[Shoto Todoroki x Reader] Reason

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Warning : Depression, cutting and use of foul words If you do not like these and can't read them then please skip

You frowned upon hearing the names your former classmates called you as you walked back to UA one day from visiting your parent. Of course hey followed you almost all the way there. They had already made a big impact in your life....making you hurt yourself.....telling you you should just end it all while laughing...it was very hurtful and you hated all of them. 

Eventually it got way worse once you were excepted in to UA. They would show up at your house while your parents weren't home and would destroy the place with spray paint and toilet paper. Leading up to them breaking in one night just to hurt you. You wanted to cry right then and there, hearing the hurtful names as you walked not paying any mind to them in fear of them hurting you even more. Technically they weren't aloud to touch you but they would still try to trip you, the words they said were already sharp enough and cut in to your heart easily. You were even starting to agree with them to just end it.



"Your fatass won't get anywhere in life"

"You should starve yourself....fucking die you pig" They chanted names as you walked, tears streaming down your face as you walked with your head down. They started to laugh as they pushed you in to the ground before taking off down the street quickly so no one would see them. You stared at your scuffed up palms as wiped your tears, feeling the open wounds burn as the tears ran down them and to your freshly open scars from the fall. You sighed and put on a fake smile as you walked inside and over towards the Dorms. 

Luckily as you walked by no one notice you since half of them were watching the competition between Denki and Bakugou over a game on the T.V to lift up their spirits. But you knew one pair of eyes was watching you like a hawk to the side in the kitchen. His multi color eyes followed you and looked you up and down, landing on your hands as you clutched your bag with one hand. 

You raced up the stairs so no one would notice you besides him and shut your door quickly behind you. Breaking down to the floor as you set your bag down beside you. You couldn't take it anymore to be honest, it was just getting to be to much. Bottling all these emotions up with in is taking a toll on you greatly but you knew nothing would change at all.

Your feet carried you to the bathroom, glancing at the mirror towards yourself. You had bags barely covered by your make up since your tears removed almost all of it. Your palms looked horrible but that wouldn't matter at all would it. You removed your jacket to reveal your bandaged arms. Removing them to show your scars and new cuts added to your arms. Tears fell down your cheeks as you looked at them, biting your bottom lip as you grabbed your razor near the sink and held it above your skin. Your hands started to shake as you brought it down and cut your arm lightly on the skin. Stopping yourself from cutting anymore since you heard a knock on your door.

"Y/n I'm coming in okay" You heard, racing to put your jacket back on since you couldn't re-wrap your arm in enough time. At least one was still wrapped but you didn't want blood going down your arm.

You came out of the bathroom and found Shoto looking around your room. He looked back at you and sighed, his features softened slightly as he walked over towards you. He rested his weight on one of his legs as he leaned his arm over and grabbed your hand softly. Picking it up to reveal scuffs and a small bruise on your palms. His eyes traveled up to yours with concern, that's when you noticed blood going down your arm. You bit your lip as you looked at him, he knew there was more just by that. He could read you like a book just by your actions. Rolling up your sleeve he didn't seem fazed, only mad. As he raised his hand, you trembled in fear as you held your arm up. But he only cupped your cheek,

"Y/n Why? why would you do this to yourself?" He asked, only making you break down even more.

"You haven't heard what they have said to me Shoto.....it's....it's so horrible yet true once I hear it enough.....3 years I have dealt with this and it still happens....I'm done I can't take it anymore"

"So the scuffs on your palms are from "them"?"

"Yes Shoto.....they hurt me in many ways then one"

"....*sigh*....I'm going to kill them for doing this to you....it's horrible.....please stop this Y/n"

"Why should I....maybe they are right you know....Give me one reason why I should stop?" He paused....leaning down slightly and connected the gap between your lips. You wrapped your arms around his waist tightly and felt him rest his head on top of yours. He had already won you over just by that.

"Because I would never forgive myself if you were gone....I love you to much to watch you suffer like this...just please stop this and let me help you....talk to me Y/n. I don't want you hurting yourself anymore then this" He said as he lifted your chin up so you could look him in the eye. He leaned down again and pecked your lips. Pressing your head against his chest softly as he hugged you once more.

"Okay......I'll try" You replied with a slight yawn, feeling him pick you up and rest you on your bed softly. He made his way to the bathroom and grabbed some bandages from your cabinet. Coming back, he started to wrap your palms and re-wrapped your arm to stop the bleeding. You knew he wasn't the romantic type but when he kissed from your palm all the way up to your lips you knew he loved you to great extent. You smiled softly as you felt the bed weight down next to you. His strong arms wrapped around your waist softly as he spooned you from behind, like your bodies were meant for each other's body build. He kissed the top of your head before getting more comfortable in his spot behind you.

"I'm killing who ever did this to you tomorrow" He muttered softly behind you, resulting in a little chuckle coming from you.

"Now you're sounding like Bakugou"

"He rubs off on people some times....but I mean it, no one is going to hurt you ever again you hear me....I love you Y/n"

"I love you too"

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