[Shoto Todoroki x Reader] Choose You

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You walked down the hallway with your phone in your hand, waiting to get to your classroom so that way you won't be one of the early ones in there. As you walked slowly you heard some quick foots steps erupting behind you quickly.

"Y/n hey wait up I have to ask you something" 

"I'm not even walking fast Shoto" You chuckled slightly as you stuck your phone inside of your pocket. You tucked a piece of hair behind your ear as you glanced over at him. He ran a hand through his hair nervously as he started to walk at your pace.

"So what was it then, spit it out?" You asked, realizing as you turned the corner that the classroom was right there in your view.

"I want to ask Momo out on a date" Your heart sank as those words replayed in your head. He wants to date her? What were these feelings all of a sudden for her, he barely even speaks to her from what I have seen during class. There is no close relationship there....what about me...I have been here this whole time for him and he notices her instead of me....why?

"Y/n are you okay?"

"Huh why?"

"You blanked out for a second after I told you that"

"Told me what?" He chuckled softly and ruffled up your hair slightly.

"That I want to ask Momo out, I wanted you to know just in case I need your help" He smiled at you as he opened the classroom door for us and let you go in. You sighed as you made your way to the back of the classroom like normal and grabbed your seat. Resting your head against your hands as you glanced over at the two of them. He started to talk to her as if you weren't even there to begin with. Sadness rushed over you as you watched the two of them.

"Hey what's up" You turn your head to see Shoji with a confused look on his face. You sighed and shrugged, watching as he looked over at them. Nodding his head slightly as he turned back to you and started to write on a piece of paper. He handed it to you after a short time of writing and then looked back at the pair.

Shoji : You jealous of them or something? I can tell that something is wrong

You : He told me he was going to go out with her,  I want him to be happy but I want to be in her place

Shoji : I understand now, maybe he just wants a one time thing, don't get to sad.

You : I just want him to be happy

Shoji : How bout you come with me after school to get some ice cream, to take your mind off of them. He told me he wanted to go out with her tonight anyway You smiled slightly at him, to take your mind off of things right? 

You : that would be fun

Shoji : I could bring Toko along if he would come out of his room XD You giggled and sat forward. Nodding your head at him from the side so that way you could listen to the lesson that Aizawa was teaching you all for today. You couldn't help but keep looking back at them in heart ache. Shoji will take your mind off of this. He has always said that you were like his little sister and that he hated seeing you sad. Let's just hope he could succeed at taking your mind off of everything.


You three sat in the ice cream parlor that was only a few blocks down from U.A. Tokoyami even seemed to be having a fun time even though he wasn't used to being in this type of environment. You smiled at them as you talked about random topics that had interested you and they seemed to agree on everything and added on. Your conversation came to an end when Tokoyami said he would go use the bathroom real quick though and then things got serious.

"Y/n I want to tell you a secret okay, don't tell Toko" Shoji said as he leaned in to me and held his pinky finger out like a small child would. You took his pinky and shook it tightly,

"I'm going to ask Tokoyami out on a date" He whispered, his cheeks that weren't covered by his mask turned deep red. You giggled and was telling him ideas about dates and such for the two of them. He seemed really happy about the out come you gave him about the whole idea. But as you were talking about it you didn't realize who just walked in to the door way. It was your best friend and his so called date. She smiled and waved at you but he just stared with red cheeks. Glancing away with confusion from you. You only smiled and waved back. continuing with your conversation with him until they came over after ordering.

"So what are you two doing here" Momo asked as she held her ice cream in her hand. You smiled and shrugged slightly, 

"Came for ice cream...and waiting for some one to get out of the bathroom so we can leave. Sorry for being a bother Shoto, carry on" You replied with a uneasy look that only satisfied Momo. She grabbed a hold of his hand and lead him over to one of the tables some what near you two. It was in your sights. Shoji looked over at you with a confused look but only shook it off.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to go and check up on him, he's been sick the past few days so he might not be feeling that well, my apologizes Y/n" Shoji said as he left your table and went to the bathroom to go find Tokoyami. You couldn't help but let your eyes wander over to them, you felt shame as tears were starting to form in the corners of your eyes. But as you looked further he was looking down at his phone slightly as she went on and on about something. You weren't really good at reading lips much. Then she left for the bathroom a few moments later. It was now awkward. You looked down as you seen him glance back at you. Please don't come over please don't come over.  You wiped your eyes and heard a seat be pulled out in front of you.

"Hey what's up?" Shoto asked in a bored tone as he set his phone down, full interest on you.

"My ice cream has melted" You said with a pouting face to cover up your real emotions you were building up.

"Shouldn't you be waiting for her to get back then, this is your date after all. She wouldn't like it if she seen you talking to me"

"And what makes you think that"

"because I know what girls can do Shoto, you don't" You replied with a sigh as you messed with your now soup ice cream in your cup. Might as well be a milkshake, but as you mess with it you seen his ice cream be moved in front of your face.

"Shoto no this is yours, what did I tell you about sharing with me"

"Have it, I'm not in the mood for ice cream anyway" He said with a curious expression as he watched you look at him confused. You started to eat his happily and talked to him in between bites. He chuckled as he grabbed a napkin and wiped your cheek and chin since you got ice cream all over your mouth. Your face went deep red as he just at your eyes, moving his gaze down to your lips with an instant. You leaned forward and kissed him, you didn't know what had gotten in to you, you just had enough. You stood up from your chair and covered your mouth in shock.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so very sorry....I should go...I ruined everything for you..." You said as you grabbed your bag and made your way over to the door only to get stopped by him before even reaching the handle to escape. tears were forming in your eyes as he turned you around and stared at you.

"You did nothing wrong...I honestly wanted to do that to you as well....When I seen you with Shoji even though I knew he wouldn't do that to you it made me jealous not to mention I haven't had any fun on this date so far. I just missed you and felt like I could have more fun with you out like this" Shoto's face was red as he stared in to your eyes, he felt that way about you?

"But what about her, you can't just abandon your date like that Shoto. Don't be rude okay, I like you too, after your done with your date with her meet me at the dorms, we can hang out then" You replied as you leaned in and kissed his lips lightly with delight. He nodded his head with a sigh and cupped your cheek.

"I should have gone with you in the first place Y/n, i'm sorry I was so blind"

"It's okay Shoto, it's fine now trust me. Just go through with this and I'll hang out with Shoji okay. We will see each other at the dorms later, promise" You said with on last peck on the cheek before you seen your two friends you came there with come out of the bathroom. Tokoyami did look a little sick and as you pointed towards the door Shoji nodded his head. You smiled at Shoto one last time and blew him a kiss before you left him there. Wondering why this was the time he got the memo that he liked you instead.

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