[Mirio Togata x Reader] Worth It

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Come on now Y/n, you know this by now that you can barely do anything right. Look you just made a fool of yourself in front of the whole class. What were you thinking, you thought to myself as you clutched your back pack strap tightly in your grasp with anxiety. Walking down the side walk so you could head back to your house after a long day of school. You always got in to Your own head, it was a small habit of yours that showed up often. Not as often as Tamaki but still pretty often.

Just then you accidentally messed up and dozed off, having the teacher mess with you personally afterward to embarrass you. You weren't a bad student you just dozed off from a lack of sleep from the night before. And you mess up big time and made a fool out of yourself. Just great isn't it, first you get shy from your quirk and now this. You're just at rock bottom sort of am aren't you? 

As you walked down the side walk you heard footsteps come up behind you. But as you turned around no one was there, this freaked you out majorly, You could have sworn some one was there. You felt like someone had just been watching you and could have swore you had heard something. As you turned your head back around there stood Togata slipping his shirt back on since his Quirk can't involve his clothes. Your face went deep red as you covered your eyes so he could cover himself up. But the more time passed the more you wanted to see his muscular body, even though you basically see it enough when he messes his Quirk up. That's why he has his costume you guessed then, good thing for it too. 

"I was trying to surprise you but well we seen how that worked out" He laughed as he pulled his bag over his shoulder and stood next to you. A wide smile formed on his face as you looked at him in curiosity. You sighed and put a somewhat convincing fake smile on your face and continued to walk down the side walk, now with him by your side. He frowned as he took a quick glance at you and faced back forward.

"You are thinking about something I can tell?"


"You always make this face when you are either deep in thought or thinking about something bad...so what's on your mind then Y/n?" He asked as he readjusted his back pack strap for a second as you waited by the crosswalk. You shrugged and kept your head down, your cheeks started to heat up by the sudden pressure to tell him exactly what was on your mind. Yet he only smile when you didn't answer.

"You know....venting what you're thinking actually helps your brain relieve stress and gives it more time to think with another opinion" He said as he interlocked his hands together and twirled his thumbs, being slightly impatient.

"it's nothing Togata I'm fine"

"No you aren't"

"Yes I am, stop worrying about me"

"How can I not when you are one of my best friends" He wrapped his arm around your shoulders and brought you in to a side hug as you walked down the street together. Your cheeks started to heat up even more as he held you in his grasp.

"Let me guess okay....you are thinking...negatively again" He guessed completely right on the first go. Why did he read emotion so well when it came to you. You can't get away with anything can you, even if you try he still finds out?

"What are you sad about, you know you can tell me anything right?" He asked with a reassuring smile as he looked at you. You sighed, you couldn't think of any other way around him and his constant asking. But it was still hard for you to tell him this. You never liked telling anyone the things you thought about, you felt as if you were taking up their time off day with your thoughts.

"I made a fool of myself in close today Togata okay...after that happened I was just at an all time low and started to be unsure about everything. About being a hero and what not...almost like I couldn't do anything right, Like I wasn't meant to be here you know" You shrugged as you hugged yourself tight after speaking your mind to him. His expression soften as he stopped you in your track, holding your shoulders in place like it could stop you which it very well could with his strength.

"Don't think that way of yourself please Y/n, you are worth so much to me and to anyone that truly sees you for you. You are worth the hero training, you are worth the time. I want you to understand that okay Y/n, how were you chosen then huh, they saw that magic and determination in you from the beginning. You have what it takes, I bet you could make top three with your abilities" Togata said, his cheeks turning more and more red as he looked in to your E/c orbs. He smiled widely at you and held your hands softly.

"You are worth it Y/n, anything that comes across your path you always seem to defeat it and move on no matter how hard or challenging. These...negative thought should be your next to defeat. It's ruining your true spirit of things you know. I want to see the old Y/n back, the one I knew back in primary school and middle school. Before these thoughts came in to your head" Togata said as he rested his forehead against yours. His face burned deep red from getting flustered as he told you these things. Your face was around the same color, this was even more then you expected from him. Usually is was a "You will be alright Y/n everything is fine" or a "Please stope worrying about everything and relax, I'm right here with you". A sigh escaped your lips as you wrapped your arms around his waist. Wanting to cry in to his chest but sadly no tears came out.

"Can you promise me that you will tell me anything negative that pops in to your mind from now on Y/n" He asked as he stared in to you E/c orbs. You bit your bottom lip and nodded your head as he rested his forehead against yours.

"I'm going to help you though this okay, that's what best friends are for am I right?" He smirked as he pulled away from the hug you had with him. You smiled fully and nodded your head as he stared at you like he was staring off in to space.

"We are going to get though this together, we are a team"

"Of course we are a team, just like back when we were young"

"Yeah just like back then...when everything was happy" You muttered underneath your breath as you came across your house. There stood your mom there with a big smile on her face as she read  the news paper in her hand.

"Why hello Togata, would you like to stay over for some dinner. I'm cooking very soon" Your mom offered as she turned her attention on him fully. 

"No thank you Mrs. L/n, my mother wanted me home for dinner tonight since Tamaki had me over a few days ago"

"Okay sweetie just checking" She said as she walked in side your house. You sighed as you looked in to his eyes with a small smile. You stood up on your tippy toes and pecked his cheek softly.

"I'm looking forward to getting though this with you Togata" You said with a flustered smile as you watched his face turn deep red. As you shared the moment looking in to each others eyes you heard your mom yelling for you from inside. You rolled your eyes and opened your front door.

"I'll see you tomorrow Y/n, call you later" Togata said as he raced off, leaving you speechless on your door step...yeah get through this together...how hard can it be then?  

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