[Fumikage Tokoyami x Reader] Hate

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He doesn't like You does he? Every time You go around him in the classroom, during training even when You are just hanging out in the dorms he just seems to want to avoid You at all costs. You've caught him taking glances at You though, every time You just so happen to actually look over in his direction he just turns away quickly. 

What have You done to him to make him act this way towards You. You just try to be optimistic as much as You can be to every one. You don't like fights or drama, like the thing with Bakugou and Midoriya. You don't really like the way Bakugou treats him. Was it something You did in the past like during the Sports Festival or during some training day? You just couldn't think when You could have made him act this way towards You.

As the minutes ticked by on the clock You sighed out of boredom, resting Your head against the palm of Your hand as You listened to Aizawa sensi talking about training techniques for tomorrow's training day. He already spoke of this yesterday and was just going in to more detail so You technically didn't have to listen to him all that much. But Your mind kept thinking over what had happened this morning instead of what he was talking about.

You brushed Your bed head hair, smiling at Yourself after You was done. Today is going to be a good day You thought as You slipped on Your school uniform. Grabbing Your bag real quick before heading out Your dorm room. As soon as You stepped foot outside You were greeted by walking into someone

"Sorry sorry I didn't see you there" You chuckled nervously as You fixed Your uniform. Looking up to find Tokoyami with a flustered expression. The one guy You didn't want to run in to was right in front of YouYour face went red, You quickly put Your head down in embarrassment.

"I'm terribly sorry Tokoyami...um..I'll be on my way then" You said, not even daring to ask him to walk with You to school today. Even though that's what You truly wanted to ask him in that moment. You think it was fear that prevented You from doing so. You looked back at him, he opened his mouth to say something but then closed it with a stubborn look. You sighed and quickly walked away from him down the stairs. He was right behind You since You could hear his footsteps. Your cheeks burned at the thought of him.

"Good morning Y/n" Midoriya and Iida said as they sat and put away every one's dishes since school was about to start. You smiled at them and quickly headed out the door. Not even eating any breakfast. You just couldn't stop thinking about him. Why did he not like You, why were You falling for this man that doesn't have the time of day for You. A tear dropped from Your eye as You kept Your head down and walked down the path to the school. This was going to be a bad day.

As You was in Your thoughts the bell rang loudly making You jump in Your seat. You grabbed Your bag and kept Your head down. You had already told Momo and Hagakure that You were just having a bad day so evidently people noticed Your change in attitude. Someone knocked on Your desk as You picked up Your bag after staring out in to space.

"Hey" You heard his voice say. You bit Your bottom lip as You looked up at him. He had a more softer expression on his face then before. You didn't know what to say to be honest. You haven't had a real conversation with him besides a quick Good Morning or sorry.

"What is it Tokoyami?" You asked with an unsure tone to Your voice.

"I um...."

"If it's about this morning I told you I'm sorry for bumping in to you"

"No it's not I just wanted to say that I was ah...sorry for making you feel sad...I just have a hard time with my feelings and such...the truth is Y/n I have been having this crush on you for a while now and um. Every time I see you I just get these butterflies in my stomach. Your smile is so beautiful and your eyes light up when you are happy. Your attitude is one many people wish to have...at first you seemed to just go out of your way to be friends with me. Now it's almost like you're scared and confined....I wanted to apologize to you" Tokoyami said with his cheeks red. He stuck his hand in his pocket and leaned on his left leg, shifting all of his weight to one side.

You didn't know what to think to be honest. It's a miracle he doesn't hate You but how do You process his feelings. You looked at him and swallowed the spit in Your mouth You had gathered. You stepped forward and hugged him, feeling his body tense up to Your touch.

"I would say you must fear me but I don't think you do...I truly am sorry about all of this. I should have told you sooner so these actions of mine wouldn't have gotten worse"

"Thank you for telling me this" You muttered in his chest, feeling his arms wrap around Your waist. You stood there in silence. You couldn't stop thinking about his compliments, the way he made You feel. The butterflies in Your stomach You get when You're around him. But the true initial thought was that he had the same feelings as You.

"I-I'm sorry if I'm pushing you in to saying this but....do you share the same feelings as me Y/n...if-if you don't it's fine but I would really like to know" He asked me as he pulled away from the hug and held Your hands tightly. You smiled and nodded Your head quickly in return to what he had just said.

"Of course I like you, I have since day one. You have just always caught my eye out of everyone. When you started acting this way I wanted to give you some space because I thought I was coming out a bit strong. But truly those moments with you made me more intrigued" You smiled softly as You seen the look of relief on his face as he held Your hands in his grasp.

"I would like to take this slow if you don't mind. Start out with a few dates you know...But I can tell that in the future we will do more with each other. maybe even have the title that most people have for each other" Tokoyami said with a smile.

"Could I kiss you?" He asked suddenly as he cupped Your cheek, You could feel heat rise to them from Your blush. You were definitely flustered by his question. You nodded Your head and closed Your eyes as You felt him kiss You. It was short and sweet, which is what You expected for a first kiss from him since he wasn't like Mineta.   He pulled back and smiled at You.

"Come on then, let's head to lunch with the others." He said as he held Your hand and lead You out of the room. Maybe this day would be even better then what You had intended. He truly made it ten times better then how it was before. You're just glad everything turned out alright in the end, he truly never hated You the whole time. He was just shy and unsure about his feelings for You. All You could do was smile, Your dream had came true. Something that You never thought would happen cam true for You, that is all You could ask for.

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