[Jirou Kyouka x Reader] Rooftop

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"Dude I'm going to ask her out, I mean just look at her over there. God she is one beautiful lady to look at don't you think" Denki asked as he pointed over at her for you and Sero to look. You had to agree with him, why you my ask. Because you have a huge crush on the girl as well, always have since day one of U.A. You have always loved how mysterious she is and how stubborn she can be. She was perfect in your eyes and you felt like Denki only liked her because he just saw her for her one morning. He has told both you and Sero that he was going to go after Uraraka and Hagakure, not Mina of course since she was and calls herself the mom of our group we have.

Sero glanced over at you and patted your shoulder slightly, understanding your pain since you told only him about your crush for her. You flashed him a smile and shrugged glancing down at the ground in sadness.

"Alright wish me luck" Denki said as he started to make his way over. Sero turned towards you and placed his hand on your shoulder.

"You okay dude I know you luck her and stuff"

"Yeah just peachy, I'll be out on the rooftop if you need me" You replied with a sigh as you walked up the stairs. You stuck your hands in your hoodie pouch as you made your way up, you just needed to clear your head of everything that has happened to you. You knew you should have asked her out before Denki but your nerves and second guessing got the best of you. You just thought you weren't good enough to be with her. She is straight forward so if she didn't like you she would say it to your face.

You wondered if that was how it was going to go for Denki, he is out there and is known for being a perv like Mineta. Maybe it won't go good for him, not that you wish that for him yo just wished you had a chance with her. Just one date or something to see if it would work out between you both. You were stuck so much in your thoughts that you didn't realize that you were already opening the door to the roof top. 

It was your thinking space that you liked having, you felt that no one could bother you in anyway and you have only told two people about it. You let out a disappointed sigh as you sat against the brick below. Your mind immediately wondering every where, to any possibility that could happen right now with him and her. Playing it out in your mind like a mini movie. You clenched your fist tightly as you glanced down. Regretting your chance to ask her out, you should have just given her a note or sent her a text asking her. 

As you were in thought though you heard the hatch leading up to the roof open. You didn't bother turning around though since you thought it was just Sero coming up with drinks or something to take my mind off of everything. But you didn't hear his voice, he would have immediately said something as soon as he came up so who is it. 

You felt a small tap on your shoulder and with a sigh you turned around to find her. You jumped in your spot and fell back as you gazed at her. What was she doing up here, why now, where is Denki at? All these questions were in your head as your eyes met hers. Your gaze soon went down to her lips with an urge. 

"W-what are you doing up here Jirou?"

"I could ask you the same (Nickname)" She replied as she took a seat next to you and stared off in to the trees. You looked at her in awe, she looked so perfect with the lighting up here it was magical.

"Did Denki ask you yet?" You couldn't help but ask her, she let out an annoyed sigh and glared slightly. It didn't go well you were guessing.

"Yeah....he just did a few minutes ago which I don't understand why, I have no interest in him what's so ever....so I turned him down and as I was going to go up in to my room Sero said if you wanted to be alone just go up to the roof. Since Denki didn't know about the spot I took the chance and well your up here too so"

"Would you want me to leave then, I could if you want to be alon-"

"No wait don't leave, I didn't mean it like that it's just. When you want to be secluded you want to go some where quiet and think.....why are you up here then" She asked as she glanced over at you, her eyes mapping around your body.

"Just thinking....this is my thinking spot...I come up here when something is bothering me or to just chill and relax....I'm thinking of bringing a mini fridge up here but have no clue how to plug it in" You laughed making her laugh actually as well. She looked at you and smiled, her cheeks went red as she quickly looked away from you.

"You can use this spot when ever you feel like you need to get away from the world like I do, I just need to get away some times you know"

"Yes....I feel that way a lot actually....but can I ask you something"


"Was the reason why you came up here to think was because of Denki going to ask me out....I know you two are close...maybe it bothered you" Your cheeks heated up suddenly, how did she figure it out so quickly. You hadn't even given it away yet, you ran a hand through your hair with a sigh as looked away to hide your blush, what should you tell her?


"Then why didn't you ask me first dummy, I would have said yes you know" 

"You....you would have?"

"Well yeah, Denki isn't my type but you are you dork. I've liked what I have seen of you, your personality, your humor even your looks.....yeah I would have liked to hear those words come from you" Your face went an even darker shade of red as you looked at her in shock...she liked you? After worrying so much over her she actually has the same feelings. You stood up from your spot and grabbed her attention. She looked over at you with worry that she did something wrong. You walked over to her quickly and cupped her cheek, kissing her lips ever so slightly like you had imagined.

"Would you go out with me then Jirou?"

"Yes of course I will"

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