[Eijiro Kirishima x Reader] Somewhere else

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"Are you sure you want to study over at my place Kiri?" You asked unsure of why he wants to go over to your place this time. He smiled and nodded his head slightly as he readjusted his backpack on his shoulder. You had a lot of trouble with your parents, almost every afternoon they would fight and bicker over the most smallest things. You got in the way of some of them as well, most of the time you would escape out your window and go in to the back yard until things clear up or one of them leaves. But you have never shown any one what it is like and was wanting to keep it that way.

With a sigh you continued on your way, showing him which way to go and what house. You bit your lip slightly as you stopped, both of them were home already since the cars were in the drive way. You were hoping on it just being mom since she isn't the type to get mad, it's always dad that starts it and tends to finish it. Kiri placed his hand on your shoulder suddenly breaking you out of your thoughts,

"Are you okay, you seem tense all of a sudden"

"y-yeah I'm fine, come on let's head inside" You laughed it off some, getting your key out of your bag. You opened the door and had him follow in right after you. Your mom was the first one to see you two, you were sort of glad it was her but you didn't want your dad to see you two at all. He would thing some thing else completely if he saw you bringing home a boy but your mom understood.

"Hi m-mom this is Kirishima...we are going to be studying for the finals in our class together since he needed some help" He smiled and held out his hand, my mom flashed me a quick smile and shook it with delight.

"Call if you need anything then" She smiled nervously as she watched you go back in the hallway. He walked in to your room and laid down on your bed. Watching you shut the door behind you with confusion.

"If you hear my dad hide under the bed okay, he won't like that your over here" You muttered as you sat down on the bed next to him and brought out some of the text books and papers that would help you study. He nodded his head, his smile wouldn't leave his face as he glanced around your room with curiosity. As you stared off in to space you could hear him compliment your room several times on different things. He was just so excited to be there. You giggled as you handed him a text book and some paper for him to write on like a study guide. 

"So what subject then? English is that hardest for me. Some times I wonder how Present Mic even learned how to speak it so well" Kirishima started to say as he looked through what you were giving him.

"Yeah we can started with that if you would like, English isn't my strong suite either to be honest"

"But when you speak English it sounds so good"

"It's called practice and I only spoke a little that day when you heard me. I have no clue how to do these" He giggled slightly, his sharp teeth showed in his wide smile as he stared over at you. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear nervously as looked down at you English book.

As soon as you settled down and felt like this was going to be a peaceful time you heard a bang come from the other room. They were starting again weren't they. Kirishima flashed you a look of confusion, then the yelling started. You covered your ears as you heard them, why did this have to happen to you now with him. He won't want to see you ever again will he after coming here. You shut your eyes and wanted the sound to go away but after a while you felt his arms wrap around you. To comfort you in your time of need.

"Do they do this a lot Y/n" He asked calmly as he ran his hand through your hair to get it out of your eyes. You nodded your head slightly, reopening your eyes to find him staring down sweetly at you with his ruby red eyes.

"So that's why you were acting nervous and tense then" He said finally getting why you had questioned him several times before coming over in the first place. You sighed as you got up from the bed and pressed your ear against your door. They were in the living room, after a while of hearing them fight you could pin point in the house where they were. Dad must have found out about Kirishima or something because he was fine when he came home. it's like it's your fault for them fighting, any time you came home they just started to bicker. Ending up in one of them leaving. 

As you were you were in thought you jumped as you felt someone touch your shoulder. Kirishima was standing right behind you with a concerned look on his face. He could tell yo were terrified and it broke his heart to see you like that.

"Would y-you like to go s-somewhere else Kiri?" You asked with a shaky breath as you looked up at him. He nodded his head as he took your hand in his.

"If that's what you would like then we will happily go to my house if you want. Just a few blocks down" He replied with a small reassuring smile. You nodded your head and started to pack up your bag you had brought. Feeling his arms wrap around you from behind,

"Would you care to stay at mine for the night, my mom wouldn't mind if you did....to get a break of them for now" Kirishima offered as you walked over to the window, breaking from his grasp since you weren't used to this affection he was giving you. You nodded your head as you opened the window and hoped outside, Kirishima followed you close behind.

"When did this start happening might I ask" Kirishima said as you walked towards the street again, catching a glance of them in he front room. 

"I don't want to say"

"That's fine, you don't have to say anything if you don't want to." he replied with a smile on his face. You just wanted to break down and cry for that matter. You never wanted to be in a life like that with your parents. Every day hearing them fight has taken a toll on you mental state. Every time you hear Bakugou yell at school you always think of them and it scares you. You've always tried staying away from him because of that. At least your panic attacks have sub sided some since the school year has started. But you still have them occasionally when the fighting gets really bad.

"Y/n earth to Y/n" Kirishima said as he waved a hand in front of your face

"Sorry just staring off in to space" You replied, your cheeks getting warm from the embarrassment.

"Are you going to be okay Y/n"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I'm worried sick about you okay, I don't want you to feel alone in this okay....I'm just saying I'm here for you. If you don't feel comfortable at your house come to mine....the offer stands for when ever you need" You smiled for the first time in a while, it was a true smile. You wrapped your arm around his waist and buried your head in to his chest.

"Thank you Kiri"

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