[Shoto Todoroki x Reader] Lost

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You shook in your spot, realizing that you were left alone in the woods. It all happened so fast, we all just got up from going down the hill where the bus brought us to. There were these tree spirits in front of us which was out first challenge there at the training camp. Of course you having one of the top Quirks in your class you took action with Deku, Todoroki and Bakugou.

Then you ran up in front and everyone disappeared from your vision, only one person knew about your fear and anxiety of being left alone. That was Shoto, you had ended up telling him late in the afternoon on your way home from dinner with the group. You decided that you could actually trust him enough to tell him. Ever since then he has always kept an eye out for you just in case.

"Shoto cam I tell you something" you asked as you held your hands together and walked by him down the sidewalk. He removed his hand from his pocket and nodded his head slightly. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"When I was little my mother used to lock me in the closet if I caused her any trouble. For long periods of time, she even left me in there over night once and forgot about me. It's similar to your dad kind of you know. My mom is a rich asshole...."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because ever since then I have been deathly afraid of being alone and secluded....I just wanted to let you know in case I'm ever in that situation....I trust you more then anyone here in this class" My face was beat red as I just told him. Running a shaky hand through my hair. He stopped and grabbed a hold of my hand.

"I promise I will protect you if that ever happens"

Now here you were shivering as you looked around. You felt tears weld up in your eyes as you looked around and heard distant crashing noises far away from you. You covered your ears and crouched down, your breathing got heavy as you crouched there near the ground. Tears started to form in your eyes. If it wasn't for your mother trapping you in the closet when you were younger you would be able to meet back up with the others. But your body wouldn't let you walk.

"Shoto will come.....he h-has to" You muttered underneath your breath. Keeping your mind on him only. You just couldn't move, no matter how hard you would try. Your mind went to him. How his eyes seemed to light up from his usual serious state when he saw you. How he got flustered over the simplest of things. You smiled slowly as you thought about him....your crush. You needed his comfort right now, you want to feel his warmth, his arms wrapped around you. More tears fell from your eyes as you held your knees. Shaky breaths escaped from your mouth.

"SHOTO!" You cried out, sobbing slightly as you stood there. You never wanted to give up but this was getting to be to much for even you to handle. You couldn't hear any response to your yell, you bit your bottom lip as hard as you could. Trying not to think of the worst outcomes that surrounded your thoughts.

"Shoto....please help me" you muttered as you wiped your blurry eyes. Finally taking a first step from your place you had been.You slowly stood up from the ground and started to walk towards the sounds you were hearing through out the forest. The loud banging and the faint yelling coming from the north. You could only hope he was there. Your vision was still blurry as you walked but you had to get out if there. You needed to find him no matter what.

You stopped to try and catch your breath some since you were having a panic attack as you walked. As you stopped you heard stomping coming in front of you. You lifted your head, your eyes went wide as you seen the spirit. You lifted your hand up slowly to try and defend yourself with your Quirk. But as you were trying to fire nothing would come out of your hand. You stood there helpless in front of the being. It lifted up its foot to stomp on you soon after. You closed your eyes and waited for your body to be crushed.

"NOOO!" you heard a familiar voice yell. no pain came, all you felt was icy coolness in front of you. You opened your eyes and dropped to your knees. Tears fell to the ground as you stared at the spirit, ice trapping its body. As soon as you got a good look of the being you felt arms wrap around you tightly.


"I'm so sorry, I tried to find you once we all got split up and you weren't there where I last saw you" he explained and held on to your shirt tighter then before. You sobbed in to his chest as soon as the shock of it all went away. He rubbed your back and lifted you up on to his lap. Running his hand through your hair to calm you down.

"I'm so so sorry Y/n, god you scared the hell out of me....I thought I wouldn't find you...i just got a glance of you in front of that thing and I couldn't help my self. I'm so sorry" He kept saying as you gripped on to his shirt, breathing in his scent. He rocked you back and forth on the ground to comfort you. You pulled your face back from his chest and felt his cold hand wipe his tears away from your eyes. He cupped your cheek and rested his forehead against yours.

"I'm sorry Y/n" he said once more.

"I-it's fine Shoto....you don't have to a-apologize"

"But I promised to take care of you, I made a promise and I had no clue where you were at....I'll make it up to you okay" Shoto replied as he lifted you up from the ground quickly. You looked in to his eyes with a smile, your face went red as you felt his lips touch your forehead.

"I won't ever do that to you again for as long as I live" He muttered as he started to run as fast as he could with you in his arms. He fired his ice at the spirits in our way. You wanted to help but everytime you tried to get out of his grip it became tighter. His expression was stern and filled with concern as he held you. You sighed and rested your head against his chest holding your other arm out to fire at the spirits and help him.

Time flew by as quick as possible since you both ended up to be the first ones there at the place you were going to stay. He glanced down at you with a smile, frost bite covered his cheek from his much he over used his Quirk. He smiled as he set yo down on the ground next to him. You couldn't help but hug him as tight as you could. He lifted your head up with his hand, a blush covered his cheeks as he stared in to you E/c orbs.

"I won't ever let that happen to you again okay I promise Y/n" He said as he slowly started to lean down, kissing your lips softly as he wrapped his arm around your waist. Does this mean he wants to be-.

"Y/n I will do my best to protect you and to help you in any way possible. Starting with wanting a relationship with you....would you be my girlfriend?" You stared at him in shock and smiled widely. You nodded your head and buried your head in his chest again. He chuckled slightly as he moved his arm around your shoulders and walked with you towards the main building where Aizawa sat with the cat girls.

You couldn't help but think that you would get over your free quickly now.  You loved this man walking beside you and knew that he would make the most greatest impact on your life. You were excited for what the future had to bring for you both and you did have a feeling that you truly would get over your fear for the first time in your life with his help.

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