[Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader] Nervous

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Your grip tightened on her hand as you walked with her down the street, pulling your beanie down over your ears since you were so nervous. Today was the day you were going to meet her parents and you were not prepared for this at all in any way shape or form. Usually you were always laid back and didn't have a care in the world, you could even say Denki and Sero have rubbed off on you more then you like for that matter. But this was serious, her dad was rich and her mom would be disappointed if she found out how un-classy you were. Good thing you didn't take the offer Sero gave you to light a quick one before you left.

"Hey are you okay, you've gotten quiet ever since we turned down this street?" Momo asked as she stared up in to your eyes. You flashed her a quick smile and fiddled with the sleeve of your new nice jacket. You still didn't under stand how she could love someone like you, you were average. Average grades and average Quirk there was nothing special. It's been two years, you have met them before but not over dinner. Two years she has been stuck with you, that amazes you completely.

"y-yeah just really nervous to meet your parents you know" You chuckled nervously as you continued to walk down the street.

"They will love you trust me Y/n, yes they can be strict and my dad wants the best for me but you are the best for me okay. Their opinion won't change the fact that I love you so very much." Momo replied as she pecked your cheek warmly, you felt your cheeks heat up from her touch. Her arm wrapped around yours as her breath showed when she breathed out in the cold air.

"I just hope they like me, I want to show them that I can take care of you"

"My dad will see the great side in you and my mom will just ask you a ton of questions, don't you think they did that to Denki and them when I was helping them study"

"But won't it be different since I'm your boyfriend"

"I just don't want you to worry, just be polite and answer with honesty, I'll be right here for you along the way okay, love you" She replied as we walked up to her door step.

"love you too" you whispered as you seen the door open up to reveal a shorter women with a huge grin on her face. She was around two maybe three inches shorter then Momo and her hair was a lighter color black and tied back with ribbon. Her glasses were neatly cleaned that rest on her nose and you could tell she had done her make up before you showed up.

"Sweetheart it's so nice to see you, and I see you have brought your boyfriend that I've heard about. it's a pleasure to meet you young man" You shook her and hand and smiled at her widely. She invited you two inside and brought you towards the dinning table.

"Now you two sit down, dinner will be out soon and your father will come down from his office"

"You sure you don't want my help Mrs. Yaoyorozu?" You offered before taking your seat, she only flashed you a smile before heading in to the kitchen. Momo glanced over at you with a grin as she intertwined your hands together firmly. As she was about to rest her head against your shoulder you heard loud foot steps erupt from behind you. It must be her father then, you bit your lip as your gaze was upon him.

"Pleasure to meet you dear boy" Her father said as he held his hand out, you shook it as firm as you possibly could and seen a interest in his eye as he smirked. Momo started to talk about U.A and such as dinner was brought out by her mom. You spoke when you felt was the best time so they wouldn't get the idea that you were annoying. But you felt as if this wasn't you at all, you wanted to talk and make jokes, not sit quietly and listen.

"So Y/n what is your quirk then?" her father asked as he cut in to his meal.

"Time manipulation sir, our home room teacher says that it is very strong quirk."

"Show me" He replied with a curious look in his eye. You smiled back at Momo and felt the power in your hand, with a blink of an eye you stopped time. You stood up from your chair and walked over to his side of the table. You bent down and restarted time once more, the timing was easy enough and it was only for you so no one else would experience the stop in motion. He jumped as he seen you were right next to him in a blink of an eye. He chuckled slightly and smiled approvingly to Momo. You smirked at her and you made it back to your seat and continued to answer any questions he asked you. Until the moment of truth,

"Where is your bathroom by chance Mrs. Yaoyorozu?"

"Down the hall way two doors down to the left sweet heart" You excused yourself and got out of the dining hall. Listening in on what they had to say about you secretly. But you did really have to go use the bathroom.

On your way back you heard her father talking with a laugh at the end of his sentence,

"You know I like this boy, Momo you found a great man here. I'm so very proud of you" Her mother commented which made you smile. But you bit your lip as you awaited on what his answer would be. You heard a small sigh,

"You know I hate seeing you with any one, but....he does seem like he can take care of you...you are free to stay with him Momo....I hope you're happy with him." You returned to the table with a smile and felt Momo grab your hand.

"We must be going, we have training in the morning that started around 5....It was great having Y/n meet you" She stood up with you and so did your parents. Before you could walk to the door her dad pulled you aside.

"You listen here okay, if you hurt my daughter I'm going to come after you. I trust you with her and I don't trust many boys with her."

"I won't sir I promise" He smiled at me warmly as I made my way out with her after saying our good byes. As we walked down the road she stopped and pecked my lips lightly.

"I think my dad really likes you"

"I hope so"

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