[Shoto Todoroki x Reader] Safe

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It's been one day since You have moved in to the dorms without Your parents permission. You told Mr. Aizawa before he even came in to Your house the whole situation with Your dad. It was a complete waste even talking or mentioning the idea to him. He didn't want You to go any where, mostly because You were his little punching bag.

The truth is he abuses You a lot ever since Your mom passed away a few years back. Any chance he can get he'll hurt You one way or another. He even told You it was Your fault that she died even though it was a car accident, just some how You were the one who caused it he said.

When You told Mr. Aizawa everything about Your dad he had this different look on his face then normal, like he was truly concerned with Your situation and well being. He decided to keep it a secret about You moving in so You wouldn't get in trouble. He actually came and picked You up from Your house in the morning yesterday just to take You over to the dorms with everyone else. You owed him everything in Your being for this, but he told You not to worry about anything and that he would take care of the rest. You hope he is right, because You feared the guy You used to call dad with everything in Your body.

You ran Your hand through Your hair as You stepped outside the dorms to get some fresh air in the morning. You wanted to cry to be honest, it's been so long since You have actually been able to wake up without a slap in the face. Or getting dragged by Your hair. You stretched Your arms and reopened Your eyes. Your expression quickly dropped to fear as You seen him stomping over to the place. You forgot parents were aloud in with a pass to see their child on campus. Mr. Aizawa was the only one You told so far, You thought he told the other teacher's as well already. Evidently he didn't since they let him in.

"What the hell do you think you are doing here young lady. You're supposed to be at the damn house in your damn bed like always. What were you thinking you snot nosed bitch!" He yelled with every fiber in his being. You stood strong even though You felt like collapsing just from his voice in fear. He gave You this stare like a bullet was being shot through Your chest.

"I-I'm 18 I can t-take care of myself" Your stutter started to show in Your words from how anxious and terrified You were. You glanced over to see some of Your friends looking out the window in confusion and concern for You. Their gazes going over to him in realization of what was happening. Non of them knew and You regretted not telling any body so much at this moment in time. Most of the guys eyes were filled with anger as well from who You could see.

"Like hell you can,you couldn't ever stay on your own. Now get your damn ass over here. We are going home NOW!" the front door opened to reveal Shoto, Kirishima, Iida and Katsuki. Frowns on their faces as they glared at Your dad with pure hatred. He glanced back and started to crack up.

"Let me guess these are the guys you probably sleep around with then. Couldn't expect less of my sorry slut sack of a daughter. Sorry if she had gave you anything she might have something." Your dad laughed as looked at You. You still wouldn't move but You didn't tremble. He groaned as he grabbed You by Your hair and threw You down to the ground in a swift motion. Picking You up again by Your neck as You coughed and held Your neck in pain . You cried out as he held You in place. Tears streaming down Your cheeks as You clawed at his arms to let You go. As You felt like Your life was being taken away from You You heard yelling behind You. From everyone but one stood out to You. Then a sudden sound of an explosion went off and You were dropped in to someone's arms in an instant.

"LET'S GO YOU FUCKING BASTARD, LET'S SEE HOW YOU LIKE IT" Katsuki yelled as he and Kirishima ran over to go and take him out of U.A personally. You were so glad You had those two, even though Katsuki could be mean he was truly a sweetheart and cared. Now it was down to two. You could barely see who was actually holding You since Your eyes were filled with tears.

"I'm going to Mr. Aizawa and speak to him about not ever letting him come back here to see her ever again" Iida quickly said before taking off towards the school using his Quirk to speed things up. Then that left the one guy that actually understood what You're going through since he had the same problem as You. He held You closer to his chest as You sobbed quietly in fear.

"He will never hurt you again Y/n. I promise, we will make sure he doesn't" Todoroki whispered as he sat down on the steps. You clutched his shirt like he was being taken away from You. You just needed someone to take care of You at the moment, someone to understand.

"How long has this been happening Y/n" Shoto asked softly as he removed some hair out of Your face.

"E-ever since my m-mom died...he blamed everything on *sniff* m-me. 6 years I h-have gone through *sniff* this. No one knew" You cried even harder thinking about everything that has happened to You. You could hear him sigh as he held You tighter. Comforting You as best as he could.

"He's gone now Y/n...you don't have to worry anymore. I'm here for you don't worry. Come on, let's get you back into bed. It's the day off and we can just stay in the house" Shoto said quietly as he fixed his grip on You and carried You in the house. Ignoring every one's questions and concerns for You but were soon answered by Kirishima and Bakugou coming back inside with pissed off but concerned looks on their faces.

"Leave half half bastard with Y/n she needs some alone time right now. So shut the fuck up and leave her be. Let shitty hair answer what we did to the asshole who did all of this shit." Katsuki said as he crossed his arms and looked away. Trying to hide his true intentions. Shoto looked his way and nodded his head. Making his way up the stairs to Your room.

"You are going to be fine okay...I'm here for you" Shoto said as he laid You down on Your bed and examined Your neck for the marks he had left. His face had an angry expression as he felt Your neck. Making You wince in pain, he looked down at Your sleeves and rolled them up to reveal bruising and fresh gashes and burn marks. His expression got worse and worse as he found more and more wounds on Your body.

"I'm going to kill him for doing this to you" Shoto gritted his teeth as he clenched his fist, making flames flare out in anger. You smiled and held his arm, pushing it down as best as You could which caught his attention.

"As much as I would love that to happen I don't want you to get in trouble." You whimpered as You held his hand, sitting up so that You could be eye level with him even though Your back does hurt. A small smile rose to Your cheeks slightly as You watched his flame go down. He stared at You for what felt like forever and just sighed. Leaning forward and laid his head on Your shoulder and neck. You blushed as You felt the hot air release on to Your neck and shiver, bringing back some bad memories.

"I'm here for you okay....you don't have to keep this to yourself any longer. We will make sure he never comes near you again" Todoroki muttered in Your neck. You smiled and felt tears slowly roll down Your cheeks. He must have felt them since he sat up again and looked at You with eyes full of worry.

"What...what's wrong" He asked quickly with concern as he cupped Your cheeks and wiped the tears away from Your eyes.

"I-I'm sorry....n-no one has cared about me this m-much...I...just" You started to cry again without even realizing, choking back on tears as much as You could so You wouldn't worry him as much but You think You exceeded Your limit of his worry already. He pulled You in to a warm hug and placed a peck on Your forehead.

"You should have someone care about you...you're amazing and I want you to see that. Just let it all out, you are fine. I'm here from now on...I am here for you. You get what I never got, someone who cared. We have each other now okay....you're fine" Shoto muttered as he rested his head against Your forehead. You smiled fully for the first time in years...he made You truly happy...he actually cares, they all care really. Maybe You should have told some one before all of this...maybe it would have made things easier. You started to tense up after rethinking everything,

"Just relax...it's our day off anyway." He muttered as he shut his eyes and hummed a small tune from his child hood. You couldn't help but feel Your eyes slowly shut as You listened to the rhythm he had hummed. You...felt...safe.

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