[Hitoshi Shinso x Reader] Don't Go

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Warning : Suicide attempt in this chapter, if you can't read things like these then please skip this oneshot.

You couldn't take it anymore to be honest, after everything that has crashed down at U.A in less then a month. Not to mention things at home haunting you you couldn't take the fear and the pressure of it no longer. It started out with cutting at a young age, around 14 because of your family issues. You basically had to run the house with an alcoholic abusive father that came home around midnight and beat the ever loving shit out of you for no reason.

No one knows about your past because you never wanted it to come with you to U.A and your new start. Except for one male you felt you could confess anything to, Shinso. Even though you two were in separate classes you felt as if you were best friends. Like you knew each other from years ago when you first met. But even he doesn't know how you truly feel about everything at hand. You only told him bits and pieces, resulting in him going by to your dorm everyday to check in....well he doesn't know everything and you wanted to keep it that way so you could end up doing what you are right now.

You stared down below the bridge wanting to just have all the pain go away. It was sort of the last straw. Your dad was always calling and coming by to make you come home which resulted in a few scenes of embarrassment. Plus the fact that you had seen Shinso with another girl from his class acting close to each other. You knew it was jealousy and that you couldn't have him, that was your last straw you never wanted to have pulled. You felt tears streaming down your face as you stood against the edge, watching the water run fast. You took a step down from the ledge to think things through just to make sure you were okay with this. You left the people that meant most to you a death letter....which Shinso should be getting right about now.

"I can do this right? You have wanted to do this for a while now Y/n....it's getting more and more hard to hide your feelings every single day....it would be a nice relieve" You muttered as you stared at the ledge you were going to jump off of....you were sobbing now as you stared at it...you didn't know what to do. As you stared you heard shouting coming from your left. Out of the corner of your eye you could see your best friend running towards you, but he was still far ways away. You chuckled slightly and decided to walk closer and closer to the point where you were back up on the ledge....now you had to be smart about his words and not think of anything.

"What do you think you are doing Y/n! please come down from there please" He pleaded as he came closer to you. You edged your way back some in a reaction to this. Don't think about his words was all you could tell yourself.

"Y/n....why...would you do this to yourself...I thought you were getting better about your emotions....You never said you were suicidal..oh my god I completely looked over you actions...it was clear to see..every time you would flinch if I touched your arms....how long...how long have you been like this?" No answer came from you, you took another step back on the ledge. His eyes widened as he watched you, tears forming in his eyes as he held his hand out to you.

"Not answering huh....guess I could expect that from you, you learned from day one that I could control you with a simple yes coming out of your mouth *sigh*....you know....the girl you seen me with that one day....I was asking her for some advice...advice for asking this great girl out that I know and love. That I have helped out through every step of the way to get her thinking straight...one that I have fallen for ever since day one of school when she accidentally bumped in to me and fell...the one that has the most beautiful smile and even though she doesn't think it the perfect personality when nothing bothers you....I wanted to finally confess to you, you know....I guess this is good enough" He said, tears falling from your eyes as you looked at him. You didn't know what to do... at what he just said...you were choking back on tears as you watched him. You rubbed your eyes as you sobbed and stared down at the water.

"why....why me" you muttered to yourself as you wiped your tears that fell, only forming more and more. 

"you can't love a damn mistake like me....there is so many more people that you could date....I'm not even that fun-I" You just realized you had answered him to where he could hear you. You felt your body stiffen and your soul go back in to your body as you were controlled to step down from the ledge out of your control. You were screaming on the inside for him to let go but you knew he couldn't hear you. 

You felt his arms wrap around you tightly and the spell he had cast on your wear off. Your eyes started to water again as he held you. You breathed in his familiar cent as he hugged you, why...why you.

"Don't ever fucking do that to me again do you hear me...oh my god I thought I was going to lose the most wonderful thing that has happened in my damn life."

"Why me?..."

"Why you? why you come on can't you realize that you are the sunshine to my darkness. You make me happy and that's all I could ever hope for from you. You brighten up my day, you make me smile and actually sleep well. You know I hated my self too Y/n...you brought me out of that area in my life...I can't stand seeing you like this....I love you so god damn much and want to help you even more" You slowly wrapped your arms around him and leaned closer, hearing his heart beating fast.

"I love you" He muttered as he pulled your tears stained cheeks back and stared in to your eyes. You felt the ends of your lips curl...you were smiling at him. He wiped the tears falling from your eyes and leaned in. Kissing your lips slow and passionately. He let go and rested his forehead against yours for a second, taking in what had just happened along with a sigh of relief.

"Please....don't ever do that to me again okay....I can't lose you....not now...not ever" He asked of you, his tired eyes still shut. You buried your head in his chest and felt more tears fall. You wiped your cheeks and smiled softly as his shaky arms wrapped around you.

"I promise you" 

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