[Fumikage Tokoyami x Reader] Shy

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You sighed slightly as you drew little sketches on the outside of the notes you were taking. Even though you sat in the back you could hear everything that the teachers were saying at the time, even Mr. Aizawa's monotone voice he usually has in the morning when he doesn't sleep that well. As you drew you heard a little tap on your desk from in front of you. You looked up from your paper to find Dark Shadow there with a gleeful look on his face. Did Tokoyami know he was out and right on front of me at the moment?As you were in thought Dark shadow took your extra pencil and started to write on your notebook paper.

He likes you you know you stared at the note and felt your cheeks heat up instantly, running a hand through your hair slowly as you stared at what he had wrote. He couldn't like me....could he? That has never crossed my mind before that he does, he seemed to be the type that didn't want any distractions to be fair.

Are you sure? You answered back, not knowing how long it would be til he would be gone. Dark Shadow nodded his head quickly before disappearing in to thin air. Guess his time was up then like you predicted. You couldn't help but smile as you rested your head on the palm of your hand. He really like you huh, you still couldn't think why to be honest. Shouldn't he want a more gothy girlfriend...like the style Jirou has? 

You bit your bottom lip slightly, what if it was all a lie and Dark Shadow was just pulling a prank between you too. What if he just wanted to fluster you in front of Tokoyami. You sighed as you held your head in both of your hands now. Trying to not over think so much like what you were doing. Yet as class went on you noticed him looking back at you confused. You just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible and hide in your room to be honest. You weren't sure to trust Dark Shadow after the last time someone gave you a note, saying that a certain person liked you. The thought sent shivers down your back, it was an emotional time back then that was for sure. That's why you hide your feelings from almost everyone...even though you let some of them show around your goth friend you were currently crushing on.

The bell rang loudly, startling you in your seat. You grabbed your notes quickly and stuck them in your bag, You seemed to lose track of time ever since the thing with Dark Shadow happened. Just go to the dorms  or home since you like calling it that and get something to eat before locking yourself away in your room. You thought to yourself as you walked out of the classroom. But before you could leave you felt a tap on the back of your shoulder.

"Hey, you okay...you seemed a bit tense today in class" Tokoyami stated with a slight worried look. You smiled and shrugged slightly, you were good at covering up your feelings.

"Y-yeah I'm just fine, thanks for worrying Toko" You replied as you walked off, his face was beat red from the nickname I had just given him. He was just so cute when caught off guard that was so for sure. As you were in thought you were disturbed by Aoyama popping in to your sight.

"Do you have a meer crush on him?" He asked with that smirk on his face he always has. You jumped a small bit and waved your hands since you wouldn't find the correct words to say at that minute.

"n-no why would you think that?" You asked with a nervous laugh as you rubbed the back of your neck anxiously. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at you, waiting for you to say something more than what you already said.

"you do....I'll tell him" Aoyama said with a large smile. You nodded your head no and covered your face with your hands. Your face was heating up a lot from the thought of him telling. If anything you wanted to tell him yourself. You shook your head no as you ran after the blonde as quickly as you possibly could down the stair case. Yelling his name as he ran out of the school and out towards the dorms where your friend was heading. 

"Y/n who are you chasing after"

"No time to explain" You yelled back at Tokoyami, not even noticing it was him since you followed the blonde in side of the building. He quickly ran up the stairs and towards your room, grinning to himself as you caught your breath slowly with a glare as you walked towards him. Cracking your knuckles to look intimidating towards him.

"You wouldn't dare tell him" You grind your teeth as you talk, gong to activate your Quirk soon to scare him off. He let out a nervous laugh and nodded his head slowly before taking off down the hall way.

"You better keep your trap shut Aoyama!" You yelled as you clenched your fists in anger which slowly turned to anxiety and fear that he would. You sighed as you calmed down some and opened your door to your room. Quickly shutting the door behind you since you heard footsteps coming from down stairs. You let out a groan as you landed face first on to your bed, muttering to yourself which you could barely hear since it was muffled from your mouth being underneath the blanket.

"You can't tell him....what would he think of you? He is just so cool and look at you, you are nothing compared to him" You told yourself as you turned yourself over so you could hear your voice more clearly then before.

"There is a large chance that he was lying there had to be, why would he like someone like me with i'm not even his type at all....or maybe his type is different from what I'm thinking *sigh* why do you sabotage yourself so much Y/n....maybe what he said was true....god I hate this so much, my feelings are to strong to be played with and-" There was a quick knock on my door, my face went beat red, could they hear me? I quickly scrabbled off my bed and fixed my hair back in to place before opening the door all the way open. There he was leaning against the side of the door. He had a blush on his face from ear to ear, did he hear what I said.

"h-hey Tokoyami...please don't tell me you heard everything I said just then" He cleared his throat slightly meaning he did.

"Who is this someone you don't think will like you back Y/n?" he asked with slight jealously but more over all curiosity. You bit your bottom lip as you stared at him, feeling your face heat up every second he gave you that certain look. You didn't even know what to say to him,

"She likes you" Dark Shadow came from behind his back. Your covered your face in your hands like it would hide you from whatever he had to say. But what you thought he was going to say never escaped from his mouth, quite the opposite to be exact. You felt his soft hands grab your wrists lightly and pull your hands away from your face. You looked in to your (E/c) orbs and sighed,

"How do you know that" Tokoyami asked with a slight turn of his head. Yet as he turned around you felt your body be pushed from behind from the dark being. Your lips met his in the action, you could fee your heart beating out of your chest as he held you in his grasp. He ran a hand through your hair to deepen the kiss some which surprised you. You could hear Dark Shadow in the background of it all, saying that you two were so cute together. You pulled back for air and just stared in to his eyes for the moment, feelings the ends of your lips curl in to a small smile.

"He was telling the truth then....you like me too Toko....I would have n-never thought you would....I was talking about you in my room"

"I always have liked you since day one of seeing you, I just wasn't sure how to respond to it all. You make my heart skip a beat every time I see you, your smile brightens up my crummy days. Don't even get me started on your personality.... I had wanted to tell you this for a while now but never had the courage, always talking to Dark Shadow about my problems, he must of just had enough and told you didn't he" I nodded my head as he ended his sentence, I rested my fore head against his with a sigh and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I'm so glad he told me though" You muttered as you felt your body be picked up off the ground and carried in to your room.  You wished you had courage like Dark Shadow, because you knew it would have taken you longer then that just say convince your self to say I like you. But you couldn't think about that now, you had your crush all to yourself and didn't want anything to ruin the moment for you. Not even the thoughts in your head.  

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