[Eijirou Kirishima x Reader] Sick Day

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you sighed as you covered your face with your hands lightly. Rubbing your eyes to fully wake yourself in the late after noon. you must have slept in...Oh yeah you remember this morning. you got sick around 6 in the morning today and threw up twice. Great way to start off the day huh. you remember leaving a message for Mr. Aizawa last night saying you wouldn't be at school today but you know you didn't tell any one else which meant a lot of notifications were going to be on your phone. you rolled over and buried your head in to the warm pillow you rested your head on. Trying to grab your phone from the side table with out getting up from your spot. you felt around on the table and finally touched the cold screen. Grabbing it with your hand and pulled it over to your face.

"it's one...wow I really over *cough* slept" you muttered to yourself as you set your phone back down next to you. School was almost over already which meant your mom was coming home soon. She knew about your absence but she still would bother you if you didn't take anything to take the cold away. As you shut your eyes once more to get some sleep but you heard your phone go off next to you. you lazily grabbed your phone and glanced at who texted you.

Eiji : Hey why weren't you at school today

Eiji : Did something happen?

you smiled as you looked at his contact for a long time, Of course he was the first one to answer. you either thought it would have been him, Midoriya or Uraraka so you guess you were right. you didn't know if you should answer right now though...if he was texting you then that meant he would probably check in to see how you were doing. He lived near by as well which didn't help matters much. you sighed disappointingly as you shut your phone off and stared at the wall, curling up in to a ball so your stomach would hurt less.

"Y/n I'm home dear, hope you're feeling better" you heard your mom yell from down stairs. That was about the time she usually came home, you just forgot she was gone. you smiled as shut your eyes again, trying to think of something other then the pain you had. you just couldn't relax though, it was hard to with a stabbing pain that kept you awake.

 After a while of hearing noise down stairs you heard the door bell ring and footsteps going to the door. you groaned as you through your blankets off your body and heard her laugh slightly...who was down there?

"Y/n honey you have company coming up to you" She yelled from down stairs. your eyes shot open, who was here and why? you haven't texted any one today and now someone is coming over. Unless a villain found out where you lived and came to kidnap you. A shiver went down your spine from how cold your room was after pushing your blanket off. you guess your body didn't recognize the cold. As you were in thought you heard a knock at your door. The door creaked open like it normally would and there stood your ruby eyed friend with his school uniform still on. He must have come straight from school over to here, that's so sweet of him.

"So that's why you didn't show up to school today then" He said as he shut the door behind him and sat his bag on the ground next to your bed. you felt the mattress cave in from his weight next to you. you opened your eye slightly to see his grinning face, your cheeks grew red and heated as he sat there next to you. His brow knitted together as he leaned over and felt your forehead with his some what warm hand.

"Maybe a low fever...but your cheeks are beat red...do you have any medicine around here?" He asked as he looked around your bedroom. Even though he has been here before and knows you don't have any.

"I don't want medicine" you whined like a small child as you faced away from him. He chuckled as he stood up from the bed and left to go out to the bathroom. Great now you had to take medicine, this day is just peachy isn't it. He came back in no time with a bottle of pinkish red liquid. Pouring some in to the small cup it came with to take the right dosage. He leaned over and held the cup near your face. you frowned and moved farther away from him, you never want to take medicine and you're not starting now.

"Y/n you have to take this or else you won't get better and come back to school" Kirishima said sweetly as he moved some what closer to you. Why do you have to be difficult Eijirou you wondered as you moved even more. you felt him grab your wrist softly and made you move closer to him. you moved your head out of the way so you couldn't take the medicine but he still had an idea up his sleeve. He drank the cup when you weren't looking and leaned down close to your face. He kissed your chapped lips softly and released the liquid in your mouth, making you swallow it whole. He removed his lips from yours and smiled sweetly at you as you stared at him in utter shock. your face was beat red from what he had done, your hear skipped a beat as you stared in to his dark red orbs.

"I could take medicine all day if it was like that" you muttered as you stared at him, watching his smile turn in to a grin as he set the medicine on the bed side table. He straddled your hips slightly and smiled as he leaned down and kissed your lips once more, this time it last longer and without the vulgar taste of medicine in your mouths.

"You know you're going to get sick if you stay here with my Eijirou"

"Yeah well I had to make sure you were okay you know. I was worried with the league of villains in all I needed to make sure you were okay" Kirishima replied  as he held your hand in his. He was just so nice and caring, you were falling for him so hard. He got off of you and laid behind you. Spooning you from behind,

"Besides your mom said I could take care of you all I wanted and since we don't have school tomorrow I figured I could stay" Kirishima said with a grin, just like when you were little kids huh.

"That sounds like  a great idea Kirishima" you said as you shut your eyes and yawned slightly.

"Didn't you just wake up or something"

"Eijirou I feel like literal shit right now, I deserve a little nap with you after a rough day okay" you heard him giggle as he rested his head on the back of your neck. That's all you could really do any way was sleep, you felt that if you just slept the day away the sickness would go away faster.

"I'll wake you up in a few hours so you don't waste the day away completely alright" 

"And how will you do that if you are napping with me?" you asked with a grin as you realized his mistake. He was quiet, trying to find the words to correctly say but nothing came to mind at the moment. 

"If either of us wakes up before the other we will wake each other up...Deal" He answered the silence after a few seconds. you nodded your head, moving his on accident since you forgot he was right behind you. He grunted slightly and snuggled even deeper with your body.

"They say laughter is the best medicine but I truly think love is" He muttered, his voice sounding sleepy as he talked. You blushed as you looked towards your door with impatiences for falling asleep, sighing as you felt him interlock his fingers with yours around your waist. His soft snores were easily heard in your quiet room. All you could do was smile at all of this that he has done for me. He is truly a great friend and you couldn't ask for any one better to take care of you when you're sick and in general.  

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