[Shoto Todoroki x Reader] Pool

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Quirk : Water Manipulation : Can manipulate water in any form possible.

You smiled as you walked out to the pool, another hot day during one of our day off's in the summer. After last time you had a lot of fun but since the guys told Mr. Aizawa something else as an excuse they were free to horse around all they wanted to today. You sighed as you took off your over shirt and set your towel down on the side where everyone else's was. As you looked around you felt someone squirt water at you. As you looked behind you Hagakure held a water gun in her hand and Uraraka held a super soaker.

You sighed as you looked at the water and lifted some up with your hand. Splashing them with a tidal wave immediately after. You started to laugh as they both stared at you Their hair soaking wet or Uraraka's since you could actually see her hair.

"What you picked a fight with the wrong person...how about you go mess with Jirou huh" you smiled as you sat down. Only dipping your toes in to the water. You watched them creep over to her and splash her. It was absolutely hilarious watching her get soaked to death but you kind of felt bad since you felt the same way sort of. You looked over at the guys on the other side of the pool racing and splashing each other as well but more rough. But you noticed your crush sitting alone in the shade.

Todoroki sat with a blank expression on his face. Watching everyone have fun, he even looked at you until he noticed you were looking at him as well. You blushed at the thought of him and didn't even notice that Mina had pushed you in to the water with full force. You rolled your eyes and sat under neath. Looking up at their feet, did they not realize that Tysu and you could both basically breath under water or at least hold our breath for a longer period of time. You seen a lot of people gather around where you were and couldn't help but smile as you made a whirl pool under neath them. Pulling Mina down under like you were a shark. You swam up and removed the hair out of your eyes.

"I swear non of you remember that I can hold my breath...I'm a damn shark so you better watch yourself or I might pull you under" you said as you flexed your arms to show your strength. Watching as Tysu jumped in and pulled Hagakure under as well. You smirked as you looked over and watched Todoroki slightly get in the water. He was down to his thighs, you smiled as you swam over un-noticed. No one knew you were under the water and you knew he didn't notice either. 

It was your chance to strike. You grabbed his legs and pulled him under with you. He looked at you in pure shock but rolled his eyes as he chased you through out the water playfully. He swam up and looked down at the water to see you smiling at him. He smiled back slightly and dived under towards you again. You were shocked and swam over to the other guys. Pointing at them with a small smile. You grabbed a hold of Sero's legs and pulled him under as well. You couldn't help but laugh and rise to the surface to get yelled at by him. Everyone looked at you in surprise but started to laugh at how Sero was acting.

"You are like a shark in the water..I am deathly afraid of you now" Sero said as he hugged his arms close to his chest. you started laughing again as Iida started to say that the rules were strict about keeping it a half and half pool and you were breaking the rules by being over here. you shrugged and pointed back.

"I have more fun scaring you then being sprayed in the face constantly by water guns sorry. I'll head over I guess then Iida" you said with a smirk and you held your hand out and sprayed him since you could control water. Bakugou started to laugh and so did Deku. Iida didn't even take it to heart which surprised you since he laughed along with us. But you guess you really did need to get back over there then. you stood up and out of the water and walked back over to your side of the pool. Glancing back to see half of the guys staring at you. you rolled your eyes and sat down on a lawn chair. Closing your E/c eyes as you listened to everyone's laughter. Doing the thing you originally came here for, to sun bathe.

They seemed to leave you alone for a while since you heard screaming from the water soakers. They probably learned not to mess with you and your water.  you still didn't get why you couldn't play with each other though. It would have been so much more fun if you all joined together. Since Iida likes to stick to the rules though you know if we do break the rules he will just yell at us in the end. But as you laid you felt an icy cold hand on your arm. It didn't make you jump on the inside since you knew who it was in the first place but you jumped physically. Opening your eyes to find Todorki with a small smile on his face as he stood there looking down at you.

"Don't tell me Mineta told you to come over here and bug me...or Mina told you to spray me with a squirt bottle" you asked with a frown as you sat up from your spot. He shrugged to the first option and nodded his head at the second one. Mineta was putting him up to this he had to be or at least Aoyama had to since he liked to hook up people or at least bug them about it. Shoto sat down next to you with a frown,

"Mineta dared me to come over and put ice all over your body in a pervy way."

"Glad you aren't a big perv like he is...I should totally drowned him" you said with a smirk as you looked at Todoroki with a smile. He chuckled slightly and looked back over towards Mineta waiting patiently and blood trickled down his nose. He was so eager huh. Todoroki looked back at you with an un-amused looked and rested his hand on your thigh. you looked over and watched as he got frustrated with him.

"He really wants you to do it huh...watch this" you said as you looked at the water over towards him. Just like that he was splashed with water after saying he didn't want to get in. Todoroki started to laugh lightly as he watched Mineta stomp over to you. you couldn't help but bust out laughing as he stopped in front of you. He grabbed Todoroki's hand and led him over to the side. Even though you could still hear them speak.

"What is you problem Shoto I told you go over freeze her and touch her boobs. It's like you haven't acknowledged the fact that a really really pretty girl is sitting right next to you. You have to take advantage of her in some way you know"

"What if I just want to talk to her...It's kind of rude to just go over and touch her you know" Mineta picked one of his sticky balls and tried to go over to you but Shoto stopped him in his tracks. Giving him a death stare almost immediately. He whispered something in to his ear that made him turn a shade of white but he still looked to be stubborn as he looked over at you with his mouth open wide. you rolled your eyes and checked the time on Mina's phone realizing that-

"Everyone it is closing time grab your things and change" Mr. Aizawa said with a roll of his eyes as he walked back inside. you quickly grabbed your towel and walked behind the duo. Tripping on Mineta's ball that he laughed as he dropped behind him. Todoroki quickly grabbed you and touched you accidentally where Mineta wanted him to. His face was the color of half of his hair, red. you blushed as Mineta removed the ball and apologized quickly before Todoroki could say anything to him. It was just you and him out here now.

"I'm so sorry"

"It doesn't matter Shoto... it was an accident and possibly Mineta's fault any way..I forgive you either way" you said as you stared in to his two different colored eyes with a soft smile. you leaned in and pecked his cheek as he let you go.

"Thanks for catching me though...I had fun with you today Shoto...see you in a few days" you said as you raced inside and to the girl's locker room. To find them all looking at you with a smirk before leaving. you wanted to yell at Mineta you really did but you couldn't help but thank him for tripping you. Other wise you would have never been able to give him that peck on the cheek. But you could really thank Shoto for not being such a big perv like Mineta is other wise you would have been trapped by him in the start of it all. But since it was him you would have been up for any thing just to talk and hang out with him.

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