche bag treating my girl like that. I thought I would never tell you but I guess you can't hid the truth forever you know" Shoto muttered as he pressed his forehead against yours.

"Now how about we get some dinner shall we, with or without Midoriya and everyone it doesn't matter to me"

"Let's eat without them, and speak about what the future is going to hold for us since you just confessed to me"

"Alright then....let's get going" He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist and started to walk along my side. All I could think about was how exciting this would be. My eyes were so blind when it came to him and now they were opened up completely to how good he has treated me. I just wish I would have seen it sooner then now, because it would have saved me a bunch of trouble when it came to that guy that treated me bad.

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