[Dabi x Villain Reader] Strange

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You watched from across the bar at Toga basically throwing herself over Dabi as he sat there. You watched in pure jealousy at her act, wanting that to be you to be quite honest. But one thing you knew was the number one rule with Dabi, no extreme touching like she was doing at the moment. He seemed annoyed with her and constantly told her to piss off but she wouldn't listen no she only did it more. Like an annoying little sister trying to gain your attention.

As you watched you felt a small tap on your shoulder and found Twice standing behind you with a small smile. You were quite surprised to see his mask off as well since he normally had it on to keep himself at one personality. He smiled at you and pointed towards the door leading outside and looked over your shoulder to see Dabi glancing over at you. You smiled and let him lift you up from your chair and followed him outside. When the door shut behind you, you heard him sigh slightly which confused you slightly. As you watched him take out his cigarettes from his pocket he looked you over.

"You know it's really obvious that you are jealous of them right Y/n" Twice said with a small smirk as he watched your face become deep red in embarrassment.

"Is it really that obvious Twice?" You asked with a worried expression only to hear him laugh slightly as he removed to ash at the end by flicking the end to the ground.

"Toga is just being herself, haven't you seen her with me? She basically makes me drag her around any where I go....if she's in the mood that is" Twice said with a small shrug as he watched you sit down on the steps. Resting your head with in your hands with a sigh since you didn't know what to really do about what was happening. You weren't even dating him, but you just wanted to rip her away from him and claim him as yours. Twice walked over and sat down next to you with a groan since he had hurt his leg on the last mission you had went on.

"Just fucking tell him already....if you don't like what she's doing then fucking claim him....and I don't mean give up and get drunk because i don't feel like dragging you to bed again" Twice said as he finished his cigarette and through the rest on to the ground. You sighed and nodded your head slightly as you leaned and rested your head on his shoulder. You two were basically best friends....or acted like brother and sister since you both have known each other for so long. That's why it was honestly normal for actions like this, but other people still forgot about that. As in Dabi. You stood up from the ground as Twice pulled out another cigarette to light, as you opened the door and walked in you were pushed against the wall with extreme force.

"What the fuck were you doing out there huh?" Dabi asked with a stern voice as he held your hands above your head. Why was he getting like this....did he think you did something with him? 

"N-nothing what's it to you...You got Toga to fucking hang out with you why can't I do the same with Twice huh?" You decided to act tough about your reply but it only made him even more mad. He face was a few inches away from yours at that point.

"Did it look like I wanted her on me"

"No....so what does this have to do with me" He then realized his mistake and let go of you with a grumble as started to walked back to the counter where she sat. You only watched from a far as he sat there and yelled at her quietly, not even realizing Twice standing behind you.

"You want to go play knifes in my room?" Twice asked as he bought out some throwing knifes he had found. Dabi quickly stood up from his chair and grabbed your hand. Pulling you towards himself and felt you land in to his arms roughly.

"No she's going to hang out with me instead"

"Says who" 

"Says me, go hang out with Toga....getting sick of her already"

"But I wanted to-" and just like that you were lifted up and placed over Dabi's shoulder. Blushing as you stared back at Twice with a confused expression. Seeing him only shrug which worried you instantly since he wasn't saying anything to help the matter. Then to your sudden realization he started to walk off with you on top of him in to the hallway where all of the bedrooms were. He kicked open his door instantly and laid you down on to his bed. Staring at you with a cocky smirk on his face as he looked at you up and down.

"What was that for Dabi?" You asked, scared of what he might do to you as you mentally prepared yourself for anything coming your way really.

"Just wanted to finally get you alone to myself today, was getting sick and tired of Toga's attitude and just wanted you" He said as he placed his hands by your head and stared down at you with a smirk on his face. Your face was heating up so much from the contact with him and all you wanted to do was just run away to your room and scream. As you stared off in to space you caught him looking at you lips. You lifted your face up and locked your lips with his. His eyes went huge but he closed them and leaned more in to you.

"God I love you" he muttered as he kissed your lips again.

"You're so strange Dabi.....and I love it"

"I know"

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