[Jirou Kyouka x Reader] Guitar

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You smiled slightly as you picked up your old guitar case from the ground of your room. You haven't touched the thing in years and were surprised greatly that it was even still around. You didn't even remember bringing it with you to the dorms...maybe you thought there was something else in the case or your mom put it in your pile of things you wanted to bring with you. You sighed as you un-zipped the case and found the beauty in side just how you left it all those years ago. There wasn't even a layer of dust on the to. You picked it up with your hands as you sat back down on your bed. Running a hand through your hair as you stared at your alarm clock on your bed side table.

"A little practice wouldn't hurt at 8:00 right? No one is asleep by then any way...well probably Bakugou since he does go to bed early...Luckily he's on the third floor which is far enough away from me as I can get" You muttered to yourself as you grabbed your pick laying in the case and ran it down the strings. Realizing you had to re tune the instrument in front of you in order to play and have it sound good. It didn't take long which surprised you since you had barely any memory of your guitar in general. You took a deep breath and started to play like you used to. Not realizing that your door was a small bit opened up by someone on the outside.

You smiled as you listened to your music, humming along with the tune as you muttered the lyrics along with it. You couldn't help but say you missed playing a lot that was for sure. Memories flooded back from when you were little and played. You smiled and shut your eyes, letting your fingers do the work since you memorized what cords were where. As you were in your moment the door finally opened fully and revealed Jirou with her mouth open in awe. You jumped and stopped playing immediately, throwing your guitar across the bed as your face went red with embarrassment. She waved her hands and laughed as she ran a hand through her hair nervously.

"S-Sorry I didn't want you to stop Y/n, your music is outstanding. When were you going to tell me about it, you left me hanging dude." She laughed as she walked in to your room. You bit your bottom lip as she sat down next to you and looked over your guitar. Running her hands over the designs  you made at the bottom with a smile on her face.

"I uh haven't played in forever and wasn't really planning to but I seen that I brought it with me so i just decided to give it a go again you know." you replied with a small chuckle as you messed with the sleeve on your shirt slightly in nervousness.

"Um did you need anything Jirou or did you just over hear me from down the hallway" You asked, dreading the second option since it meant everyone else could hear you. She looked like she finally realized something when those words left your mouth, the ends of her lips curled as she nodded her head slightly and set your guitar back down on to the bed.

"Yes I just so happened to need an extension cord, my charger is as far away from my bed as possible so I have to set it on my desk and well it can't reach it with out one. Plus I don't feel like remodeling when we just moved in a few days ago you know what I'm saying." She chuckled slightly as she glanced around your room in curiosity. You nodded your head and got up from your bed to search to your cabinets for one. You weren't sure where you had put it in the first place since you just through your things in the cabinets randomly besides your clothes.

"So where did you learn how to play then Y/n? did your parents teach you when you were young or are you self taught?"

"Uh yeah my dad taught me when I was little, he always said that if I knew how to play i would get the chicks....I couldn't really continue on though since he left for work in the U.S since they needed extra hero's for a few cases...He's been over there for going on four years....I just hope he watched the sports festival like he said he would if I ever got in" You replied with a long sigh as you kept looking for the extension cord. Getting extremely frustrated with just shoving your stuff randomly in the shelves, you were regretting this so much now.

"Oh I'm so sorry Y/n I didn't know....at least when he comes back he has a surprise to come back to. A great son that works hard everyday to become the world's next greatest hero....and already has his hero license" She replied with a soft grin as she started to play on your guitar. Playing a soft and beautiful melody which you weren't surprised she could do since her her dad taught her everything to be a musician. You smiled widely as you reached in the shelf and found the cord she had wanted earlier but you kind of just wanted her to stay a small bit longer. You stood up from the ground and walked over to your bed where she sat. She smiled brightly at you as you offered the cord to her. She handed you your guitar in exchange for the cord.

"Maybe we could with together some time, I would really enjoy that with you. Just don't stop playing okay, you have natural talent." Jirou said as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink as she smiled at you. You were surprised she wanted to play with you but it was kind of an honor. You nodded your head with a wide grin in return,

"Yeah that would be pretty awesome if we jammed out together some time" You replied as you leaned on your door frame when she walked out of your room. She smiled softly as she looked away from you, it looked like she was trying to decide something in that moment but the time passed as she started to walk down the hallway back towards her room.

"You better make that a promise Y/n, because I will seriously bug you to death if you won't play your guitar with me" You chuckled after hearing those words escape from her mouth.

"It's a promise Jirou" You replied before heading back inside your room, shutting the door behind you. You stared at your guitar, a the ends of your lips curled in to a smile as you set it back in the case. Bringing back the old memory was worth it, because now you got to hang out with the girl that has interested you ever since you had come to this school. Absolutely worth it, dad was right you would get the chicks.

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