[Izuku Midoriya x Reader] Emotional

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You looked over the packet Present Mic gave you for your English class, trying to finish it before tomorrow since it was due and you didn't bother doing it over the weekend since you were hanging out with Mina and Hagakure. You rested the pencil lead end of the pencil on your lip as you stared at the question you were supposed to answer in confusion.

"Why did I not pay attention in class Friday....I'm so going to regret this if I don't get at least majority of these right...maybe I should go and ask Momo for help. She's like the smartest person I know right..yeah...I'll go and ask her later" You told yourself as you took a sip of the tea Tokoyami gave you as thanks for training with him yesterday after school. He did make some of the best tea in the dorms that was for sure. As you set the tea cup back down on the small plate you heard a small knock at your door. You quickly set down your packet and book back on the table and walked over there quickly. 

Your hand went on to the knob and the door opened to reveal Midoriya standing there with a sad expression on his face. You raised your eye brow and opened your door up all the way after you heard his voice,

"Could I come in Y/n"

"Well of course you can Midoriya, you know you are always welcome in here" You replied fast as you watched him slowly walk in to your room and sulk on your bed. He looked very sad to be honest, like devastated. You weren't sure if you should ask him what was wrong or if you should just leave it be where it was and let him tell you when he wanted to. You shut your door and took a spot right beside him on your bed. That's when the tears started to flow, you knew he was very emotional and it was strange for him to hold it in but this was what you were expecting. You wrapped your arm around his shoulders with a sigh and pulled him in to a side hug. Frowning as you listened to him cry and sniff.

"What's wrong Izuku...Did Bakugou yell at you or something? Do I need to go beat up some one's ass tonight?" You asked, watching as he nodded his head no in return to what you had just said. He was to the point of sobbing to be honest, it must have been something huge in is life to impact him so much. Two things came to mind for you, All Might did something that upset him. Yes you knew about their secret, since Deku told you after you figured it out during that party you just so happened to go to and got run by villains. Or Uraraka said something or did something to him.

"U-Uraraka...she um... she broke up with me" He sobbed as he buried his head in to your shoulder, now you were starting to feel like the boy in the relationship when it's superposed to be the other way around. Your fists clenched tightly in anger at what he had just said, Midoriya was a perfect human being and a true hero at that. Why would she do that was the answer you were looking for.

"Why....why would she do that to you Izuku, did she say why?" You asked with a slight tone of anger to your voice. Wanting him to snap out of the trance he was in so he could focus.

"She said it wasn't me and it was her, that she had plans coming up and she didn't want me to get involved since I was well famous. She said she was leaving with Tsu to go on a mission in another country" Midoriya cried as he wrapped his arms around your waist. So much for working tonight, you were so screwed tomorrow in class that was for sure.

"So she wanted to keep you safe then? You do know if the villains know you're dating they will go after her just to get to you...she was probably just thinking wisely Deku" You replied trying to see her side of things as to why she would up and leave on them. But at the same time no one knew they were together in public so that ruled out that option quickly. Izuku rubbed his eyes as he tried to catch his breath. He was half the way on my lap now since he wanted more comfort. You couldn't help but smile as you removed some hair out of his face, revealing his tear stained cheeks and eyes. He was slowly starting to fall asleep from the lack of energy, crying this hard really did a number on him didn't it.


After Izuku passed out last night, you let him sleep in your room and checked in with Momo on your paper from last night. She helped you for a round an hour til you finished writing in the answers. After that you feel asleep quickly right next to him on your bed.

Morning came in what felt like no time, you woke up to the feeling of arms around your waste. Your face went beat red as you felt hot breath against the back of your neck. He must have stayed here all night didn't he. You leaned over and checked the time, just a few minutes before everyone's alarms would go off..that gave him some time to head back to his room. He couldn't get caught coming out of your room, everyone would think something different of the scene and you didn't feel like dealing with that, not today. You sat up under the covers and shook Midoriya next to you. Watching as his eyes fluttered open, a blush plastered on to his cheeks like it was permanent around you.

"Oh oh my god I'm sorry I d-didn't go to my room after l-last night" He stuttered nervously as you pulled your hair out of a hair tie so you could re-do it later. All you could do was chuckle as you leaned over and cupped his cheek.

"Your fine trust me, that's what friends are for am I right...now you might want to get going though or else everyone will see you come out of my room. You know how bad their minds can get especially Mina, Denki and Mineta. He sat up immediately and got out of the covers of your bed. Stretching slightly to get his stiff back ready for the day. As you started to walk off to the bathroom he quickly went over to you and cupped your cheek. He leaned in and kissed your forehead before making his way to the door.

"Thank you for last night...I knew you w-would listen to me...that's why we are such great friends...I'll see you in class o-okay" He said as he opened the door and quickly made his way across the hall to his room with only a minute to spare. You sighed as you looked in to the mirror laying on the wall in your bathroom. Yeah....such great friends you thought as you stared at your self, wishing that the relationship name would change to girlfriend some day. 

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