[Katsuki Bakugou x Reader] Rain

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Your eyes widened as you watched the rain fall from outside the school building, you bit your bottom lip as you hard thunder strike suddenly. It was around the time to head home for everyone in the school and it had to have started raining. You glanced around at everyone getting their rain coats on and there umbrella's out as they waited. Yet when you stood there and talked to Jirou and Denki no one asked you why you didn't have any of those things. They all just smiled and carried on, yet all you had was a light hoodie that wouldn't do you much good against this weather you were dealing with.

"I will see you all tomorrow and please remember to finish your worksheet Present Mic has given you to fill out. Tomorrow we will be working on training and our power moves along with hand to hand combat with out our Quirks so keep that in mind everyone." Aizawa sensi stated as the bell went off. You smiled at him and wished everyone you could see good bye before you left out in to the weather you really didn't want to walk in. 

You sighed as you walked out on to the street from school, the cold breeze against your bare shins as you walked and the droplets hitting against your hair and skin. Some time you hated being rushed in the morning especially when your alarm goes off but forgetting an umbrella was absolute hell for you and this is the second time it has happened yet now you are stuck in a somewhat storm.

Your backpack straps were clutched in your grasp as you walked, you knew the rain was ruining your makeup but hey you were going home.....and the walk was around twenty to thirty minutes as well. The ringtone went off you set for your phone in your pocket yet you couldn't bring it out because of the harsh rain. Thinking to yourself you were trying to think of a train that could take you home faster yet there wasn't any in your area.

"Of course your alarm goes off late Y/n....why do you do this to yourself or should you say why is your alarm so shit" You muttered to yourself as you crossed your arms to keep warm. Seeing your breath out in front of you. Your body started to shake from the cold which was terrible as well. As you walked though you suddenly didn't feel the rain hit you any longer which scared the absolute crap out of you. You glanced back and held your fists out about ready to activate your quirk. Yet who was blocking the rain still surprised the absolute hell out of you from who it was.

There stood Bakugou with a blank yet concerned look on his face as he looked down at you. He grabbed your arm and pulled you back underneath the umbrella. He rolled his eyes slightly as you just stare at him in awe. What was he even doing? Why did he help you?

"Are you just going to keep staring or are you going to start walking Shitty Y/n " He asked with he glanced away from you. You only smiled softly and started to walk, feeling a little bit of rain but he kept up with your speed. You sighed as you crossed your arms still since you were still freezing from the rain. Yet you could tell he was still concerned with you since you felt him slip his coat on top of your shoulders.

"How far is your house from here?"

"Around 25 minutes why?....if you're saying your house is closer then I'm fine Katsuki you don't have to walk me there"

"You are fucking shaking why wouldn't I walk you there....you know what no you are coming to my fucking house until the storm passes over"

"Bakugou really you don't have to I'm fine"

"No I insist I don't like seeing you shaking like you are.....you shouldn't even be out here with out an umbrella where the hell is yours? Why the fuck didn't you bring one to school?"

"Alarm didn't go off when I wanted it to" He groaned in annoyance as you smiled softly at him as you walked. Holding his jacket close around you to keep warm. When you walked you couldn't help but smile at his show of concern and actually being nice to you. You were just a small bit cold nothing you could handle yet he seen it as the end of the world. He never made it a point to talk to you even though you walked the same way everyday to your houses. He never wanted to yet here he was now taking care of you.

As you stared off in to space you felt him grab your hand and pull you aside towards a house. He was really serious about letting you stay huh? He opened the door and let you walk inside first then himself. You could hear his mother greet him from the kitchen and when she walked in and found you with him she smirked.

"Is this the girl you talk about hun"

"Shut up you old hag this is just an extra from class that lives down the road, she forgot a damn umbrella and I told her she could stay til the storm passes"

"Well I hope you know that it won't pass til around one in the morning"

"It's fine Mrs. Bakugou I can leave it's only around 20 minutes away from here I'm pretty sure. I'll bee fine"

"No you're staying here, I can't let you go out in the cold again shitty Y/n" You only let out a chuckle and looked towards his mom for a quick second. A sigh left your lips as you set your bag down.

"At least let me contact my mom then to let her know I'm staying and that I'm okay" You chuckled as you brought out your phone. He crossed his arms slightly as he watched you type in the number.

"You can borrow some of my clothes since yours is all wet, old hag can you wash her damn clothes for her"

"Yes I can she can have them fucking back soon" She replied with a grin as she watched Bakugou hand you some of his clothes he quickly grabbed from upstairs. A blush crept on to your face as you stared at him and then down at the clothes he gave you.

"Thank you Bakugou"

"it's what ever now get changed so you can warm up" You only smiled at him and went to the bathroom. You always knew he cared he just had a shield around his heart, and you were sure you broke through that shield that he had

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