[Izuku Midoriya x Reader] Heartbreak

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you sighed as you fixed your glasses you wore, Midoriya was talking to you earlier today. It was amazing really, but that was because you had a huge crush on the guy. you felt like you were perfect for each other and Hagakure actually told you that you were. He was just so cute with his green hair and his shining green eyes. He grin and freckles made his face look perfect. Everything about him was just a dream.

"Earth to Y/n...hey you're staring off in to space again" Hagakure said as you walked down the hallway of the school from the lunch room. you giggled and glanced over at her. Apologizing for not answering what she had asked you as you walked.

"You have your mind on him again don't you" Jihro suddenly said as she pulled her head phones off of her ears. Pausing the rock band music she was listening to on her phone. your cheeks started to burn as you hugged yourself tight. They knew you so well didn't they. Was it that noticeable how you were acting?

"N-no....well I uh"

"You can't hide the truth from us. You are head over heels for him Y/n. You have to do something about your feelings" you blushed and kept your head down. Feeling Jihro pull you in to a side hug as you walked.

"You know we are here for you right. We are here every step of the way and bring you advice. We helped Hagakure out with Ojiro just fine. Don't you think we can do the same for you too?"

"Well yeah I just don't think I'm worthy enough for him"

"You are worthy enough Y/n you're an amazing person. I don't see how he couldn't love you" Hagakure said as she searched through her bag slightly to find her phone. you sighed and glanced down at your hands. Clenching them tight with a confident grin on your face.

"Yeah you know what...I'll tell him after school when we head back after training. He always walks ahead so that will be my time"

"That is great, now you stick with that because we want to hear all about it" Hagakure said with a grin as you made your way back to the classroom finally. Every one took their seats and you heard Mr. Aizawa talk for a while about partner ships and your ultimate moves before you made your way over to the training area.

Anytime you stood on the side lines and let the next duo fight you would look over towards his way. Smiling as he muttered to himself about their fighting skills like he always does. He was just so cute when he was curious and in thought. you quickly would look away in fear of him noticing but soon found Uraraka taken up his time. Only  a few more minutes until you would tell him. This was the moment of truth.

The moment passed and Mr. Aizawa said class was over for the day soon after. He said he didn't care what you would do next and to just not bother him which was normal for him to say. As you glanced around you found Deku gone already from the area, probably already back in the classroom. you smiled and looked over at Hagakure and Jirou, they both smiled and gave you a thumbs up. you sighed as you quickly made your way to the class room, taking around ten minutes of your time to get changed and to walk over there. you hoped he was even in there.

you stopped at the door with a sigh in anxiety. your hands were trembling as you shook in your boots. Why did your anxiety have to act up now. you tried to calm yourself as best as you could as you grabbed a hold of the door handle. Realizing the door was already open just a hair and you could hear two voices inside. Him and a girl's voice...Uraraka.

"Deku....I've just been wanting to say this for a while okay....I like you so much and you have made me think that I could accomplish really any thing I put my mind to. You make me proud to be a hero and to be your friend and I just get so nervous around you I don't know what to do. I really really like you deku and I hope you feel the same way. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't continue me life with out you" She said as she reached over and held his hands. His face was beat red as he stared at her with his mouth open in shock.

Tears started to form in your eyes as you watched them. She leaned in and kissed his lips softly, he started to kiss back with no hesitation. you choked back on a cry as you watched them together. your chance to tell him how you felt was ruined....you shouldn't have waited so long to tell him. you quickly wiped your tears and made your get away towards the stairs.

"Hey Y/n...wait up I thought you were going to tell him" Hagakure ran down after you, planning on coming up to see what was going on. She grabbed a hold of your shoulders and stopped you in your place. It was far enough to where they couldn't hear you.

"Uraraka already told him *sniff* I was t-to l-late" you cried in to her shoulder as she held you. She rubbed your back softly as you cried. Telling you it was going to be okay in the end. But right now you couldn't believe anything.


(Two years later)

you grabbed a hold of your boyfriend's hand, laughing as you walked down the street from date night. you got with him around a year ago, he was actually an exchange student that moved here from another part of the country and ever since then we were always together. He got you out of your bad place in your head with ease ever since the thing that had happened two years back.

you couldn't have been more happy. He has been a great help and you love him so much. As you walked you noticed two familiar costumes down the street. Since you were now pro heros you knew everyone's suit. It was him, your eyes were filled with surprise as you watched them fight. Yelling that you could hear from a mile away. Pure anger was in each of their faces. As you watched your grip on his hand tighten and he realized this in the sudden second.

"Come on sweetheart, this should stay in the past. We'll take the way through the park. I know you love it there and at this time in the afternoon."

"Okay baby...let's go" you replied as you watched Iida and Todoroki break them up soon after and take them separate ways. For a moment his eyes locked with mine but you couldn't go through with that. Not after what happened and definitely not now when you're actually happy. you smiled as you felt your boyfriend's arm wrap around your waist, his lips pecked your forehead lovingly as you walked.

This was the right decision, it had to be. He was the best thing that had ever happened in your life and you couldn't let a memory ruin everything. Not now not ever.

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